Bath and Body Works Essential Oils...


New Member
Ladies, I am a PJ.

I call myself looking for a small bottle of essential oils to add to my WGO, but instead I bought a huge bottle glass bottle of Cold-Pressed Avocado and Jojoba Oil from Bath and Body Works aromatherapy line. $12. I asked the sales associate if I could use this on my hair and she said, "sure but it's highly concentrated, heavily based oil and may need to be diluted with another oil". Now...being the LHCF'er that I am, I said, "ok" and thought to myself, "I will use it AS IS because I want my hair to grow", but when you all speak of Essential Oils...are there essential oils for the hair, and then essential oils for the body? Is there a difference because I been putting this scalp since Saturday and on the label it says, "aromatherapy" and I guess it's for the skin.... I wonder if this will do any harm....
The essential oils that I but ARE highly concentrated. I always mix them with olive oil or add them to my shea products or leave in conditioners. Really I would recommend following her advice and diluting them a bit.
I actually used two of the aromatherapy line oils on my hair from B&BW. When I first went natural a couple years ago, I used the Lavendar Vanilla oil (massage oil) as my main hair oil, and I loved it. It worked well and made my hair smell nice and look shiny. Also, I just finished yesterday a bottle of their Sweet Almond oil (medium-weight blending base) as one of my two main oils (the other is Kemi Oyl). The sweet almond is good for shrinkage and also very good for the hair. answer your question I don't think it should do your hair any harm because I used these two daily and my hair is just fine. ;) If you're really scared though, maybe just dilute it with olive oil or something.
I really wasn't aware that avocado oil and jojoba oil were essential oils. I thought these were known as vegtable, fixed or carrier oils. In other words, they are in the same general class as olive oil. Is there something else in the oil that you bought? I know many people who use jojoba and/or avocado oil without diluting.

Examples of essential oils that might need to be diluted would be rosemary, lavender, sage, sandalwood, tea tree, etc. At least, that is what I thought. :confused:
Cichelle, you may be correct as far as the carrier oils and essential oils. I do think that you are correct.

And dija23, thanks for giving me that advice. I'm glad to know that someone else has used oil from Bath and Body Works on their hair.
are these real essential oils? if so, what makes them different from something bought in a health shop?
all essential oils can be used on both skin and hair. unless you're pregnant.
Cichelle said:
I really wasn't aware that avocado oil and jojoba oil were essential oils. I thought these were known as vegtable, fixed or carrier oils. In other words, they are in the same general class as olive oil. Is there something else in the oil that you bought? I know many people who use jojoba and/or avocado oil without diluting.

Examples of essential oils that might need to be diluted would be rosemary, lavender, sage, sandalwood, tea tree, etc. At least, that is what I thought. :confused:

you're right. they are not essential oils. they are carrier oils.

i think what the sales associate was saying is that these are heavier oils that might weigh your hair down. as apposed to something lighter like grapeseed or sweet almond. if you mixed the avocado with a lighter oil it might not be as heavy on the hair.

essentials oils are something totally different and a lot of them MUST be diluted.
Hi Shellz and everyone -- the B&BW Avocado & Jojoba and Sweet Almond Oils are both carrier oils. I went into Bath and Body Works too and discovered the Sweet Almond Oil first and tried it without blending it with any other oil. In fact, I gave away alot of my other hair oils/grease because I believe the B&BW oil makes my hair much softer and less brittle.

Also, these oils also have Vitamin E added, which is a benefit. If the saleperson was of a different ethnicity, maybe she meant the oil might be a bit heavy in the hair, but for me as a 4b this isn't an issue.

I like to moderately coat my palms with it, section my hair and apply it throughout -- I usually do it twice a day.