Ayurveda Support Thread

As spongebob would say: "I'm Ready! I'm Ready!"

Where did you get you Ayurveda Supplies? Internet or store?

Sincerly Anna
You're welcomed honey and don't feel bad about not knowing before. I didn't either until I saw the ingredients on mehndiskinart.com. I realised afterwards that perhaps this is what Candy_C's complete blend is as well. I like the fact that I don't have to wonder about how much to put in my mixttures anymore unless I want a little extra of the moisturizing powders added to it like bhrindraj powder and hibiscus petal powder which I bought from www.fromnaturewithlove.com.

I also bought extra brahmi powder for my hair growth. I did not buy extra amla, shikakai, neem or aritha powders as I already had a couple boxes that I'm trying to use up. Oh by the way, I just bought my Kalpi tone powder (20 boxes), 6 KTC coconut oils, and some bridal BAQ henna - thanks for the reminder. I have lots of shikakai oils and soap, brahmi powder, and indigo and I bought them all wholesale. They will last me a while. The way I see it, one shipping cost is far better than many:yep:.

OK, so i've used Kalpi Tone a couple of times and all I can say is...'WHY DIDN'T I FIND THIS BEFORE'. It left my hair soft and shiny.
I don't have to worry about mixing powder concoctions and it smells a lot better than the other powders :look:, IMO. I find the other powders have a strong, almost choking smell, but Kalpi Tone is quite fragrant.
I need to use up my other powders and stick with this one :yep:.
I have been reading and reading however, I just came across this tread today. On Saturday I made my mix of AYURVEDIC Powders and believe I made it a little too potent. I mixed Shikakai, alma, bhringraj, aritha AND neem all together into a air tight container. I was wondering if I mixed too much of everything. When I applied it made my hair hard. But once I cowashed my hair it went back to normal.
Okay ladies I finally came up with my own ayurveda recipe that can used as a co-wash or a deep conditioner. I have alreday used it and I gatta say, it the best my hair has felt in a long time, not to mention thicker too.

Here it is:

I finally have a great recipe to post and it's my personalized ayurveda co-wash/deep conditioner. Please let me know what you ladies think about it.
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LadyAggie's Ayurveda Co-Wash/Deep Conditioning Recipe.

I got this idea from one of our beloved member and sista off LHCF and fotki and she knows who she is DG,lol. All I can say to you girl is thanks a million for posting your recipe so all of us can see and learn more about how to put a recipe like this together. I must give a big shout out to my girl MedMunky for all her tireless efforts at helping me out with my FENUGREEK RECIPE as well. I can't leave out Lavendar as she the one who warned me about the drying effects of amla, thank you girl. I hope that in my efforts to tweak this recipe, that some of the ladies can learn something from me too. HHG ladies.

What you will need:

1 TPS of shikakai powder
1 TBS of bhringraj powder
1 TBS of hibiscus petal powder
1 TBS of brahmi powder
5 drops of rosemary essential oil
5 drops of lavender essential oil
¼ cup of coconut oil
¼ cup of bhringraj oil
½ cup of suave or tressemme conditioner (or any other cheap one preferably without cones but not absolutely necessary)
Amla/shikakai/Vatika oil for oiling hair & scalp before applying the recipe
Distilled water
A bowl
A whip
fenugreek seed powder (optional) See bottom for a further tweaked version of this recipe.
Gloves (optional)
1 Plastic cap

The Recipe:

Mix all ingredients together with enough distilled water to make a paste. The consistency should be like that of yogurt. Oil your hair and scritch your scalp well with either amla, shikakai, or vatika oil. Apply mixed conditioner to properly oiled hair from roots to ends and scritched scalp as you would your normal conditioner, put on a plastic cap and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Thoroughly wash out under running water until all herbs are gone. This may take a few minutes. You may use some additional cheapie conditioner to aid in the removal of the herbs.

In order for this to be a deeper conditioner, simply substitute the suave/tressemme for a thicker more moisturizing conditioner. You may leave it on the hair for half an hour with a plastic cap on and wrapped with a hot towel. Wash out the same way as above.

With both treatments, it is advised to do a moisturizing deep conditioning treatment for 45 minutes to an hour under a hooded dryer or a conditioning heat cap.

Please note that this recipe can be multiplied to make and save time for about 4 treatments at a time, maybe more if desired.

Another way to tweak this recipe is to make a fenugreek seed tea rinse with the distilled water and use that for mixing the ingredients together instead of using just plain distilled water.

The FENUGREEK SEED TEA RINSE mixture would include about
3 oz of fenugreek seed powder,
3 oz of coconut oil and mixed with about
3 cups of distilled water,
let it come to a boil and allow to cool for a few minutes, strain, (I use a stocking cap for straining) then mix in the above recipe.

The fenugreek will give added strength, conditioning, softness, slip and shine to your hair. It is also known to speed up hair growth. The extra fenugreek liquid can be refrigerated for later use alone or mixed with other powders.

Wow my hair feels GREAT! This has been my best co-wash ever!!!. I have never used these powders and had this soft a hair before...... NEVER before this conditioner. It's really yummy.


Hey Aggie! :wave: Thanks so much for the recipe. I didn't know the amla powder was drying. But it makes sense, because I used a shikakai/amla paste yesterday and I noticed that my hair was a little dry today. I had to moisturize real good this morning. I have a question about the fenugreek teas rinse. Can I do this in my coffee maker instead of boiling it? Also, I don't have the hibiscus powder, but I will use all your other ingredients for now until I get it. BTW, love your hair progress. U r doing so well. Keep it up!
Hey Aggie! :wave: Thanks so much for the recipe. I didn't know the amla powder was drying. But it makes sense, because I used a shikakai/amla paste yesterday and I noticed that my hair was a little dry today. I had to moisturize real good this morning. I have a question about the fenugreek teas rinse. Can I do this in my coffee maker instead of boiling it? Also, I don't have the hibiscus powder, but I will use all your other ingredients for now until I get it. BTW, love your hair progress. U r doing so well. Keep it up!

Hi miami, I have never tried it in my coffee maker so I cannot really give an accurate answer for that. I would not recommend it because it really should be boiled and steeped. I don't think that you will reap the full conditioning power and benefits when done this way. It's alright if you don't have the hibiscus petal powder yet, go ahead and start with what you have, it should still work very well.

Thanks for the compliment honey.
I have been reading and reading however, I just came across this tread today. On Saturday I made my mix of AYURVEDIC Powders and believe I made it a little too potent. I mixed Shikakai, alma, bhringraj, aritha AND neem all together into a air tight container. I was wondering if I mixed too much of everything. When I applied it made my hair hard. But once I cowashed my hair it went back to normal.

Didn't I just answer this same question in Candy_C's thread? :perplexed :ohwell:.
Has anybody tried the Godrej Shikakai 3 in 1 bar. Oh I looooove it! The way it smells and feels, it is Excellent. It has shikaki, amla and bhringraj.
Hi miami, I have never tried it in my coffee maker so I cannot really give an accurate answer for that. I would not recommend it because it really should be boiled and steeped. I don't think that you will reap the full conditioning power and benefits when done this way. It's alright if you don't have the hibiscus petal powder yet, go ahead and start with what you have, it should still work very well.

Thanks for the compliment honey.

OK! I will boil it. Thanks.
I bought a shikakai bar...heck it was 99 cents:grin:. I love it! I use it for my body though too so I am gonna have to re-up soon. It cuts any detox BO like whoa!( I know TMI but hey). I know the feeling about your hair feeling stripped but soft....DC and you should be all good!
Where did you find it? I am having a hard time finding it online with reasonable shipping cost. :ohwell:

I found it at an Indian/International store in Nashville. I was trying to find a site for you to purchase it online, but your right the shipping cost is crazy.

I finally got around to taking a photo of my new Oils that SO picked up for me with my Ayurvedic powders from India.


The Vatika oil is our same ol oil -same ingredients - in a cuter bottle. It also has a lighter scent - u simply smell coconut and lemon - which is nice. SO calls all my Ayurvedic products "Shikaki" :grin:- he's not too crazy about their scents either esp Amla oil. Anyways the first time i used this new Vatika oil for pre-poo and gave him a hug, he went... why no Shikaki today? He actually thought my hair (the oil) smelt nice. He's sooo proud of himself for discovering a better smelling "Shikaki". My hair also comes out just as shiny as it does with the original.

The Parachute oil is different though - it's called Parachute Advansed Coconut oil. It has vitamin E and ylang-ylang and also comes with a little scalp massager device (Don't remember where I put mine). Smells ok - I haven't really used it though, I still have three 500ml bottles of the original sitting here.

This a photo of the scalp massager

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My journal is open on this board .
I am meticulously chronicling this adventure. Its a good regimen to try.
So far- so good- except for one Shikakai disaster.
Sareca has inspired me to make Hibiscus Petal Powder Oil. HPP is an emollient that I will add to my next Shikakai oil mix to see if my hair doesn't react as badly as it did when i used the shikakai oil on my hair. My recipe you ask
1TBSP Hibicus Petal Powder
I cup Grapeseed Oil
Cook in baby crockpotfor 4 hours
strain with fine sieve lined with cheesecloth
let sit-strain again if you don't like sediment at the bottom of your oil.

Did this stain your crockpot
Okay so I'm trying to jump on this Ayurveda/Indian Powders bandwagon and I got all my products but I have no idea how to use them. Mainly because there are so many different ways I guess and every time I see a"recipe" for a rinse or moisturizer I get confused because I have in my mind the last recipe that I read....This is what I have

Shikakai Powder
Haritaki Powder (free gift)
Bhringraj Powder
Tulsi Powder
Aritha Powder

Alma Oil
Neem Oil (which arrived in a hardened state)
Emu Oil
Rosemary Oil
Lavender Oil

Organic Virgin Coconut Cream
Avocado Butter
Shealoe Butter

If anyone can please post what they feel will be the most beneficial as far as growth/moisture/health in general I would be forever grateful. I dont know if it makes a difference but my hair is 3a/b/c (it's confused, can't decide what it wants to be....:grin:) The ends tend to get drier than the rest of my hair. I dont know how to "seal" hair with oil as I've heard others say the do....I would like to know if I can make a good rinse, oil, moisturizer and how often I should do it. I have been and will continue to be looking at all the threads for recipe combinations but I just want something direct. My hair is finally growing extremely fast and I just am scared that whatever concoction I make will render me baldheaded...which is not the look I am going for. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thank you ladies in advance....:bighug:
Okay so I'm trying to jump on this Ayurveda/Indian Powders bandwagon and I got all my products but I have no idea how to use them. Mainly because there are so many different ways I guess and every time I see a"recipe" for a rinse or moisturizer I get confused because I have in my mind the last recipe that I read....This is what I have

Shikakai Powder
Haritaki Powder (free gift)
Bhringraj Powder
Tulsi Powder
Aritha Powder

Alma Oil
Neem Oil (which arrived in a hardened state)
Emu Oil
Rosemary Oil
Lavender Oil

Organic Virgin Coconut Cream
Avocado Butter
Shealoe Butter

If anyone can please post what they feel will be the most beneficial as far as growth/moisture/health in general I would be forever grateful. I dont know if it makes a difference but my hair is 3a/b/c (it's confused, can't decide what it wants to be....:grin:) The ends tend to get drier than the rest of my hair. I dont know how to "seal" hair with oil as I've heard others say the do....I would like to know if I can make a good rinse, oil, moisturizer and how often I should do it. I have been and will continue to be looking at all the threads for recipe combinations but I just want something direct. My hair is finally growing extremely fast and I just am scared that whatever concoction I make will render me baldheaded...which is not the look I am going for. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thank you ladies in advance....:bighug:
Hi Mama Cita!
First of all, I have never heard of Haritaki powder :ohwell:.
Ok, I'm no expert, but I have a few pointers I can give you.
First of all, make sure your hair is well oiled either from overnight or an hour or two before you use the powder rinse. You can use Amla oil, Neem oil, Coconut Oil, etc to massage your scalp and distribute through the hair the night before.

Shikakai and Aritha (cleaners) can be very drying to the hair, so the ratio of these powders to other powders you use should be in the region of 1:2 or 1:3.
Bhringeraj is moisturising, so for example I would use 2 tbls of this to 1 tbls of Shikakai. Amla is also moisturising.
When you use your mixture, pour it over your head slowly and concentrate on the scalp and hair ends.
(Then as you probably know: rinse, run conditioner through your hair, rinse conditioner out and deep condition.)

I see you have some good moisturisers/butters. I would use them as they are and to seal your moisturiser, rub a small amount of oil in your hands after you have moisturised, and gently distribute the oil into your hair, concentrating on the ends.
To see the process of moisturising and sealing watch this video (Hey Traycee!):
Try it...this should help with your drier ends. I know it's helping me and my ex-sahara desert state hair :nono:.

I recently tried adding a few drops of Rosemary oil to my deep conditioner...it was excellent. It stimulated my scalp and also when I came to wash out my conditioner, my hair was so much easier to detangle, (and I'm 5 months into my transition).
Do you plan on doing any hot oil treatments?
If so, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of your choice to your amla oil or neem oil and massage the heated oil into your scalp for say 10-15 minutes. You can either leave it in overnight or cover your head with a shower/conditioner cap and wrap a hot towel over your head and rinse the oil out after half an hour or and hour or so.

I know a lot of members are getting excellent growth using Ayurvedic powders and keeping the regimen simple, including myself.

There's so many thing's you can do with the products you have and I'm sure the other ladies will chime in with their advice.

Hope this helps!
That's some awesome advice, Vesta! :yep: I can't wait until I remove my Kinky Twists so I can try out my powders. I've been using my oils and I love them!:grin:
Hi Mama Cita!
First of all, I have never heard of Haritaki powder :ohwell:.
Ok, I'm no expert, but I have a few pointers I can give you.
First of all, make sure your hair is well oiled either from overnight or an hour or two before you use the powder rinse. You can use Amla oil, Neem oil, Coconut Oil, etc to massage your scalp and distribute through the hair the night before.

Shikakai and Aritha (cleaners) can be very drying to the hair, so the ratio of these powders to other powders you use should be in the region of 1:2 or 1:3.
Bhringeraj is moisturising, so for example I would use 2 tbls of this to 1 tbls of Shikakai. Amla is also moisturising.
When you use your mixture, pour it over your head slowly and concentrate on the scalp and hair ends.
(Then as you probably know: rinse, run conditioner through your hair, rinse conditioner out and deep condition.)

I see you have some good moisturisers/butters. I would use them as they are and to seal your moisturiser, rub a small amount of oil in your hands after you have moisturised, and gently distribute the oil into your hair, concentrating on the ends.
To see the process of moisturising and sealing watch this video (Hey Traycee!):
Try it...this should help with your drier ends. I know it's helping me and my ex-sahara desert state hair :nono:.

I recently tried adding a few drops of Rosemary oil to my deep conditioner...it was excellent. It stimulated my scalp and also when I came to wash out my conditioner, my hair was so much easier to detangle, (and I'm 5 months into my transition).
Do you plan on doing any hot oil treatments?
If so, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of your choice to your amla oil or neem oil and massage the heated oil into your scalp for say 10-15 minutes. You can either leave it in overnight or cover your head with a shower/conditioner cap and wrap a hot towel over your head and rinse the oil out after half an hour or and hour or so.

I know a lot of members are getting excellent growth using Ayurvedic powders and keeping the regimen simple, including myself.

There's so many thing's you can do with the products you have and I'm sure the other ladies will chime in with their advice.

Hope this helps!

This is very interesting advice. I am glad you posted this.
Hi Mama Cita!
First of all, I have never heard of Haritaki powder :ohwell:.
Ok, I'm no expert, but I have a few pointers I can give you.
First of all, make sure your hair is well oiled either from overnight or an hour or two before you use the powder rinse. You can use Amla oil, Neem oil, Coconut Oil, etc to massage your scalp and distribute through the hair the night before.

Shikakai and Aritha (cleaners) can be very drying to the hair, so the ratio of these powders to other powders you use should be in the region of 1:2 or 1:3.
Bhringeraj is moisturising, so for example I would use 2 tbls of this to 1 tbls of Shikakai. Amla is also moisturising.
When you use your mixture, pour it over your head slowly and concentrate on the scalp and hair ends.
(Then as you probably know: rinse, run conditioner through your hair, rinse conditioner out and deep condition.)

I see you have some good moisturisers/butters. I would use them as they are and to seal your moisturiser, rub a small amount of oil in your hands after you have moisturised, and gently distribute the oil into your hair, concentrating on the ends.
To see the process of moisturising and sealing watch this video (Hey Traycee!):
Try it...this should help with your drier ends. I know it's helping me and my ex-sahara desert state hair :nono:.

I recently tried adding a few drops of Rosemary oil to my deep conditioner...it was excellent. It stimulated my scalp and also when I came to wash out my conditioner, my hair was so much easier to detangle, (and I'm 5 months into my transition).
Do you plan on doing any hot oil treatments?
If so, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of your choice to your amla oil or neem oil and massage the heated oil into your scalp for say 10-15 minutes. You can either leave it in overnight or cover your head with a shower/conditioner cap and wrap a hot towel over your head and rinse the oil out after half an hour or and hour or so.

I know a lot of members are getting excellent growth using Ayurvedic powders and keeping the regimen simple, including myself.

There's so many thing's you can do with the products you have and I'm sure the other ladies will chime in with their advice.

Hope this helps!

YES THIS HELPS!!!! Thank you sooooo much! I have never heard of Haritaki powder either but it came as a free gift along with chamomile flowers and dendritic salt ( whick I know not to use on my hair! :grin:) Thank you so much I feel I can see clearly now :lachen: I will try your recipes and keep you posted on any growth and moisture change... It might be a minute because I have my hair in braides now. Im trying to keep these in for at least a month and a half, they are not micros, they are regular box braids, like C&G method....anyway, back on the subject, thankyou so much!
YES THIS HELPS!!!! Thank you sooooo much! I have never heard of Haritaki powder either but it came as a free gift along with chamomile flowers and dendritic salt ( whick I know not to use on my hair! :grin:) Thank you so much I feel I can see clearly now :lachen: I will try your recipes and keep you posted on any growth and moisture change... It might be a minute because I have my hair in braides now. Im trying to keep these in for at least a month and a half, they are not micros, they are regular box braids, like C&G method....anyway, back on the subject, thankyou so much!

You're welcome Mama Cita
Happy Hair Growing! :grin:
Has anyone found any herbs that smell good that are also good for the hair? I have thought about adding EOs to the mix, or vanilla or cinnamon. What are people doing to keep their hair smelling good while using these products?

TIA! :rolleyes: