Backlash against relaxed hair?

BTW, I don't think Good Hair made as much an impact as you might think. It barely even discussed natural hair and dwelled only on pointing out what many black women do to their hair without any definitive conclusions about it.

Judging by its dismal box office receipts I don't think it made much of an impact on ANYONE, relaxed or natural.
I definitely feel you, glib. I don't let it bother me, though. I'm confident in my choice to relax my hair. No one can make me feel otherwise. :yep: Natural hair ain't for me, and because of the world we live in, it doesn't have to be. This world is full of choices. I'm happy with mine when it comes to my hair. :yep:
How can the hair that grows out of your scalp be in :perplexed?

It's like saying keeping your natural skin tone is "in" for the moment... It's ridiculous :lol:

I'm happy that people are realizing that they no longer have to conform. I'm also ecstatic that black women are learning to love their hair despite the barrage of derogatory comments being spewed at them.

You ain't lyin' :yep:
First off, let me say that I'm not trying to start any sort of fights about "good hair" vs. "bad hair" or anything like that. I am just noticing that as of late there are more and more anti-relaxer messages out there . . . from things as broad and in your face as Chris Rock's Good Hair to articles in Essence, Clutch (online e-zine), and other outlets that seem to exclude relaxed hair in articles discussing hair care . . . .

As a relaxed sista, I'm kinda :ohwell: about that. I'm not saying that we shouldn't celebrate natural hair . . . indeed, we should. It's quite revolutionary that it's becoming more mainstream after years of being viewed a choice that is "radical" or "political." It's just hair, people. So, given that I recognize that, why must we do a seeming 180 degree flip to excluding relaxed locks from the discussion of African American haircare? No, it's not me "wanting to be white" or denying my heritage. Again, it's just. hair. Sheesh.

Am I just being paranoid or has anyone else noticed this trend. Any thoughts on the subject in general?

Well first of all "Good Hair" is just a movie. Some of the stuff about the Indian hair trade was informative and thought provoking. The hair show sequence was interesting. Other information and opinion put forth in the movie was not quite accurate anyway. Example - you can swim in weaves - especially when you've spent as much money on hair as some of the high profile women interviewed for the movie did. If you're gonna go natural/be natural - that's kool but don't do it because of a single movie. Fact is that most AA women do not wear their hair in its original texture. Many (a majority) still use relaxers. Not everyone has the kind of hair they can manage without a little chemical help. Yes some hair is more manageable in its virgin natural state than other types. This has nothing to do with curl patterns btw - it's a strand diameter and softness factor thing. Also some people just prefer straight hair and there's nothing wrong with that. We're in an era where anyone can have fun playing around with different textures and looks if they want to. This is a good thing. I guess my point is you don't have any reason to be paranoid. Wear your hair how you like it.
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Looks around,

Well this thread went there pretty quickly.

Good try OP, your comment was harmless but unfortunately this is the way it usually works out.
there are a lot of new naturals getting relaxers. I have been doing more and more on dry unkempt natural heads. that is all i will say about that.
just give it awhile. people do it for different reasons, and it takes awhile to see what is best for you vs. what everyone says is best for you.
I'm curious about this. Have you been asking them why?
How can the hair that grows out of your scalp be in :perplexed?

It's like saying keeping your natural skin tone is "in" for the moment... It's ridiculous :lol:

I'm happy that people are realizing that they no longer have to conform. I'm also ecstatic that black women are learning to love their hair despite the barrage of derogatory comments being spewed at them.

Sadly I've heard people say this before too. Nobody caught all those Tyrese brought dark skin back in comments the other night after the BET Awards? :ohwell: Ridiculous.
I'm curious about this. Have you been asking them why?

My friend recently relaxed after having been natural for years. She just got bored with it. She got bored with her whole "look" so she lost weight, bought new clothes, and changed her hair. She was tired of braids and twists and puffs and wigs. She got it pressed for a change and then after a few months she relaxed it...well texlaxed it.
there are a lot of new naturals getting relaxers. I have been doing more and more on dry unkempt natural heads. that is all i will say about that.
just give it awhile. people do it for different reasons, and it takes awhile to see what is best for you vs. what everyone says is best for you.

I've noticed this too, which makes me think twice about the new natural trend in some circles. Many women go natural and then get frustrated with their hair/lack natural hair care knowledge/lack social support/are dismayed that their hair is not 3B/get bored/frequently receive mean comments and then go back to the relaxer.

I'll never relax again because I believe in embracing who I am naturally, regardless of how it comes off to others. But people do it for different reasons, which may mean that going natural is not a permanent thing for many others. My reasons may not be in the majority.
Sadly I've heard people say this before too. Nobody caught all those Tyrese brought dark skin back in comments the other night after the BET Awards? :ohwell: Ridiculous.

Wow...they said that? They're incorrect it was Wesley Snipes and Tyson Beckford. How dare they give Tyrese the credit :lachen:
I'm curious about this. Have you been asking them why?

Of course... i have been natural for my whole life and I always try to explain how to make upkeep easier. I also offer bkts to my hair school clients (its not a chemical process so I am comfortable with doing it in my house) but nobody wants to do that.
They always list several frustrations:
"I'm ugly now"
"Its too much"
"It keeps sweating out"
"My hair is nappy"

Its almost like the upkeep is SUCH A HASTLE for some people. And then they point at my hair and say somethin like "See I couldn't pull that off." I often talk to the person for a 1/2 hour before and then I base them extra slow to make sure...
Normally I convince them to let me texlax. They don't know its a texlax but I will say "How about today we do a gentle mild relaxer. This way you can wear 'natural' styles and your hair will be less subject to breakage." Some just want their bone straight back.
After the relaxer too they are sooo excited. I have had one come back with the same amount of breakage, and another who's hair was thriving.
I think some people can't take care of their hair, or don't want to, and then some just like sleek styles.
Relaxers are a billion dollar industry. Regardless of how strangers feel about them, they will always be available for purchase.

That's really all I can say about it. :perplexed:

What is there to be afraid of?
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Why are you upset about it?

Sure, its a new trend, but I don't understand why you are getting worked up about it.

I'm not upset . . . just noticing the trend. I will admit that I was kinda annoyed after I purchased the most recent Essence because it had an article on the cover about good hair styles to beat the heat . . . when I opened it up, it was only natural styles so I felt like I wasted my money. *shrug*

Oh god not another one of those threads :whip:!!! OT I know you meant good and I do mean that, but dang we getting a little to political about hair recently.

Looks around,

Well this thread went there pretty quickly.

Good try OP, your comment was harmless but unfortunately this is the way it usually works out.

I haven't been in this forum for a while . . . so I missed any more recent "discussions" on this. *shrug*

I've noticed this too, which makes me think twice about the new natural trend in some circles. Many women go natural and then get frustrated with their hair/lack natural hair care knowledge/lack social support/are dismayed that their hair is not 3B/get bored/frequently receive mean comments and then go back to the relaxer.

I'll never relax again because I believe in embracing who I am naturally, regardless of how it comes off to others. But people do it for different reasons, which may mean that going natural is not a permanent thing for many others. My reasons may not be in the majority.

All of that said . . .

I already know when I have a daughter I won't be relaxing her hair. I'm breaking that cycle, because I resent that I grew up with it. I will be conditioning her to keep her hair natural.

I will be doing the same. Just because I don't want my daughter to *have* to be in the cycle of having to get a treatment done every 8 weeks . . . it's time consuming and expensive . . . now if she decides to when she's a teen, that's one thing. But as a little girl, I will do my best to keep her natural.
Don't feed into the BS :)

People are always going to have something to say.

People of all colors, nationalities, creeds and what have you are going to have their prejudices. Their MANY prejudices. Hair would be one of the more minor ones. lol

It's complicated and at many times irrational, but that's how human beings are. :)

My newest motto... don't get entangled in the negative. Let that ish bounce right off of you. Why would you let someone else's opinion bring you down in any way? You can't change their mind... and unless they are directly affecting your life, let it be. Nothing you can do.
also, my natural hair made me feel special/different from everyone in highschool, but now that I'm in cosmetology school and I'm in the real world experiencing life's woes... I really do believe its all about being happy. Whatever makes you happy then do that. And don't answer to anyone, its your hair and your body.
I will not relax b/c it is a foreign land to me. i believe that I would not know how to take care of my hair. i'm really scared. But that is it. Pretty relaxed hair is nice. Pretty natural hair is nice. Healthy hair is nice.
If you are comfortable in what you are choosing for your hair, then it shouldn't bother you. However, when you are feeling discontent, usually there's a reason for it that you may want to examine.

For 21 years, I was a relaxed head. Now, I'm in the beginning of transitioning to natural for my own personal reasons. I think what the issue for some relaxed heads is the myriad of new information for natural heads; so, the focus is less on them on the hair boards.
I should start a thread called "Backlash against natural hair?"


Let's see how many folks would be posting in that thread about ig'nant comments (and practices) from family members, co-workers, strangers about natural hair, as the backlash has been widespread against afro-textured hair for centuries.

This thread reminds me a lot of when white people complain about affirmative action or businesses instituting racial quotas.
If you are comfortable in what you are choosing for your hair, then it shouldn't bother you. However, when you are feeling discontent, usually there's a reason for it that you may want to examine.

For 21 years, I was a relaxed head. Now, I'm in the beginning of transitioning to natural for my own personal reasons. I think what the issue for some relaxed heads is the myriad of new information for natural heads; so, the focus is less on them on the hair boards.

Thanks was not enough.
Am I just being paranoid or has anyone else noticed this trend. Any thoughts on the subject in general?

Nope you aren't being paranoid. The United Federation of Natural Hair Advocates (UFNHA) is plotting against all chemically relaxed women of color. Yes we are coming FOR YOU armed with kitchen shears and clippers. YOU WILL BC!!!! Resistance is FUTILE!!!!

Wow...they said that? They're incorrect it was Wesley Snipes and Tyson Beckford. How dare they give Tyrese the credit :lachen:

I took it to mean recently like as in now. Tyson and Wesley are nowhere to be found these days. I didn't know dark skin had went out. :shrug:
I'm not upset . . . just noticing the trend. I will admit that I was kinda annoyed after I purchased the most recent Essence because it had an article on the cover about good hair styles to beat the heat . . . when I opened it up, it was only natural styles so I felt like I wasted my money. *shrug*

But don't you realize that's how natural heads have felt all this time when Essence was only featuring relaxed styles? They've only been showing natural styles the past few years. And it's usually only 1 or 2 options in the spread that are natural and IMO they never look all that anyway. We have better luck looking at YouTube for natural styles.
Sadly I've heard people say this before too. Nobody caught all those Tyrese brought dark skin back in comments the other night after the BET Awards? :ohwell: Ridiculous.

Wow...they said that? They're incorrect it was Wesley Snipes and Tyson Beckford. How dare they give Tyrese the credit :lachen:

I'd like to give an honorable mention to Djimon Hounsou b/c his feature in Janet Jackson's 1990 "Love Will Never Do Without You" video set it off in a serious way!!!
*extra honorable mention to Antonio Sabato Jr. who convinced me at the age of 8 I needed to marry a Latino man. lol

Even more OT: this spoken word from def poetry jam highlights the whole "skin" issue in the black community in a funny way.

*for those w/o a sense of humor I'm totally joking!!!! All black is beautiful ALL THE TIME!:yep:
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Nope you aren't being paranoid. The United Federation of Natural Hair Advocates (UFNHA) is plotting against all chemically relaxed women of color. Yes we are coming FOR YOU armed with kitchen shears and clippers. YOU WILL BC!!!! Resistance is FUTILE!!!!



By the way, love the second quote in your siggy.
I took it to mean recently like as in now. Tyson and Wesley are nowhere to be found these days. I didn't know dark skin had went out. :shrug:

From what I can tell (and remember) Wesley came along...then Tyson...then Tyrese...and light-skinned guys still haven't recovered from Wesley's Invasion...LOL. But they always tell me they're on the way back in style :lachen:
I'd like to give an honorable mention to Djimon Hounsou b/c his feature in Janet Jackson's 1990 "Love Will Never Do Without You" video set it off in a serious way!!!
*extra honorable mention to Antonio Sabato Jr. who convinced me at the age of 8 I needed to marry a Latino man. lol

Even more OT: this spoken word from def poetry jam highlights the whole "skin" issue in the black community in a funny way.

*for those w/o a sense of humor I'm totally joking!!!! All black is beautiful ALL THE TIME!:yep:

OH you are so right! I shouldn't have left out Djimon....and I forgot Idris Elba!

Antonio Sabato Jr is beautiful too....:grin: