Search and Destroy Questions?????

I have been doing a serious S&D this week. Since my hair is usually cornrowed I don't often have the time or access to do it, so I'm taking advantage while my hair is down.

The way I do it, and the way I had read to do it, was to go through and look for SPLITS. I don't snip off every end that sticks out when I do the twist method. Twisting it allows only a few hairs at a time to stick out, this way I can scrutinize them more carefully :detective: and see the splits that are hiding amongst the other hairs. I don't cut any hair that isn't split, or doesn't have a single stand knot in it. If it's healthy, I leave it be. Only the damaged hair gets snipped.

I don't think it's bad to do this too frequently, as I am not harming the healthy hairs in any way. I am only removing splits before they can tangle up in my other hair and cause knots and breakage, or before the split can travel up the hair shaft.
S&D's are when you're looking at individual strands as opposed to snipping of the ends right? Doing it the 1st way gives me eye strain which gives me headache so I can never quite get into it. I suppose if you surround yourself with mirrors you'll have better luck getting more. Or just do a section of hair every so often. Maybe when my hair gets longer. I have crazy layers randomly, I can get into it.

OMG YES @ the bolded. I guess thats why I loathe the method too, my eyes feel like they are about to pop clean out of my head when I am doing it! :nono: It is def. a tedious process.....
sorry to be tardy on my promise to deliver pics of my bun....

lately i have been waering a half wig. so i have been putting two buns on the side ( mickey mouse style sorta) and one in the back to decrease stress on any one area.

i make them by braiding my hair and rolling into a cin bun shape. i am not very talented at making beautiful buns like a lot of ladies on this site (<<<<<this is my disclaimer ) :)

