Bad Timing? Help!


formerly qtslim83
I've had a crush on this man for a very long time...and apparently the feeling was mutual. We both entered separate relationships throughout the years only to be reunited by fate (my best friend used to work with him and tried to set me up on a blind date only to find out that he knew me from college). We connected so well, but at the time he had just gotten out of a long term relationship and just wanted to be friends and "revel in the journey". He also wanted to date other people. Although it hurt a little, I appreciated his honesty and since he was dating other people, I did too (I asked him about it first and he was cool). While dating others I met my now ex and because I entered a relationship I stopped talking to the the time, I felt no need to have to break off anything because there was nothing to break off. forward a year and my ex and I break up. I go out with my friends and as luck would have it, I ran back into the crush. We spoke on the phone afterwards and he was hurt that I stopped talking to him without an explanation (once again, since all he wanted was to be friends with me and he was dating other people...I didn't think I needed to explain anything). We rekindled things for about a month and they were great (nothing physical btw), but of course my ex found out and tried to ruin it with lies. I decided that it was best for me not to open one door without completely closing the other one and called it off. Of course, the crush was upset...I called about a month after breaking it off and apologized. He forgave me.

...not a day has gone by since then that I have not thought about the crush. Everyday, I mentally kick myself for not having the courage to completely walk away from my ex and start anew. I hadn't spoken to the crush since last November so when he texted me out of the blue (ironically, as I was praying about the situation) I was elated!

We have spoken a few times since then. I asked him the other day if he would ever consider trying to start over, if we could try being friends again and slowly working towards something. His response: he doesn't know. He says that I've "left him" twice already and I hurt him because the second time he was developing strong feelings. Although I am sorry that I hurt him, a part of me believes that he was the one who didn't want anything serious at the time...he's the one that told me to date others...why should he be hurt?

What I would like to know is...should I continue to pursue this with the crush or should I move on? He really is a good guy, but a part of me feels that because he isn't actively going to pursue me that this will not work out. I don't want to be the one initiating calls and texts.
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I hate it when guys say one thing and do another...He was into you the whole time, but I guess he was afraid of getting hurt again. He ended up pushing you away (in a way) by dating other people. I would have a serious talk and get in his head. If he is ready to move forward go for it!
If he likes you he will pursue you. Sit back, you already told him what you wanted. Did you ask him if he is seeing anyone right now?
I think you guys should take things very slowly and earn each others trust again. Truly cultivate a friendship from which a romantic foundation can flourish. One thing I don't understand is why you cut it off completely when your ex first came into the picture-you could've still remained cordial in order to sustain a friendship at least or perhaps I misunderstood. That is not to say I blame you in anyway, but I was always told never to put all of your eggs in one basket and keep a line of communication open.
To me it sounds as if you were never his plan A. Whenever things with whomever he's seeing died down, he calls you back up.

With that said, stop beating up yourself about it. If he wants to be with you, he would be clear about it and it would show through his actions not just his words.
I hate it when guys say one thing and do another...He was into you the whole time, but I guess he was afraid of getting hurt again. He ended up pushing you away (in a way) by dating other people. I would have a serious talk and get in his head. If he is ready to move forward go for it!

Prettymetty I agree about talking to him, just don't know how to start the convo...

If he likes you he will pursue you. Sit back, you already told him what you wanted. Did you ask him if he is seeing anyone right now?

Fine 4s I didn't ask him...and until now I didn't think to. Can't believe I didn't ask :nono:

I think you guys should take things very slowly and earn each others trust again. Truly cultivate a friendship from which a romantic foundation can flourish. One thing I don't understand is why you cut it off completely when your ex first came into the picture-you could've still remained cordial in order to sustain a friendship at least or perhaps I misunderstood. That is not to say I blame you in anyway, but I was always told never to put all of your eggs in one basket and keep a line of communication open.

kblc06 The reason why was because the ex was very jealous (part of the reason of our demise) and I didn't want to give him the idea that I was cheating.

To me it sounds as if you were never his plan A. Whenever things with whomever he's seeing died down, he calls you back up.

With that said, stop beating up yourself about it. If he wants to be with you, he would be clear about it and it would show through his actions not just his words.

LiftedUp This bolded part >>>

...and that is why I'm concerned. Even while we were talking the first time, I think I did most of the calling and texting. I guess I'm not too sure if he wanted me as much as I wanted him...even though he said he had developed strong feelings, there was really no action.
OP...This man sounds flaky as hell and is into game playing. When he's single, he comes around and is set on keeping you in his back pocket as his plan B. he know you like him and is betting on you always being around when he needs you.

Think about it...How did you "leave him" when you all were never together? You all dating other people was mostly his idea, and this moping he's doing right now is fake because if he truly wanted you, he would jump at the opportunity to finally date you and would not let you slip through his fingers again.

I would tell him straight up..."I didn't leave you 2 times, you failed at properly pursuing me 2 times" and leave him where he stands.
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OP...This man sounds flaky as hell and is into game playing. When he's single, he comes around and is set on keeping you in his back pocket as his plan B. he know you like him and is betting on you always being around when he needs you. Think about it...How did you "leave him" when you all were never together? You all dating other people was mostly his idea, and this moping he's doing right now is fake because if he truly wanted you, he would jump at the opportunity to finally date you and would not let you slip through his fingers again. I would tell him straight up..."I didn't leave you 2 times, you failed at properly pursuing me 2 times" and leave him where he stands.
Finally, someone who truly knows men. Women spend time analysing every word to death, men simply go after what they want. If he wanted you, he would come after you.

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Prettymetty I agree about talking to him, just don't know how to start the convo...

kblc06 The reason why was because the ex was very jealous (part of the reason of our demise) and I didn't want to give him the idea that I was cheating.


Oh I see. With this guy I would be cautious and continue to talk to others who are interested in you. It seems that you both keep rekindling things when you're out of sync in terms of having healed from previous relationships. Again, start over as friends. If if pursues it as something more, then proceed.
OP...This man sounds flaky as hell and is into game playing. When he's single, he comes around and is set on keeping you in his back pocket as his plan B. he know you like him and is betting on you always being around when he needs you.

Think about it...How did you "leave him" when you all were never together? You all dating other people was mostly his idea, and this moping he's doing right now is fake because if he truly wanted you, he would jump at the opportunity to finally date you and would not let you slip through his fingers again.

I would tell him straight up..."I didn't leave you 2 times, you failed at properly pursuing me 2 times" and leave him where he stands.

Pretty much all of this.

This is one type of man I have no time for. If I were you, I would move on and carry on with my life like he didn't exist. In my opinion there is no need to call him and talk to him about what he is thinking or feeling. That's too much and not necessary at this stage. If he wants you, he will make an effort and you won't even have to wonder.

From what you describe, his attitude about your relationship thus far is a yellow flag to me. Among other things, he is putting all the blame on you because you "left" him. Sounds like the type that doesn't take responsibility when he should. Pursuing a mate is a man's responsibility. Yours is to be pursuable.
to much going back and forth--men are simple--if they want you they do!!!!

let's just move on and stay strong on this one....
OP...This man sounds flaky as hell and is into game playing. When he's single, he comes around and is set on keeping you in his back pocket as his plan B. he know you like him and is betting on you always being around when he needs you.

Think about it...How did you "leave him" when you all were never together? You all dating other people was mostly his idea, and this moping he's doing right now is fake because if he truly wanted you, he would jump at the opportunity to finally date you and would not let you slip through his fingers again.

I would tell him straight up..."I didn't leave you 2 times, you failed at properly pursuing me 2 times" and leave him where he stands.

THIS!!! Mai Tai

I thought the same thing when he said that I walked out of his life twice. I definitely want to be pursued...I'm too old to chase any man at this point.
Lol he sounds like what some would call a 'female dog' his lil ego is hurt because you weren't sitting around pining for him.
Tbh I'm not in the situation but it seems like if you fight to win him over(which I'm totally against anyway btw lol) and succeed he'll be interested for a while but once the ego trip is over he'll be back to asking to just be friends
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OP...This man sounds flaky as hell and is into game playing. When he's single, he comes around and is set on keeping you in his back pocket as his plan B. he know you like him and is betting on you always being around when he needs you.

Think about it...How did you "leave him" when you all were never together? You all dating other people was mostly his idea, and this moping he's doing right now is fake because if he truly wanted you, he would jump at the opportunity to finally date you and would not let you slip through his fingers again.

I would tell him straight up..."I didn't leave you 2 times, you failed at properly pursuing me 2 times" and leave him where he stands.

:clap: :clap: yes. How childish to try to make you feel guilty for first choosing someone who pursued you and then secondly trying not to involve him in mess. Tell that boy bye lol
Finally, someone who truly knows men. Women spend time analysing every word to death, men simply go after what they want. If he wanted you, he would come after you.

Sent from my iPhone

Yep...I had to tell my cousin this about her husband. If this dude really wanted the marriage he would NOT continue pursuing other women while in a marriage with YOU. If he wanted to have sex with you, you guys would be having sex. He's chasing other women because he wants to and he isn't having regular sex with you because he doesn't want to! No need to over analyze anything with a man.

If he's calling, he's interested rather it's for sex only or a relationship. Either way he is showing interest. If he isn't, he has no interest. They really can be simple creatures.
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Sounds like he may be a game player.

Either that or prideful to a fault.

I'm exactly the same:look: If someone broke it off with me to go finish business with their ex I would totally understand, but as far as I'm concerned I'd probably never have a relationship with that person at a later date. It's just not me. Even if I still find them eligible and we get on great. Its likely their chance is gone.
To me it sounds as if you were never his plan A. Whenever things with whomever he's seeing died down, he calls you back up.

With that said, stop beating up yourself about it. If he wants to be with you, he would be clear about it and it would show through his actions not just his words.

I second that! :yep:
OP this dude is just playing with you - he doesn't seem that Into you either - why are you the one chasing him?!
OP this dude is just playing with you - he doesn't seem that Into you either - why are you the one chasing him?!

Naveah2050 I wouldn't call what I was doing chasing...I contacted him a few times and vice versa. I didn't stalk the man lol. Since I initially wrote the OP ad read the responses, I haven't gone out of my way to contact him. I've prayed and had time to think things over...if he truly wanted to be with me, he would..simple as that.

I do still have feelings for this person, however...I'm too valuable to chase after any man. I see that now :yep:
Sounds like he may be a game player.

Either that or prideful to a fault.

I'm exactly the same:look: If someone broke it off with me to go finish business with their ex I would totally understand, but as far as I'm concerned I'd probably never have a relationship with that person at a later date. It's just not me. Even if I still find them eligible and we get on great. Its likely their chance is gone.

I see where you're coming from, but the crush and I were never in a relationship (his choice, not mine...he had just gotten out of a 8-year long relationship) ...I couldn't break something off that never truly existed.
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I don't play games. If he wants you, he will pursue you.

Don't kick yourself. Sometimes we tend to romanticize crushes and picture them as the perfect person. You don't know him like that. The little he has shown is not that great anyway.

There are several people in this world who are right for us. The right person at the right time. The "right person" who always shows up at the wrong time is just not right.