Has your style changed since going natural?

Has your style in clothing change?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • no

    Votes: 25 50.0%
  • not really/ not sure

    Votes: 10 20.0%

  • Total voters
My style hasn't changed. I have never been one to follow trends and did my own thing. I do think that my hair now matches my style. I get noticed a lot more and get complimented on my style by guy friends that I have known forever. Which is funny because I've worn these outfits around them before. ONLY difference is my hair! Hilarious.
My style never changed. I'm a workaholic and my work environment is ultra conservative and I find that dressing conservatively is how I feel most comfortable. I will say however that I have developed a fascination with hair sticks but I think that is the result of my length as opposed to my state of "naturalness".
I've always had an African/World sensibilty...in everything I do; even when I went through my all black phase in High School LOL!
My style as far as clothes not so much but I have added more headbands, flowers and hair accessories to my collection.