Awesome Wedding Proposal, Get Your Tissues Out!


Well-Known Member
This may have been shown already so sorry if I am late, but it is such a feel good story!!

This is an incredible photographer. This is a 5 minute long slide.

The story of Robert Gray and Keisha Williams' engagement made the
> front page news in the AJC on Saturday, July 14, 2007. Robert Gray
> planned out an amazing proposal to his girlfriend, Keisha Williams.
> It involved 10 rooms at the Buckhead Ritz Carlton, 50 friends and
> family members, 400 red and white roses flown in from South Africa,
> 12 24-carat gold-dipped roses, 2 bottles of champagne, and 8 hours
> to complete the proposal and after-party. Now this isn't some rich
> guy either! It took him months to plan, save and map-out how he
> would do it all!! Keisha was even wondering what was going on with
> him???
> Anyway, the photographer that he hired to take the pictures during
> that night, took 1,000 photos and they made them into a slide show
> which he used on his website to advertise his work. The site was
> hit so much because of this grand proposal, that they have become
> local celebrities!! I watched it and it made me cry. Also, it was
> centered around a vision that God gave Robert, and it involved a lot
> of prayer which you will
> see.
> Here is the link:

> Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hee hee, this has been posted probably about 5 or so times already in the last 2 months:yep:.

But thanks for posting for the ladies who may have missed it before :up: