August 24,25,26....What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans?

NappyNelle said:
SouthernStunner Welcome back, and good luck with everything! My condolences for your loss. :( :bighug:

I want to go hair shopping this weekend; I'm out of gel and coconut oil. I want to try mahabhrinaj (sp?) and amla to make a paste, and get a bottle or two of Vatika. I'll go through the Ayurvedic thread for paste mixes.

Normally I order everything online, but I like the 'rush' of instant satisfaction. :giggle:

I plan on doing an amla paste tx tomorrow and you just gave me the idea of mixing my mahabringaraj oil in it :) Thanks! That oil is helping to restore my edges!

i detangled


i will wash, dc & oil rinse (i have no idea what products im using).
i will also detangle a little more in the shower while i rinse.
moisturize & band to stretch overnight


Sat night or Sun morning:

Pre-poo with coconut & hempseed oil
Scalp ACV rinse
Shampoo with CON Argan
Acv rinse
protein tx with aphogee 2min
DC with ORS replenishing
final ACV rinse
Well my hair in in a sew in so I guess I will be getting it either washed and curled again... Either this weekend or next weekend.
I couldn't decide what to pre poo with this morning, so I blended a little bit of all of my options together with some warmed distilled water... Proclaim Argan Oil Hydrating Mask, Affirm Positive Link, Grapeseed oil and a bit of Nexxus Emergencee. It was a neat emulsion. Been sitting with a plastic cap on since 9:30am, I'm hungover from a wedding last night so I don't think I'll be getting up any time soon. We'll see how this goes.
I'm going old school. Just shampooed my hair with Nexxus Therappe and now conditioning with Keraphix. I am trying to use up what I have in the cabinet.
Despite last weeks proclamation that I was done with I DC'ed, steamed it in, Clarified with shampoo:giggle:, oil rinsed and did a final rinse with aloe vera juice.
Just co-cleansed with Wen Fig, so I'll be pushing my MT DC back to Tuesday night. Or, that's the plan anyway... Just couldn't go to this BBQ with 3 day hair!
I'm still wearing my DC of HE LTR, Kera Minerals, glycerine, oils and PC ill either rinse by 6pm or wait till the am