Being Natural and Feeling Unique

Where I live its kinda rare to see a natural wearing there hair in its natural state, I dont really care about being unique but I do feel like im doing something out of the norm(because of a lot of stares), so I do feel unique are still very unique! Our culture is based around long straight hair and video model type hairstyles. Living in Detroit, where many consider this the "hair capital of the nation", I am still a minority. Having natural hair is a very personal and intimate commitment that you have made to yourself and your hair. No one can ever take that away from you. Many ppl start this natural hair journey and give up because it is challenging. My family went natural after I took the big plunge and cut off all my long and damaged relaxed hair. You will always see more college students being natural because its considered for some, as a liberal statement.

Just keep being natural and beautiful. In time, you will pass up the "trendy" naturals. And never compare yourself to locked girls! They're in a totally different category. But remember in the back of you mind that they are locked into their style, and you're not! You can do whatever you want with your hair. Twist it, faux loc it, and even straighten it out! You're special! Now get out there n show those girls who really rock! LOL!!

FYI: When I go out, ppl always think I have a sew in and asks me if my hair is a water wave or fro wig!! LOL! They either stare or frown up, but either way I got them wondering and looking!
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What's your experience with being natural and feeling unique?

I see so many natural haired ladies around me that its not necessarily about being "unique" per say, but I do feel like there's something beautiful about a woman with healthy natural hair.
I feel sexier as a natural, ummmm I know you didnt ask that but :look: anywho...

I love to see other natural folks...the more the better...

I think people go natural all the time but don't remain that way for one reason or many it is a trend...where i come from most folks are relaxed or permed out.
Yesterday was a lovely day in Stockholm.

For the first time, in daylight, I ventured out in my natural un-ponytailed curly state, enjoying the sun. I also, for the first time, noticed all the other beautful naturals out there. Of all the black women, 95% were natural.
I saw everything from 3B to 4B, all beautifully styled, all carrying their hair with pride.

I felt kind of stupid because I couldn't stop smiling. I want to hug each and everyone of them and say: Isn't it great to be us!

Yes, a lovely day it was.
I don't feel as unique but i'm GLAD because that means natural hair is beginning to be the norm for us and will no longer be a huge deal. Like that other thread, other races of women wear their hair natural with no problems and I'm excited to see the same start to happen for us too!
I love having my natural hair. Shoot, I WISH Ohio would jump start on a natural hair revolution. We are getting there though.

Girl I couldn't agree with you more! In my hometown (Springfield) the only naturals are the lil girls whose mother's are still waiting for their stylist to decide they are ready to get relaxers. If you are a teenager or older with natural hair then folks assume you can't afford to go to the salon every 2 weeks, natural is NEVER seen as a personal choice unless of course you have "good hurr" or you're an older lady with a twa.
The more the merrier! :) But really .. Who I am makes me unique, not my hair.

I agree. And I'm so thankful for the ones who started the natural hair revolution. They had to endure lots more stares and discrimination just to wear their hair natural. I hope that natural hair becomes the norm so blacks can have healthier hair and won't feel like weaves/relaxers are our only options.
I live in NYC, so I see natural ladies every day, wherever I go. Especially near the campus of a certain institute for fashion! I saw a girl coming out of the institute with a huge, chunky fro just swaying in the wind and I think I drooled a little bit...JK. Well I followed her with my eyes for about a block or so until she disappeared so her fro was THAT serious :yep:

But last week I decided to try a wash and go for the first time since the fifth month of my transition. My curls shrunk up from shoulder length to a fro within an hour of being outside. I thought I was special in that moment, because I was in a predominantly white area...but no...On this busy street a few blocks from my house I counted seven natural heads before I even reached the end of that block. Each head was styled a different way. I definitely didn't feel special at that moment :nono:, but still very happy to be almost completely nappy!
DC/MD/VA has loads of natural heads. I kind of like it. It makes me feel that we have progressed passed the point where relaxed hair is the expectation. Now it's just an option.