Beware of Search and set me back!


New Member
Well I love S & D and my hair usually loves it, but I was sitting in the kitchen by the window last week and the sunlight was at such a good angle that I got my good pair of scissors and started going through each section S & D'ing. I removed ALL of the bent, curled or split ends. The light was so good that I even removed all the hairs that had transparencies toward the ends.

Well I keep length progress strings taped to the inside of a closet door (I know, I know...very anal) and when I went to length check I expected 7/8" more than last time and it measured THE SAME as last time. I was so depressed thinking I had reached a plateau or even worse my terminal length. I measured and remeasured to get the same numbers. I have virtually NO breakage, but I do have about 7 weeks NG, but I had lightly flat-ironed it so I could do the length check.

Then it dawned on me....the S & D! Geez! I've always thought of S & D as "safe" but it set me back 7 weeks. Then I also remembered that I went through my hair with the Split-Ender! Ahhhhh!

I think so many of us are on a quest for the perfect ends which don't exist because hair does not grow even and you only can get them by trimming, and I got a rude awakening. I am NOT TRIMMING OR S&D'ing or SPLIT ENDER'ing until I get a solid 3 more inches which will put me to my next goal.

For me, I think I get close to my goal and then I think the scissors are actually going to help speed it up somehow...silly.
Maybe you are doing a lil' too much, with the S&D and the Splitender. I personally don't trim unless absolutely necessary! And sometimes thats long periods of time! I have an associate that hasn't trimmed in a year and her ends are fabulous and her hair is as healthy as can be!
yes girl I agree with you, I was doing the search and destroy, and one day my ends looked real bad due to too much hair dye and I tried to trim my hair, it set me back big time, my hair was uneven and everything, and I tried to even it without cutting it, but it didn't work, so I just cut my hair to neck length and I'm going to start over, I believe search and destroy can hinder your hair growth process if done too much.
OT: @Janet' I'm so glad you put that pic in your siggy. I LOVE IT!!!! You look GAWGEOUS!!!!