Being Natural and Feeling Unique


Well-Known Member
"Now that almost everyone is going natural, do you still feel special? Are you happy/angry that people are taking away from your uniqueness?" This guy asked my natural friend. I'm not sure of what he was trying to imply, but I thought it was an interesting question.

Now, I admit when I first went natural years ago in high school, I did feel special because hardly anyone was natural and I saw it as one of the benefits of being natural. Now, that I'm about to graduate from college, a lot has changed. Walking around campus, I see some many fros, frohawks, twists, and locs.

I live in the DMV area, so when I go out with my friends, though I may the only 4b natural in the group, you can bet that I won't be the only natural at the event. I go in thinking I look all cute and special with my itty bitty twist out, and turn around and see gorgeous girls with BAAs and long intricate loc updos..I'm like dang, I don't stand a chance tonight. :lachen:

To answer the guys question, even though I don't feel as unique as I originally did, I'm glad that more women are embracing their naturalness. I still feel unique because even though many of us are natural now, no 2 heads of natural are exactly the same texture, length, or style. I like getting style ideas from other naturals. Plus, we're the only people with this kind of hair, so I'll always feel unique in that case.

One thing that annoys me a bit is that almost every natural on campus or when I'm going out is wearing the frohawk now (my favorite style to wear, lol). Even though they all look slightly different, it's like dang, I can't standout anymore. Or mabye, I'm overacting, because naturals are still in the minority.

What's your experience with being natural and feeling unique?
Down where I live in Austin Texas it's still kind of like a private club. There aren't that many naturals, yet.

I however enjoy seeing black women with natural hair. I like being a part of a big club, not a small one.
I always feel unique because I'm pretty much always the veteran natural. Alot of ladies have fro's here in NY but they don't have a fro so big it will block out peoples view like mine:afro: :cool2: :grin: there are alot of ladies that wear two strand twists but not alot of them have twists that are APL shrunken like mine.

So for me I always stand out and its great because when I get stopped on campus and asked questions on the regular can give all my tips tricks and techniques to the newer naturals. Its always nice when a newbie natural stops me to showcase my length to their friend and say she's natural! With excitement and proclaim this is what they have to look forward to...its nice to be that girl on I always feel unique:yep:
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I don't think natural hair is unique...I don't see myself as typical, but I think that has more to do with my mindset than my outward appearance.
i think it makes me stand out seeing as though the majority of chicks here are weaved or relaxed.
I didn't go natural to be unique. I did it bc I hated relaxing and wanted curly hair. When I see other naturals I like it. I glow when I walk into a room whether I'm natural, relaxed, wigged, or weaving it. So it doesn't bother me.
I don't know if I feel unique or not but I do know that I LOVE MY HAIR!! Being unique doesn't matter so much then!
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Seems like everyone is going natural and I LOVE IT! Black women look so hot with natural hair! I'm no longer 'unique' but that's okay. I'd rather we embrace our 'uniqueness' as a whole.
Where i live, im the only african descendent so i am unique but i will love to see some more around here. maybe will be easier to find products and salons.
I'm currently deployed in Iraq, and I've noticed some of the young Soldiers here are starting to go natural and have asked me alot of questions. I still feel unique (no two heads are alike) and I love that I'm inspiring these young ladies to go natural!
I don't see natural hair as unique per se. And if people are going natural to feel unique or special they've got a problem that's not hair oriented.

Where I live there's a large amount of natural heads with hair ranging from twa to booty length dreads and twists. So there's nothing really special to simply HAVING natural hair.
But, I think there is something special about the women I see with their natural hair styled in a way I've never seen before.....till I see the hairstyle on someone else LOL
I like that my hair isn't like everyone elses, but that is not what makes me unique. I'm unique because, well, because I'm me!:grin: Cutting off my relaxed ends didn't change that!
Hmm...i never felt that I was being unique or special. I just wanted to do it. I'm happy that I see a lot more naturals. No two textures are a like and I like seeing that.
I love seeing other natural women, i always stare a few seconds longer *in secret*

I feel unique being me not really with being natural but I guess being natural is a part of being me now.
There are a ton more naturals now than when I started my natural journey (even here on LHCF). But honestly, I love it. I love seeing other fly naturals about. But what I love seeing even more is someone with a healthy (and moisturized) head of hair, regardless of its chemical state. :yep:

Healthy hair can be more rare than natural hair, sadly. And I want everyone to join the "healthy hair club." I don't need to be the only one with fly hair to feel good. I wish we all had great hair.

I know that sounds very "kumbaya" but it's true. :)
ummm...there are tons of naturals at my school. Not too many are really growing their hair though so I always hoped to have long natural hair that will stand out. I think my hair will still stand out one day but it may not be the length I want till after I graduate...
I don't think having natural hair makes someone unique because anyone can have natural hair- just a couple of weeks/months of growth and a pair of scissors. lol What does make us unique are the variety of hair styles we can do and hair textures.
Im not mad but I am like "Dang it" just a little. I ease my evil thoughts by telling myself that I think sadly most women might just be going through a phase. I am curious as to how many will still be natural in a few years. Not on here IRL.
I am happy when I see a woman with natural hair. I don't feel any less special because of it. I'd probably be annoyed if she had the same outfit on as me, LOL!
I was unique way before I decided to go natural, but I do love the question attention and the different styles that I try each week, and the most compliments I get sadly are from black men or men of a different race. Things that make you go hmmmm.....
I only went natural almost 2 years ago so I'm kinda a newbie. Since I'm from CT, when I go home I'm unique because NO ONE has natural hair!! But now that I live in DC, I'm just another chick but I like it :) I love looking at all the heads for style inspirations!
Every natural girl's hair is so different that you will always be unique. My hair texture and the way I rock it will never be the same as someone else's style.
My hair being natural is just another facet of the unique being that I am. No matter how my hair was styled, it would be be unique, because it's mine.

With that said, I don't feel like I'm part of a 'club' because I have natural hair, or feel a particular 'solidarity' with others who have natural hair. :look: *shrug*
I love having my natural hair. Shoot, I WISH Ohio would jump start on a natural hair revolution. We are getting there though. Still though, when I do out, I'm usually the only natural. At least a few times a week I see a fellow napptural lover, it brings me joy.

As far as being unique, I know what you meant. Yes, I still feel unique eventhough there are more natural heads popping up. I still walk in a room and see women (and men) light up. I see the hateration :lachen: in some, and the inspiration in others eyes. :yep: All in all, I keep on pushing! I'll be happy when all black women start to embrace their natural God given textures!
We're still an endangered species where I am and our habitat is being deforested to make way for more non-ethnic-ness.

We need a reserve.

I still feel pretty "unique", but in the way a tiger surrounded by poachers finds it self feeling very "special".
Naturals are fairly common here in Baltimore but I see mostly TWAs and locs. Not too many medium to long haired naturals. I'm usually one of few in a sea of weaves. People seem to be more intrigued that I'm wearing my own hair most of the time and not a weave or wig. I still do those on occasion though.
I haven't worn my TWA out, but when I do wear my natural hair I do not think that I will consider my self unique. If I wanted to be considered unique I would dye my hair purple, and yet if I went to the north side that probably wouldn't be very unique either :blush:
yes i feel unique and special. my hair stands out and i'm getting good attention from it. also, i don't see alot of people here with hair like mine. if i do see a natural, usually its a mexican with some type 2 hair or a biracial person with some type 3 hair. so my hair definitely stands out. ♥
I still feel unique. I am glad I have friends IRL to share natural hair knowledge/ advice with