Being the Other Woman...But Not By Choice


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever been in a situation like this? I'm not talking about a situation where you knew up front he was married but still decided to kick it with him anyway. I'm talking about you met him, he either didn't tell you he was married or denied the fact that he was married, and later you found out otherwise. Basically, you didn't get to choose not to be with a married man, he made the decision for you by lying.

How did you find out?
How long were you with him before you found out?
Were there any "signs"?
How did the relationship end? Did you confront him about it or just walk away?
Did the wife find out about you?
If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied?
Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I won't stone you...(others may though, lol)

ETA: Can you all please keep this related only to married men? Thanks! :)
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How did you find out?
How long were you with him before you found out?
Were there any "signs"?
How did the relationship end? Did you confront him about it or just walk away?
Did the wife find out about you?
If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied?
Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I won't stone you...(others may though, lol)

REsponse- This happened to me twice in life. The first time, a friend of mine realized that i did not know and told me. The second time, his behavior told me something was wrong. He later admitted it.

First time, I was with the guy for a few months. We saw each other daily and he stayed overnight several times a week even though his wife and child lived right down the road. Second time, it was a few weeks maybe a month. Started off hot and heavy then took a sharp decline and the lies that came out of his mouth, not even believable.

I ended the first one. We were in the military. He lost a stripeand acted as if he hated me after that. The second one, he just disappeared.

No wife ever contacted me so i don't know if they ever knew about me or not.

No man will ever explain why they lied- it is just something they do (learned that later in life).

Didn't stay in either one after finding out. BTW- i will add that neither had a ring on or a tan line. I did look for that first.
Anyone ever been in a situation like this? I'm not talking about a situation where you knew up front he was married but still decided to kick it with him anyway. I'm talking about you met him, he either didn't tell you he was married or denied the fact that he was married, and later you found out otherwise. Basically, you didn't get to choose not to be with a married man, he made the decision for you by lying.

How did you find out? I got suspicious
How long were you with him before you found out? seriously, 6 months
Were there any "signs"? Yes, and that is why I was supsicious. However I had had a tough time trusty men anyway, and questioned my instincts, opting to give him the benefit of the doubt. He basically took to long to A) stay a full night over with me; and B)take me to his place. He also spent too much time working, although in the end that is not related to him being married (that part was not a lie, I mean).
How did the relationship end? I stopped messing with him.
Did you confront him about it or just walk away? I confronted him, after I gathered my evidence, I was angry from the last ex and had decided no one was going to come into my life, fcuk with me, and walk away unscathed.
Did the wife find out about you? Yup I called her and told her. To this day I am not sure if it was her i spoke with, though, more on that later.
If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied? It took him a long time to admit to lying. He stuck by that damned lie with an iron grip for a while...then after some time he told me that basically he had to have me, and knew that I wouldn't have given him a chance if he had been upfront and told me he was separated (not divorced).
Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I won't stone you...(others may though, lol) I wouldn't say I stayed in the relationship, but I still spoke with him. I was really upset about it and had become attached to him. But I found after distancing myself from him my head was able to clear and let me remember that there is no way he could ever be trusted again, so even if any of his stories would have been true, why bother?

ETA: Can you all please keep this related only to married men? Thanks! :)

I have been extraordinarily embarrassed about this for a long time, and haven't shared much to anyone about it, but I will now since you are asking.

I met the man in the gym, 4 or 5 months after breaking up with my long time ex. So I was vulnerable and maybe he picked that up? I don't know. He was the sweetest thing; he stared at me in the gym, he said good morning to me, and finally asked for my number and then we had our first date. He was older (35 at the time, I was 29); when he asked me if I was married I was careful to ask him if HE was married. Of course he said no.

It was hard from the beginning b/c he worked two jobs. He called me from them and also I went to them so I know that to be true. He told me about his past love life before we went to bed. He had been previously married for about 5 years. I was worried about the marriage b/c I don't think people should give up easily...I wondered about his commitment level. But my girls said, he doesn't have kids, he works (the last one barely did :rolleyes:) give the man a chance? I was sure to ask him if he was actually divorced, and that was where the lying began. We were dating/talking 4 months before we slept together.

He told me after the divorce he moved out of their big house to live with his unlce and his wife, whom he couldn't stand. Since he was under their roof (they also had children), and got off work at an insane time, me being over there wasn't going to happen easily.

He took me out, we had a great time together, and he was fine. I thought I should mention all those things. The amount of time we spent together was small though, although I wasn't really sweating it b/c I honestly still had feelings for the ex, and was busy with school. I wasn't really paying attention to what was cooking in the oven, you know?

Now, there were a few prime times that came for him to take me there and to meet his family - and it didn't happen after he said it would. It was always something. At this point, I began to dig. I should insert here that before we had slept together, I had run a background check that showed he was clear on marital status.

I did the search again, and obtained an address for a home owned by him. Now, I was never told the address of uncles house, but I knew the city and county. So when I saw the address listed under his name, my heart just started thumping really hard. Remember, he didn't own a house? I knew then 90% chance I had been had, but I just couldn't stop there.

The report listed many people that were family members, household members, or associates. Funny enough I didn't see the aunty and uncle name ANYWHERE on the list...and I didn't see the previous he had owned with wifey, but I sure saw her name right there under his (he had told it too me earlier - one of his slip ups I suppose).

The thing was, I couldn't determine from the first report about the divorce (whether it was final or even filed) b/c they had been married in a different state. Keep that in mind, ladies, you need to know where the marriage was originally held when you search....

So I was able to confirm he did own the house by going to clerk of courts. I also googled a phone number listed on the report and that was in her name. Now I am crying and shaking.

The next day, I decided to call the number, and ask for Mike. The conversation was really strange...a woman answered the phone, asked who I was. I said, "His girlfriend" rather strongly. She said, well, "Michael is married" I said, "Well, i was under impression he wasn' this Takiyah I am speaking with?" After a hesitation, she said she was. I said, well, I'm sorry about this, but I was told he was divorced. She said, "Well, you know, you just have to do your research. They lie, you know. You just have to be on your toes" WTF?!

That lady did not seem to even care. So I was denied any satifaction he would at least get into some sort of trouble about it...he totally got away with it...

I left him a message stating I had spoken to someone who said she was his wife (still am not sure if it was her or not, but whatever), and he could leave me alone. He then called me back asking why I had left that message (crafy - he wanted to see just what damage had been done, I'm sure).

I told him most of what I had found. The funniest part was, when he told me he had no knowledge of his aunt and uncle's phone in his ex wife's name, and that he had no knowledge of his name being on the DEED of the home.

Oh, did I mention part of claim to fame was he bought and sold real estate? I don't think I have even been as insulted as I was at that time...what a stupid lie.

Anyway, that is how I busted him. He maintained that his wife must have pulled some trick and had him sign some papers but he didn't really know she was putting the house in his name - and he held that lie for a long time. It was pathetic.

So, that is my embarrassing story. Now I can't ever give any man any "benefit of the doubt". Everything must be clear and easy from the beginning, no long drawn out stories, nothing.

I feel sorry for the wife :nono:.

ETA: I wanted to add, after reading what CD said, that this man had no rings either. After he was busted and trying to get me back, he tried to pull a "technicality" with me about his deception.

He said, "But I never said I was divorced, I said I wasn't married; which is true b/c I don't feel married to her". I swear he said that.

And then I had to remind him that I had indeed asked him if he was divorced, and he was just a big fat liar.

He did later apologize to me, saying he knew I didn't want to date a married man and he had taken that choice from me. Small consolation.
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I still have not worked through this. My mom took it upon herself to find a man for me on the Internet. I met the guy and I didn't like him. I wasn't attracted to him and something was off about him. She kept telling me to give it a chance. I did and I have been damaged ever since. I dated him for 1.5 yrs before I found out he was married. He lied about his age, his wife, his kids, and his living situation.
How did you find out? I got the clue when I was at his house for the weekend. His "sister and her kids" were out of town for the weekend. Their living room displayed a poster sized pic of the "sister" in her wedding dress and huge pics of him, the sister, and the kids in a family photo. There was also a Mother's Day card on the table that read..."Love your hubby, Kirby" I could go on, but...
How long were you with him before you found out? 1.5 years. That was my first time at his house.
Were there any "signs"? OMG...everywhere. I was just lonely, young, and stupid. In 1.5 years, that was my first time at his house!!!
How did the relationship end? It got violent.
Did you confront him about it or just walk away? Yes, I confronted him and he would not walk away. He would not leave me alone. He's still married and that was four years ago.
Did the wife find out about you? There were so many of us.
If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied? His only excuse was that they had grown apart, but to this day they are still married.
Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I stayed for another six months because he told me they were working on the divorce. They never even filed papers. They are still married and screwing each other to this day.
I still have not worked through this. My mom took it upon herself to find a man for me on the Internet. I met the guy and I didn't like him. I wasn't attracted to him and something was off about him. She kept telling me to give it a chance. I did and I have been damaged ever since. I dated him for 1.5 yrs before I found out he was married. He lied about his age, his wife, his kids, and his living situation.
How did you find out? I got the clue when I was at his house for the weekend. His "sister and her kids" were out of town for the weekend. Their living room displayed a poster sized pic of the "sister" in her wedding dress and huge pics of him, the sister, and the kids in a family photo. There was also a Mother's Day card on the table that read..."Love your hubby, Kirby" I could go on, but...
How long were you with him before you found out? 1.5 years. That was my first time at his house.
Were there any "signs"? OMG...everywhere. I was just lonely, young, and stupid. In 1.5 years, that was my first time at his house!!!
How did the relationship end? It got violent.
Did you confront him about it or just walk away?Yes, I confronted him and he would not walk away. He would not leave me alone. He's still married and that was four years ago.
Did the wife find out about you? There were so many of us.
If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied? His only excuse was that they had grown apart, but to this day they are still married.
Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I stayed for another six months because he told me they were working on the divorce. They never even filed papers. They are still married and screwing each other to this day.

They know how to play this game. It is so hard to leave someone you care about, even after something like this, especially if it was your first time being lied to like that. I don't care what anyone says; it is difficult to cut your emotions off and men exploit that to try to keep a hand on you (and in your pants). The dude in my story was the same way, he didn't really leave me alone for a LONG time. It was a test to resist him. He even came to my door leaving notes and ish.
They know how to play this game. It is so hard to leave someone you care about, even after something like this, especially if it was your first time being lied to like that. I don't care what anyone says; it is difficult to cut your emotions off and men exploit that to try to keep a hand on you (and in your pants). The dude in my story was the same way, he didn't really leave me alone for a LONG time. It was a test to resist him. He even came to my door leaving notes and ish.

EXACTLY!!! The fool would leave letters on my last boyfriend's truck. He would knock on the door like he had lost his mind whenever he was over. I have been dating guys and out of the blue, they just quit calling. I don't know if it is his doing, but I wouldn't put it past him.
I met this man at a dinner. We really hit it off and I was so happy that I met him. He wanted to take me out to hang out with him and his friends, but for some reason I did not go. Anyway we continued to talk on the phone, but for some reason I just would not go out with him.

One day I came home and checked the caller i.d. and then I realize that the number has a female's name, but his last name. So I am thinking that maybe it is his mother's number or maybe his daughter is old enough to have her own line and he is calling me from her number. The next time, I talk to him I ask him who is "____". He says, "My wife."

I was so dissapointed that he was married because I really liked him. He had the qualities that I am looking for or at least I thought. I told him that there was no way that I was going to get involved with a married man.

I just happened to run into him recently with his entire family. I got to meet the wife and all FOUR kids.

I just want to add that he was not wearing a ring when I met him. He lied to me and told me that he was wearing his ring and that I saw it and I didn't care. :rolleyes:
How did you find out?
A mutual friend told me. After that I actually found a engagement announcement on the internet for them dated a couple of months after we met.

How long were you with him before you found out? 2yrs

Were there any "signs"? All over the place

How did the relationship end? Did you confront him about it or just walk away? I walked away...I didn't wanna hear shznit. I might have become violent if he tried to lie his way out of it, and I really needed my job at the time.

Did the wife find out about you? Not that I know of. But I did hear that some girl had a baby by him and he was denying paternity.
Thank you all for sharing your stories. WinterinATL, I'm especially grateful to you because I know it must have been hard for you to share your story.

As you all can probably guess, I'm going through a similar situation. It means a lot to hear your stories and know that I'm not the only unfortunate as that may be. I too have felt embarrassed and stupid and incredibly confused. My situation is so very complicated that it's been giving me a headache just thinking about it all. So here's my (LONG) Nstory....

How did you find out?
Ahh, the joys of the information technology age. Thanks to the internet, I found out my guy was less than honest with me. I had a feeling that something wasn't right and that he was only being partly honest with me. Whenever I meet a guy, I do a search of 4 local websites. The sexual offender site, the clerk of courts (criminal records), probate (marriage licenses), and the auditor's site (to see if the guy has a shared deed with woman). I did this search on him and found that there was a couple people with his name on the clerk of courts site, one person with his name on the probate, and one person on the auditor's site. They all had different middle initials, and I wasn't sure what his was, but b/c I knew the general area where he lived, I assumed the one on the auditor's site was him and thus the one on the marriage site could not be him.

About midway through knowing him he confessed that he lived with the mother of his children, basically for the sake of their kids...but that they were not together and were not married (I asked him a couple different times if he was married, each time he said no). Well, the other day he let slip the name of his children's mother. Something told me to do ANOTHER search on the probate site and sure enough, the guy with his name filed a marriage license with a girl with the bm's same name. I tried to click on the marriage license (which you are supposed to be able to do), but the option to read the license wasn't there b/c it said N/A. I was so confused because usually that means that the marriage didn't take place, but something was still telling me to dig further. So, I did another search of the auditor's site, under her name...first and maiden, nothing. So then I did a search of her first with his last name and BINGO...a house in her name in the general area I knew him to live.

How long were you with him before you found out?
We met back in April but just started to get more serious in the last 2, 2.5 months.

Were there any "signs"?
Oh boy, were there ever! He originally would call me from his personal cell phone, but after awhile he asked that I call him on another number...which I did. Only to find out that this other number was his work cell phone. I have never been to his house. He has never stayed the night (he said he had to be there in the a.m. with his kids). He claims to work a lot (which is true but I think some of his spare time is obviously spent at home with this woman and their kids). He used to not call or see me on the days that he was off work, but more so recently we were spending quite a bit of time together including his days off, so I looked past the signs. Most of the time we spent together was him at my place, the gym, or if I came to see him while he was working. And the signs go on...

How did the relationship end? Did you confront him about it or just walk away?
Here's where it really gets good! :rolleyes: I found all of this out Friday and confronted him on Saturday, face-to-face. I can tell when he's lying. He said that he is not married to her. I asked if he was at one time, he said no. I asked if he's ever been married. He said yes, but not to a woman from back home (he's from Va, the woman now lives in NC, we live in OH). I asked him if he has papers showing that the marriage is over. He said no because she refuses to sign the papers. :nono: So, he is living with his baby momma, but married to another woman. :ohwell: And he never told me any of this. He considers that he isn't married to this woman, but for whatever reason they have not divorced.

In talking to one of my friend's about this, we kinda figured that he is in fact married, but not to the woman I thought he was married to...and because he's married to this woman in NC who wouldn't sign the divorce papers, he wasn't able to marry the baby momma and that's why the license says N/A. My friend gave me a few examples of people she knows that have the same N/A on the probate site for similar reasons. She then explained that before her and her hubby got married, they signed on a home and she used her married name even though they weren't married yet b/c that's the name the house would eventually be in. It's all a complicated jumbled mess, but the thing that is most clear to me is the fact that my "relationship" with him is over. I care about him so much, but the mess he has going on in his life and his omission of such important facts is too much for me.

Did the wife find out about you?
Which one? Lol. Not that I know of.

If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied?
He doesn't feel as though he lied. He did want to know why I thought he was married though.

Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I won't stone you...(others may though, l
It's hard to break away from someone that you really care about, but I know in this case, I have to. He says that he lives with the mother of his kids because she is from VA too and if they split up she'd move back and take his kids. And of course he'd be stuck with child support. I asked him if this arrangement would go on forever, he said he didn't know. That right there is telling enough for me. He has too much baggage and too many lose ends. I deserve better!!
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How did you find out? I never really "found out". There were lots of things that were weird, and eventually I was able to put two and two together. I still don't know for sure whether he is married, but I am quite suspicious.

How long were you with him before you found out? We've been dating for 4-5 months. Nothing serious though.

Were there any "signs"? Tons. First off, I met him online, and he didn't have any pics up. Usually married men don't like to put up pics because they are afraid the wife or her friends will see. Second, he paid for everything in cash, never credit. That way, he doesn't have to explain unusual charges to the wife. He was very, very hard to reach after work, and he kept getting called away to emergency business trips on the weekends and around holidays. Sometimes he'd cancel dates with very far fetched stories about family emergencies. One big thing was this man was always glued to his cell phone. He would use the restroom frequently to take those calls. Once he did answer it while I was there, and he said he was talking to his nanny and then to his daughter. However, this sounded like a convo you'd have with an anxious wife. I can't imagine it was a nanny or a daughter.

How did the relationship end? Did you confront him about it or just walk away? The relationship was never serious to start with, so there's really nothing to walk away from. It's not even serious enough to even do any digging. If it did go to another level, I'd have to confront him about it.

Did the wife find out about you? N/A

If you confronted him, did he explain why he lied? N/A

Anyone care to admit that they stayed in the relationship even after finding out? I won't stone you...(others may though, lol) N/A
I was so dissapointed that he was married because I really liked him. He had the qualities that I am looking for or at least I thought.

After my experience, I can see why some women get caught up with married men. They do tend to have very attractive qualities and habits--the end result of having been married so long. They tend to be really good lovers, and more conscientious.
^^Maybe so. Cause I'm not a big relationship type of girl but I was so wanting to be with him....which is rare for me to want to settle down.
So Caltron are you still with him?

I hate when men trap women into dating them when they are married. It makes me so mad!!!

I do not, for one second, believe he lives in the same house as the woman he has conceived children with and is not still screwing her. That man is a liar!!
Break free before it's too late.

I do not, for one second, believe he lives in the same house as the woman he has conceived children with and is not still screwing her. That man is a liar!!
Break free before it's too late.
I'm sure he is, although I do know of people who have stayed in those situations without the sexual relationship. I even know of older people who "stayed together for the kids" but did their own thang...but not with each other. But, I don't think he's being truthful nor do I believe that their relationship is completely over...and for that reason, I am done.

I can't explain it, but before talking to him yesterday I was so ANGRY and UPSET but I still thought it would be really hard to end things. But after talking to him yesterday, I was so much more calm and I realized that I could move on and get over this.

I do not, for one second, believe he lives in the same house as the woman he has conceived children with and is not still screwing her. That man is a liar!!
Break free before it's too late.


I am so sorry that you are going through this Cincy. Hugs to you.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. It is hard, I know. I've been through something similar- I never got closure on whether he was or wasn't still married but I realized that even if he was single I deserved more of him than I was getting.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. It is hard, I know. I've been through something similar- I never got closure on whether he was or wasn't still married but I realized that even if he was single I deserved more of him than I was getting.
Glam, you're right. That's pretty much how I feel now. I deserve more and I deserve better. Things shouldn't be this complicated or confusing. I shouldn't have to "dig" or have all these questions.

I hope this thread will help at least one woman on this board see the signs and avoid a situation like this...cause it sucks.

I do not, for one second, believe he lives in the same house as the woman he has conceived children with and is not still screwing her. That man is a liar!!
Break free before it's too late.
Yup a friend of mine went thru this situation and the man wasn't even separated he was fully married, his wife was pregnant and she found out by secretly goin to his church one sunday and seeing his wife with the ring on (he was an elder or someone prominent in the church and the church made an announcement about the pregnancy during service:perplexed
So Caltron are you still with him?

I hate when men trap women into dating them when they are married. It makes me so mad!!!

It's not really a relationship. I'm mainly concentrating on dating other guys. We see each other maybe 2-3 times a month. He's a good guy to pass time with, but he isn't long term relationship type material. To tell the truth, I would just rather just not know what his status is. I know it's not serious, so I'm just sticking my head in the sand.
Yup a friend of mine went thru this situation and the man wasn't even separated he was fully married, his wife was pregnant and she found out by secretly goin to his church one sunday and seeing his wife with the ring on (he was an elder or someone prominent in the church and the church made an announcement about the pregnancy during service:perplexed
That's rough...:nono: Some men can be so awful!!!!
Glam, you're right. That's pretty much how I feel now. I deserve more and I deserve better. Things shouldn't be this complicated or confusing. I shouldn't have to "dig" or have all these questions.

I hope this thread will help at least one woman on this board see the signs and avoid a situation like this...cause it sucks.

It sure does. Especially when you think you are doing your best to protect yourself while screening the men. They are good lessons to learn, but hard ones.

What upsets me the most is the loss of being able to be who I really am when I date. "Trust no one" has never been my nature or my motto, but now it must be :sad:.
It sure does. Especially when you think you are doing your best to protect yourself while screening the men. They are good lessons to learn, but hard ones.

What upsets me the most is the loss of being able to be who I really am when I date. "Trust no one" has never been my nature or my motto, but now it must be :sad:.
It's a shame that's how it is these gotta do your research and even then research might not tell the whole story.

I feel like each time I'm in situations like this it makes me shut down a little bit more of my heart for fear of getting hurt and not being able to fully trust someone. But at the same time...the signs were there so can I really blame him? Not really...
It's a shame that's how it is these gotta do your research and even then research might not tell the whole story.

I feel like each time I'm in situations like this it makes me shut down a little bit more of my heart for fear of getting hurt and not being able to fully trust someone. But at the same time...the signs were there so can I really blame him? Not really...

This is so true, Cincy. I feel the same way, too. I think it is hard to be "open to love" when experience starts teaching you that you have to watch out all the time.
Yup a friend of mine went thru this situation and the man wasn't even separated he was fully married, his wife was pregnant and she found out by secretly goin to his church one sunday and seeing his wife with the ring on (he was an elder or someone prominent in the church and the church made an announcement about the pregnancy during service:perplexed

She stood up and put him on blast right in front of the church b/c no man like that should be a leader in ministry :wallbash:, for real!
Ok...I think I'm on the opposite side. I don't know for a FACT, but I strongly feel that my SO meets women on myspace and ..........(don't know) DON'T WORRY I AM WORKING ON IT...HE HAS SOMETHING COMING :grin:

Anyway, my girlfriend went through something even more horrible BRACE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- new the dude for 5 years
- dated off and on for 3.5 years (more on than off)
- had a baby by him

Warning Signs:
- live in separate states
- in the beginning lied about having 3 kids by three different women (all kids the same age:nono:)

How she found out:
- saw pictures of him and one of his baby's mothers at their recent baby shower on FACEBOOK!:wallbash:
- the girl contacted her, said they had been together for 10 years non- stop and he begged her to have second child with him

The Aftermath:
- the girl didn't know anything about my friend or her baby, she also said that she was leaving him
-he called my friend and said he was seeing a doctor for his situation and that he couldn't help falling in love with her and he wanted to work things out....blah, blah!!
- my friend asked for his address so she can collect child support!!!!!!

He's got some nerve!