Balisi- THE Atlanta Stylist!


Well-Known Member
One more satisfied customer. I did it ya'll I am finally relaxed and Balisi did it for me. I am very satisfied with her work. Very! First she listened to me. As many of you know I was for the most a very lightly texted 4a. I was SCURRED to death! LOL My hair is not bone straight, and probably would have gotten straighter if I had not asked Balisi to rinse the stuff out! LOL:lachen:
She did though no questions asked. When I saw that it wasn't as straight as I would have like she was like, Well I knew it wasn't but you wanted it washed out sooo... This has me cracking up!:lachen: I love my hair! She said we could correct it, but it sure looks like there is enough hair on my head! Still textured, but wonderfully full. I might leave as is, but Balisi warned I might have problems detangling. If this is the case we can do a corrective for about 5 minutes she said.

Okay I'm rambling.

I loved the fact that she and I were the only ones there. The television was on, but I could have went to sleep at this strangers house. We could look out the window and see the pretty green of Atlanta. She has worked to have a tranquil atmosphere and it works. You can't beat the one on one attention.

I brought my own relaxer the Salerm and had a bag full of stuff. Balisi went throught the bag and she was trying to hide it but I could see the :eek: and the :look: on her face. She didn't make me feel crazy, but I think I would have been like Whatda!! She let me know we didn't have to use it all, and carefully selected what I needed and told me why she picked what she did. I was comfortable that my needs were being addressed.

She is one of us and understands. Ladies go see her. You won't be sorry.

Thanks so much Balisi. See you next week sweetheart!

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I'm also a client of Balisi and I wholeheartedly agree with you! She is very understanding of my transitioning process because she has been there as well. Out of frustration (I did my own hair), I told her that I was ready to cut all of my hair off but instead of being scissor-happy, she knew mentally that I wasn't ready. Boy am I glad that she understood because I really do want to transition for as long as possible (it has only been 4.5 months). She has given me options that I know will make my transition easier.

I use to say I wouldn't travel to the other side of town just to get my hair styled but I've found the perfect stylist so the distance is no problem. If you are looking for a top-of-the-line stylist who truly cares about you as well as your hair then please make a point to see Balisi. Contact her for her pw so that you can check out her client album. The pics speak for themselves!
Another satisfied customer of Balisi here and she is FABULOUS!! Great prices too! If anyone wants her price sheet, let me know :grin:
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atlien11 said:
Another customer of Balisi here and she is FABULOUS!! Great prices too! If anyone wants her price sheet, let me know :grin:
Nah, you may want to let ME know! :lol: My service menu has been updated since then.

s_terry girl, I'm so glad you had a wonderful experience in my chair. Thank you for the review. I'm over here like this --> :D :grin: :D and a little of this -->:blush: I was out of town yesterday without access to a PC so I'm just getting in here and this was a very nice surprise. :yep:

I mean it when I say that my customers are important to me and their satisfaction is my job. So it means everything to me whenever I get such positive feedback. Thanks for chiming in divinefavor, lmjenk, and atlien11. I have some of the best clients! :rosebud:
why the pink cheeks? I didn't embarrass you did I? I hope not. I forgot to tell ya'll about her hair! It is so pretty! Don't get me started! LOL