bad hair care habit

I've been on this hair journey for a year now, but I still can't break the habit of detangling from roots to ends. I constantly have to remind my to start from my ends
I was wondering does any of you ladies have a bad hair habit that you can't break away from?
Hand-in-Hair Disease. I doubt there's a cure for it. Headwraps and hats may help curb it for a while, but otherwise, it doesn't matter where we are, etiquette goes out the window and my fingers are in my hair doing something (usually seeking out that twist that could use a redo (and I shamelessly get to it pronto)...or just twirling my twists around fingers...or my fingers feel for the ends of my twists and stretch out the coils and let them go and making them go *ping*...etc).

Yes, I'm Nonie and can't get enough of my hair so HIH disease in my case is part of my nature.
Falling asleep without anything to protect my hair was mine for three months. Then I realized all of my hair had fallen out (mostly due to over protein/heat processing.... But that added to it)!

Now 3.5 months into my HHJ, I'm paying for it by loss of length and thickness; that I am slowly gaining back :smile:

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When my hair is down I just have to twirl it around my fingers, so I sometimes clip split ends with my paper snips.
I detangle very roughly, too. My edges and crown are not impressed lol. But seriously, I destroyed my edges :/ they are growing back very nicely, but I've had to really slow down and take my time. I'm a lot better now, but I could still use some improvement. I have to remember to hold my hair as I work my way up from my ends so that I don't end up tugging/yanking at the root. That was a huge part of me killing my edges. I would get lazy once I cleared my ends, then not hold my hair as I worked through the middle up to the roots.
Wet combing and detangling.
Combing relaxer thru new growth instead of smoothing only.
Not combing from tip to root consistently.
I like brushes, too, :look: but I am much better, now.
growbaby If you have a fine hairline, edges, or nape, the bristles of brushes can be too rough and pull the hair out. I'm trying to undo the damage I've done mechanically and medically now. :sad:

If you are a frequent brusher, try to be, and use your fingers whenever possible. I've found a softer brush and will use that when I need to bun, etc.
Caution to the wind when it comes to heat. I'll use protectants and everything but my pressed/flat ironed hair will not look like all I did was blow dry it. My blow dried hair will not look like all it did was comb it out. When I go for a heated look I go all the way.
I rarely deep condition my hair. I know some do it faithfully every week, but I'm lucky if I think to do it every few months. Seriously. I keep saying that I'll do better and that I just haven't found the right deep conditioner (that hasn't been discontinued). But I'm not sure I believe myself anymore. :lol:
I also detangle from root to tip. I don't plan to stop either. So far, I'm not buying that the other technique is better. Combing through the ends that many times is torture to my hair. But when I start at the root, I loosen any shed hairs and pull them out. Sometimes one swipe is enough. Less manipulation, less likely to rip hairs out.