Attachment Theory---What kinds of attachments do you have?


Well-Known Member
Listen to this on Audrey Chapman yesterday and it was very interesting.

Seems there are 3 distinct types of attachments and how you bond with people shapes your opinions and relationship developments. The 3 types are:


Take the quiz!
What's Your Romantic Attachment Style? - Romance and Attachment Style Quiz

I found this show to be very interesting because it shed some insight on why some people are naturally detached versus those that would be considered "clingy". If you have an attachment avoidance type personality, then being with someone that is attachment anxious can seem suffocating. Likewise someone that is attachment anxious is even more insecure and needy when dating a person that has attachment avoidance. However, by analyzing and understanding your attachment style, you can inform your partner of your needs and likewise respect why they behave a particular way. Below is a summary of some of the other shows, speakers on her show this month aka the "LOVE Month". I am definitely looking at some of these books to read and better equip myself as a lover.

Audrey Chapman: Relationship Expert, Author, Speaker



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Guests: Dr. Seth Meyers, author of Seth’s Love Prescription: Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome and Find the Love You Deserve

Want to know how to break the cycle of failed relationships to find the relationship that is right for you? Have you been hurt by love time and time again? Do you move from bad relationship to bad relationship not understanding why? Want to know more about your relationship pattern?

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Guests: Dr. Amire Levine, co-author of Attached

Did you know our need to be in a close relationship is embedded in our genes? Are you or the people you choose to love avoidant or anxious connectors? Want to know more about what healthy attachment looks and feels like? Then listen this morning and give us a call – 202-432-WHUR or 1-800-222-WHUR.


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Guests: Audrey Chapman, author of Getting’ Good Loving: Seven Ways to Find Love and Make It Last; and , and Seven Attitude Adjustments for Finding a Loving Man

Most relationship problems are essentially about trusting. Whether it’s the fear of being hurt again, or betrayed, you end up with a loss of confidence in the other person and yourself. Want to learn how to trust again and to open yourselves to love like you’ve never known before?

Give us a call at 202-432-WHUR, or 1-800-221-WHUR.


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Guests: Samantha Schofield, author of Screw Cupid: The Sassy Girl’s Guide to Picking Up Hot Guys; Dr. Jeff Gardere, Clinical Psychologist

Would you like to know how to be more approachable? Are you aware that your body language affects how people respond to you and if they are drawn to you? Tune in this morning to learn more about this fascinating topic.


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Interesting...took the quiz and it came back as secure which i think is accurate...but i always attract the avoidant types...
Your Attachment Style: Insecure/Anxious

Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a insecure/anxious attachment style. People with insecure/anxious attachments tend to worry more about romantic relationships. You may worry that your partner does not feel the same way about you as you do about him or her, or you might be concerned that your partner will leave you. In some cases, those with an insecure/anxious attachment style want to become very close to their partners, but worry that this will scare the other person off.


I expected that response because it's so true.
Your Attachment Style: Secure

Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a secure attachment style. People with secure attachments tend to feel comfortable with themselves and their relationships. Securely attached individuals tend to have happier, long-lasting relationships. You feel comfotable sharing your feelings with your partner and are able to turn to your partner for support.

While this quiz cannot fully describe every aspect of your attachment style, it can provide a basis for understanding more about your romantic attachment style.

kind of surprising, :/ tell me something I don't already know :lol:

...Sadly I'm the Queen of the push and pull... tell me something I don't already know :lol:

...Sadly I'm the Queen of the push and pull...

OMG...the person that I am dealing with now is avoidant and I told him I feel like its a push and pull cycle with me and him...
Your Attachment Style: Secure

Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a secure attachment style. People with secure attachments tend to feel comfortable with themselves and their relationships. Securely attached individuals tend to have happier, long-lasting relationships. You feel comfotable sharing your feelings with your partner and are able to turn to your partner for support.

While this quiz cannot fully describe every aspect of your attachment style, it can provide a basis for understanding more about your romantic attachment style.
Secure attachment.

Taking this quiz was a real eye-opener for me. Some questions really stuck out to me because I know I would have answered much differently several years ago.
What's Your Attachment Style?

Romantic Attachment Style Quiz Results

Your Attachment Style: Secure
Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a secure attachment style. People with secure attachments tend to feel comfortable with themselves and their relationships. Securely attached individuals tend to have happier, long-lasting relationships. You feel comfotable sharing your feelings with your partner and are able to turn to your partner for support.

While this quiz cannot fully describe every aspect of your attachment style, it can provide a basis for understanding more about your romantic attachment style.

For more information on attachment, read this overview of attachment styles.

I guess that makes sense because some questions like worrying about my relationship all the time...I was like why would I do that? Or worrying if I reveal my feelings my partner will no longer love me...say what? Then they're the wrong person.

So I guess it makes sense that I'm this one as I really just put it out there and if you want me hey, if not, I'll find someone who likes what I have. Which is why I think my fiance and I fare well because we're the same way.

My fiance took the quiz too and he's also =secure.

So I guess two secures work out great. I always thought that we didn't suffocate each other, but trust that each other will do the right thing. So I guess this is accurate.
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I took the quiz and I came up secure. Which I am surpised at. I for sure thought I was going to be anxious. Maybe I am borderline? Definitely kno I have some anxious tendacies
I got secure, but I know I've been insecure due to some of the relationships that I was in; Good to know that I don't need to second guess myself :)
Your Attachment Style: Secure
Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a secure attachment style. People with secure attachments tend to feel comfortable with themselves and their relationships. Securely attached individuals tend to have happier, long-lasting relationships. You feel comfotable sharing your feelings with your partner and are able to turn to your partner for support.

While this quiz cannot fully describe every aspect of your attachment style, it can provide a basis for understanding more about your romantic attachment style.

Wow! I thought it was going to be insecure!! ... I guess it's ok to be
Your Attachment Style: Insecure/Anxious
Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have a insecure/anxious attachment style. People with insecure/anxious attachments tend to worry more about romantic relationships. You may worry that your partner does not feel the same way about you as you do about him or her, or you might be concerned that your partner will leave you. In some cases, those with an insecure/anxious attachment style want to become very close to their partners, but worry that this will scare the other person off.

While this quiz cannot fully describe every aspect of your attachment style, it can provide a basis for understanding more about your romantic attachment
I got avoidant...

No surprise whatsoever. Funny thing is had I taken this quiz years ago, I'm almost certain based on the questions, I would have gotten secure. Interesting.

Based upon your quiz answers, you appear to have an avoidant attachment style. People with avoidant attachments tend to have difficulty with close, intimate relationships. You may feel uncomfortable sharing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with your romantic partner. In some cases, you might even come up with excuses to avoid intimacy.

I think nonchalant would be a better descriptor for me---relationships are take-it-or-leave it for me..idc either way...guess ihaven't found the right
I got SECURE, whiich I knew I would. lol

I don't worry about people leaving me, cheating, etc... I have the attitude that if he cheats on me, leave me, acts a fool, he would just be need to fight about it.
I got SECURE, whiich I knew I would. lol

I don't worry about people leaving me, cheating, etc... I have the attitude that if he cheats on me, leave me, acts a fool, he would just be need to fight about it.

That is my sentiment--I used to be avoidant, for sure. I have been consistently working on being more secure and committed versus detached and uninvolved. The show was such an eye opener for me as far as the guys I date/attract---always insecure/anxious.