bad hair care habit

I also detangle from root to tip. I don't plan to stop either. So far, I'm not buying that the other technique is better. Combing through the ends that many times is torture to my hair. But when I start at the root, I loosen any shed hairs and pull them out. Sometimes one swipe is enough. Less manipulation, less likely to rip hairs out.

Co-signing on this as well. I have always detangled root to top. It is less manipulation on the ends. I have tried the other way and have always reverted back to doing it from root to tip. I don't consider it a bad habit at all. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Co-signing on this as well. I have always detangled root to top. It is less manipulation on the ends. I have tried the other way and have always reverted back to doing it from root to tip. I don't consider it a bad habit at all. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

vmerie I don't consider it bad for me either, but the hair police say its bad. Also, I think this tip-to-root technique is more accustomed to straight or very loose textured hair. When my hair sheds, the strands stay right there by the root. But when straight haired people shed their hair, it probably gets caught somewhere near the bottom of the strand. So its more effective for those w/loose hair to get all the shed from the bottom and work up where it is less and less hair. Me, the exact opposite.
Hand in head disease. I'm getting used wearing my curls and it's so fascinating to me!!! When I did it before my hair would be so horrible, I'm just loving the evolution of my curls now! My boo has a bad habit of putting his hands in my hair as well.

I don't always sleep with my hair appropriately contained. I do have satin pillow cases but since my hair is so fine and I have heat damage if my hair isn't pineappled and contained in the confined space of a bonnet/hooded band then my curl pattern goes to the dogs (especially if I styled my hair as opposed to letting my curls free form). I'm always good about it at home, but when I'm with my boo, that's another story. But we're going to have a talk about that soon.

I sometimes find myself combing from root to end. But I always catch myself and quickly reverse. ANd I can be a little rough sometime.
Hand in hair is a big one, but I think my worst habit is trying to get my hair to do what it doesn't want to do (i.e. heat, wash and goes). In the end I end up with tangles and breakage, feeling terrible about my hair. You would think that after attempting the same thing a million times with different techniques and failing to achieve the look I want, I would just learn to rely on alternate styles.
My worst habit is my lack of patience. I just don't have the will, or the time for huge detangling sessions, finger combing, S&D, or any of the other nitpicky things. I just want to set it, and forget it with my hair. And once I figure out what my hair needs, I can't wait to do it. I knew I needed a texturizer touch up, and could I even wait till the weekend....nope! Just did it this afternoon while the boys were napping. Perversely, I don't like "hide your hair" styles, because I love my hair being out.

I have problems yo.
My only one is usually ripping out knots that happen when shed hair and the very end tangles. Sometimes I don't have the patients to safely pill apart the hair... there is only so much hot water in the water tank...(I detangle in the shower).
When I get bored with my PS, I start of thinking of destructive things to use like direct heat, or ripping out my SSK at my ends when I know I should use scissors to remove them.

I'm working on being more creative with my hair styling.
yeah, Im relaxed and I find i hear more snapping sounds whn I comb it after I wash it. I do detangle dd's 4b natural hair while its damp though and it works out better for her.

@miss stress Huh?! This is the best time to comb your hair, when its wet :yep:. Unless you're relaxed-- I'm not sure when its best to detangle relaxed hair
Dentgling wet hair works for me

Detangling root to tip.

I don't base my scalp before relaxing. :blush:

After ps'ing for almost 2 years, I wear my hair down everyday now. Been doing it since January and I'm not stopping. :look:

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1. My bad hair habit is wanting to rush when I start getting tired. I tend to be much rougher when I'm ready to be done with this head of hair.

2. Wanting to trim my ends when I just need more moisture. Moisturized hair makes a huge difference.
yeah, Im relaxed and I find i hear more snapping sounds whn I comb it after I wash it. I do detangle dd's 4b natural hair while its damp though and it works out better for her.

I'm also relaxed and combing my hair while wet is like asking for breakage. I detangle over running water and let air dry.