Bad Breath And Relations


Well-Known Member
Would bad breath damper the mood prior to relations? My friend shared with me that she and her SO were in the mood. She prepped herself, by refreshing herself up, the whole showering, including brushing her teeth. She said she makes sure she is clean and fresh before bedtime relations.

She said they had salmon patties and some other dish with garlic that night. He man had been in the restroom for a while while she was in the bedroom waiting.. He comes to bed and his breath is just terrible. So she mentioned if he brushed, seeing how she had and was chewing gum on top if it. She said, the smell was turning her off! LOL! I'm sorry ladies , the story was just funny to me.

He got sooo upset with her, that she even wanted him to brush his teeth. They didn't even have relation because he felt she was being extra and was offended. She also says the man suffers from salivary glands issues that causes his breath to smell, but on top of the food she was not feeling it. She said even though it had been a while, they didn't have relations because he was upset at her and his mood turned her off. LOL!

Now I bad breath a turn off when you are in the mood? Was it too much for her to expect he would want to present himself to her fresh as well?
what kinda lazy **** is that

knowing you have bad breath and instead of brushing your teeth making the insanely strange choice to chew gum before bed

e - oh wait, i misread
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Yes bad breath is a turn off. I know from my sinus issues that I have a tendency towards bad breath so I always stay on top of that. Brush, extended gargle or whatever.

He overreacted, just get up brush your teeth (again if you already had) and get to business.
Funny I should stumble across this post ...

my (ex) husband developed severe bad breath( I believed it to be halitosis) . Many nights, it was unbearable to sleep beside him. He did try to manage it sometimes but there were times he got upset (day or night) when I told him he needed a mint. His condition was more than routine bad breath and he wouldn't seek treatment. Anyway, about 2 months ago I saw him at an event and we talked for a while and yes his breath blew me back 6 feet!

... yesterday I was considering calling/emailing my ex-husband to suggest he consider "oil pulling" and detoxing by taking chlorophyll, chlorella or spirulina (all eliminate body odor). I couldn't think of a way to nicely say "you still have issues with your breath - so you should try it". I think it would help him - but not sure how to pull the trigger - nicely!!

@TayMac - you may want to check out oil pulling, chlorophyll, chlorella and spirulina. There are a couple of threads on all of them.

Edits: In red.
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Of his breath stank then she has every right to tell him. If he is going to have an attitude about it instead of fixing it then it shows how selfish he is.
If I really liked him I would have been straight up and told him about his breath and how its either due to something internal or he needs to brush the tongue better and deeper, going all the way back in there to the point of gagging. I would have made the effort to get down to the bottom of it. There are lots of nasty mouths out there! :barf:
Would bad breath damper the mood prior to relations? My friend shared with me that she and her SO were in the mood. She prepped herself, by refreshing herself up, the whole showering, including brushing her teeth. She said she makes sure she is clean and fresh before bedtime relations.

She said they had salmon patties and some other dish with garlic that night. He man had been in the restroom for a while while she was in the bedroom waiting.. He comes to bed and his breath is just terrible. So she mentioned if he brushed, seeing how she had and was chewing gum on top if it. She said, the smell was turning her off! LOL! I'm sorry ladies , the story was just funny to me.

He got sooo upset with her, that she even wanted him to brush his teeth. They didn't even have relation because he felt she was being extra and was offended. She also says the man suffers from salivary glands issues that causes his breath to smell, but on top of the food she was not feeling it. She said even though it had been a while, they didn't have relations because he was upset at her and his mood turned her off. LOL!

Now I bad breath a turn off when you are in the mood? Was it too much for her to expect he would want to present himself to her fresh as well?
I would drift away from that relationship, or find some lame reason to break up with him. I'm too old to deal with that. I got kids that I have to make sure that they brush their teeth. I'm not having those types of talks with a grown man.
Funny I should stumble across this post ...

my (ex) husband developed severe bad breath( I believed it to be halitosis) . Many nights, it was unbearable to sleep beside him. He did try to manage it sometimes but there were times he got upset (day or night) when I told him he needed a mint. His condition was more than routine bad breath and he wouldn't seek treatment. Anyway, about 2 months ago I saw him at an event and we talked for a while and yes his breath blew me back 6 feet!

... yesterday I was considering calling/emailing my ex-husband to suggest he consider "oil pulling". I couldn't think of a way to nicely say "you still have issues with your breath - so you should try it". I think it would help him - but not sure how to pull the trigger - nicely!!

@TayMac - you may want to check out oil pulling. There are a couple of threads on it.
And chew on a cinnamon stick. A good quick fix if he didn't like sugary mints.
Yeah... no. I'm pretty paranoid about my own hygiene including my breath. Plus I'm not about to argue with a grown man on how to clean hisself. Ain't nobody got time for that.
I can't even talk to someone with bad breath, let alone kiss them. Yuck!!! If he was in the bathroom that long & didn't even brush his teeth, I wonder if he even showered? And to get angry about it??? That would make me question his personal hygiene in general.