Being Made Fun Of For Product Junkism


Ms. Nobody
I guess since being here has obstructed my view on being a product junkie. It's my money and I like to spend it how I choose. I don't see an issue with it as long as the bills are paid.

Now since I've been in beauty school I have been known as a "product whore". I've been in the hair game for a long time and I just happen to have a lot of knolwdge about hair trends and different products. And hell I like to try new things. I don't see what's wrong with that. Now I've gotten this reputation of buying anything I see like someone who has no control and just buys stuff for the hell of it. Never mind the research I do alot the time on product composition, efficacy, ingredients etc. I do research on most products I purchase in the first place.

This seems to have come to a head when I went to the IBS (international beauty show) a few weeks ago. I bought a few things and received 3 bags of product from a company for free which amounted to about 1k.

So when I came in school that day I had many bags. So the assumption was that I went and spent a ton of money on products I have never heard of before. Meanwhile I've been following this company for years and have been watching the prices of the product fluctuate. One jar cost 400 dollars! So when I got it for free I knew how much of a deal I got.

Now this perception of my spending habits is kind of irking me but I will be graduating next month. So hopefully I won't have to deal with again.

I even chided them one time for tryin to flat iron my hair at 450 and making disrespectful comments on my hair while doing my hair. Now if I want to get my hair flatironed they won't do it because I " had a fit" that one time. Then when someone agreed to do my hair she flat ironed on 450 even though I specifically told her not to and ended up with heat damage. I just can't with these people

First, they need to mind their business as far as what you spend your money on, the products you like, and your knowledge. What I would have a problem with is them trying to purposely damage my hair after I told them not to. We would have big issues about that!
This is a beauty school? These people sound stupid? People in a beauty school actually think you would go and spend all your money on products you've never heard of before? As a stylist what purpose would that serve? They think that 450 is a good temp to flat iron your hair? And they are good with heat damage? And then people wonder why no one will go to a "trained stylist". They sound idiotic. Just see if you can go without cursing someone out until graduation.
Yeah, folks can be so judgmental about certain things people spend their money on. People have no problem being broke and spending $800+ on a pair of Louboutin's or Kanye West/Nike shoes but will talk ish about trying so many haircare products to make the hair on your own head healthy. Some men can be the same way as well.

I'm no longer a haircare product junkie but I am a skincare produce junkie. I also still have a bunch of hair products to use up so I'm very particular about who I allow to see all of my products since folks have gone back and talked to others about it. For some reason, being a beauty product junkie can make you seem vain, I suppose. Yet our hair and skin are the two things Black women are judged the most on. Go figure.

OP, I suggest you limit telling your haircare obsession to those who share the same interests because very few folks who don't share the same obsession will understand. And when your hair turns into this luscious mane, remember their names to ignore later when they start asking, "What do you use on your hair to get it to look so curly/healthy/strong?"

Best wishes to you!
I'm sorry these bitter Betties are getting under your skin.

Keep your eyes on the prize!

They'll be hatin' when you have a waiting list for clients, trying to get on your book. The common denominator between stylists with "growing hands" and clients willing to pay top dollar to see them. They use different products on different clients. Everything used is based on the clients hair: density, porosity, and texture.

When you see a top stylist like Don't SpeakDefeat or Reniece, they use product's based on your hair type.
The heat protectant etc. for a fine hair individual will differ from the one you'd use on someone with thicker strands.

You're doing "hands on" product research! Instead of just reading marketing materials.

They're just jealous that they're not able to do the same thing. Also, with you being a student/stylist you get a discount. It's not like you're paying retail.

I feel like I'm rambling...will edit later.

ETA: Don't let any of them touch your hair again! Go somewhere else, if you want it flat ironed.

ETA2: They also use healthy hair care practices and coch their clients on what to do between visits.
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The reason why people like to repeat the same joke over and over is because of your reaction to it.

I already told this story, but in my last workplace a lady came up to me on a Saturday shift and said "You DO know that you don't HAVE to dress up on Saturdays, you're allowed to be casual :look: ". It was a hot summers days and I had a dress on, I wear dresses a lot because it's my style it makes me happy.

Now in the past I used to hate it when people accused me of being too dressy and try to explain things (because my look doesn't take as much effort as people seem to think -_-). This time I laughed confidently and said " I don't do casual on any day". She laughed with me and never brought up my clothes again. Basically yes I do gravitate towards cuteness, you'll never make me feel bad about it, so don't try lol.

Same with my body type. I used to be very slim and some of my Carrib people used to point it out regularly, or sometimes look at my build as a negative. Ever since I started being confident and made it clear that I'm happy with my body people quietened down. Funny how that works lol:rolleyes:. Others tease either to put you down, or because they find it amusing when you get flustered. Don't give em either, takes the fun out of it.
I'm stuck on you getting 1k products for free. Congratulations!

Anyway... I'd never let anyone who's all negatively all in my business do my hair. I feel like she heat damaged your hair on purpose. I hope it wasn't too bad.

I can't comment on anyone else's pjism. I love my hair products :lol:
Umm, excuse me beauty school people! It's a SCHOOL... Doesn't that mean learning new things? Duh... How can you learn without trying new products to see what works better for your hair? Product junkies are just people who know that there are always new/ improved products out there and they have the good sense to try them. We never stop learning and trying new products simply because we have the common sense that products we haven't tried just might be better for our hair. So as I said in another thread... Phuck em girl! Do yo thang and keep it swangin!
Personally, I look at it as a "Hobby".

This is my Hobby and folks spend plenty of money on the hobbies they enjoy and rarely get criticized for it.

I have a friend who is into Electronics, the latest phones, the watch that is a phone (I don't even know what its called). Every time a new phone comes out he buys it. (Regardless of the cost)

Another one, she collects an inordinate amount of 'shoes.'

But it's "their thang." This is mine. I enjoy it.

Life is way too short to be all up in somebody else's mix.

And you ain't askin' them for nothin' so they need to shut up and get a life.
Personally, I look at it as a "Hobby".

This is my Hobby and folks spend plenty of money on the hobbies they enjoy and rarely get criticized for it.

I have a friend who is into Electronics, the latest phones, the watch that is a phone (I don't even know what its called). Every time a new phone comes out he buys it. (Regardless of the cost)

Another one, she collects an inordinate amount of 'shoes.'

But it's "their thang." This is mine. I enjoy it.

Life is way too short to be all up in somebody else's mix.

And you ain't askin' them for nothin' so they need to shut up and get a life.

Yep to all this.

You have people out there throwing hundreds and thousands of dollars at celebrities/athletes/entertainers just for a couple hours of entertainment, to meet them, be in the same space as them, etc....that's normal... but... if someone spends a bunch of money because their hobby is caring for themselves it's something to make fun of? Oh ok...
I totally agree with what you said. I also view it as a hobby. I also know people that are into the latest electronics and those who are into makeup and handbags. Those collections can really add up quickly. And with electronics there is depreciation.

As others stated just endure. Soon you'll be away from them. Continue to enjoy the passion you have for hair and hair related products.
Personally, I look at it as a "Hobby".

This is my Hobby and folks spend plenty of money on the hobbies they enjoy and rarely get criticized for it.

I have a friend who is into Electronics, the latest phones, the watch that is a phone (I don't even know what its called). Every time a new phone comes out he buys it. (Regardless of the cost)

Another one, she collects an inordinate amount of 'shoes.'

But it's "their thang." This is mine. I enjoy it.

Life is way too short to be all up in somebody else's mix.

And you ain't askin' them for nothin' so they need to shut up and get a life.
You know, I never thought of it like that but you're right... My hair IS my hobby... One time I thought I had my regimen and products down pat and didn't need anything else. At that point I felt kinda sad and went looking for something else to buy. Not that I needed it, but I just liked going to the BSS and trying new things... Browsing, and hopefully finding something to buy. So thanks @IDareT'sHair for bringing this to our attention... It IS a hobby dang it... So put that in your pipe and smoke it...
These are my products that were purchased with my money in order to store them in my home until I decide to use them on my head. How is any of that someone else's concern? Yes, I'm taking the issue personally. People need to mind their business and keep their unsolicited comments to themselves before I decide to offer my opinion on their busted hair, lean on me cheap shoes, stank-looking boyfriend with the dented head, yellowed succotash-looking teeth, scrawny legs, etc. in return.
Oooh girl @Napp, If I lived where you are, I'd quickly be running to you to get my hair done ESPECIALLY since you're not afraid to get the best for your hair. It tells me you'd care greatly about your clients' hair and I'd be sittin' in your chair the very minute after you graduate because I feel like I can trust someone like that.

I need someone who has knowledge about hair care AND hair care products. Truth be told, I be lookin' around like crazy in a salon, trying to peep at what they are using on my hair especially since I know about so many products myself, scents and all! So I can't be fooled by the fake containers.

Anyhoo, I said all that to say this, those people you're referring to are just jealous and need to mind their own business. Girl you do YOU, keep your cool and undoubtedly you will be successful. Vent here whenever you like. We gat your back in here, that's for sure:yep:.
The next time someone has something to say, get a studious look on your face and go get your checkbook register. Study it like your life depends on it for a few seconds. Then tell them that you can't find any point that they've contributed $.01 to your bank account so they should probably mind their business.

I used to use this tactic often. Lol. I don't use it now because folks had gotten used to me sending them boxes of hair and skin care products and makeup. Now they're telling me that it's time for me to send them some gifts.
These are my products that were purchased with my money in order to store them in my home until I decide to use them on my head. How is any of that someone else's concern? Yes, I'm taking the issue personally. People need to mind their business and keep their unsolicited comments to themselves before I decide to offer my opinion on their busted hair, lean on me cheap shoes, stank-looking boyfriend with the dented head, yellowed succotash-looking teeth, scrawny legs, etc. in return.

Buahhhhh!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I'm wondering if a really healthy diet can change your hair texture? I have a friend whose hair seems to have gone from 4c to 4b after the Whole30 diet, if you guys have heard of it.
These are my products that were purchased with my money in order to store them in my home until I decide to use them on my head. How is any of that someone else's concern? Yes, I'm taking the issue personally. People need to mind their business and keep their unsolicited comments to themselves before I decide to offer my opinion on their busted hair, lean on me cheap shoes, stank-looking boyfriend with the dented head, yellowed succotash-looking teeth, scrawny legs, etc. in return.
Remind me not to get on your bad side. hehehe.."lean on me shoes"
I'm wondering if a really healthy diet can change your hair texture? I have a friend whose hair seems to have gone from 4c to 4b after the Whole30 diet, if you guys have heard of it.
What is the whole30 diet? I once did the hcg diet where I couldn't put anything on my hair and my hair suffered because of it but I don't think it changed my texture. Maybe someone else knows...
These are my products that were purchased with my money in order to store them in my home until I decide to use them on my head. How is any of that someone else's concern? Yes, I'm taking the issue personally. People need to mind their business and keep their unsolicited comments to themselves before I decide to offer my opinion on their busted hair, lean on me cheap shoes, stank-looking boyfriend with the dented head, yellowed succotash-looking teeth, scrawny legs, etc. in return.

Tell them why you mad!!!!

She went in and stomped on feelings in the process.
In the whole30 diet you can't eat sugar of any kind, alcohol, grains of any kind, legumes of any kind, dairy of any kind, carrageenan, MSG or sulfites and you can't recreate any unhealthy foods (junk, baked, etc) using Whole30 approved ingredients. @Kinky4Agirl
I'm wondering if a really healthy diet can change your hair texture? I have a friend whose hair seems to have gone from 4c to 4b after the Whole30 diet, if you guys have heard of it.
Define a healthy diet...I do have my bs in health and nutrition too LOL as far as I know unless there was a significant deficit in the nutrients before the diet, one's curl pattern does not change through diet. The actual texture of the hair may change though.
Girl, just count the days until you're finish. Cosmetology school can be full of self-righteous rag-a-muffins. I attended cosmetology school a few years after I graduated college and I was too excited to be around mature adults that had a passion for hair. Boy, was I wrong! Just hang in there you're almost done!
Idk what it is about grown ace ppl always in someone else's business and ALWAYS have something to say!

I can't stand mess like that!:nono:

And then had the audacity to damage your hair??! Couldn't be me! And live?? Oh no!

I'm really sorry that happened to you but I would NEVER let anyone who displayed any jealousy or hate towards me do anything to my hair or anything to me at all!

Continue doing you. You ain't killin nobody!