Ateeya Has Suffered a Major Setback! Tips of How to Avoid!!!

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I never really followed Ateeya's channel because her hair practices are much different from mine, but I think she is sooo pretty and she has a great sense of style and personality. I'm so sorry that happened to her, but she's strong for letting us see that video and warning us. I probably would have just posted a blog and destroyed that video out of depression. But it wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. It was just that one spot and at least her edges are still intact :yep:.
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When I remove my braids or sew-in, I use a W-I-D-E tooth comb and spray my hair with a detangler like Mane and Tail. I section and comb my hair gently (this takes a long time because my hair is so thick), then I coat my hair with CON poo (green and white bottle-I still have a few bottles left). I usually don't have any problems with matting.

I've had a few setbacks in the past though.
All I can say is WOW!!! Oh man I held my hair as I watched it!

I haven't read all the comments here yet, but I don't understand how washing her hair in a circular motion could have caused the damage. Wouldn't it have been how the sew-in was installed? The second she took it off the first thing that I was thinking was how damaged it looked. Hey what do I know.
OH LAWD.....:rolleyes:

It is called Sarcasm - sweetie.

I stand behind my statements.
Truthfully...The poor girl consistently touted her theories about 'swang' and such.....

For a while, she will not have it.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you for the sake of this thread. I believe those comments were uncalled for. We can agree to disagree...and for the record don't EVER refer to me as sweetie.
ok? girl, I was just saying this. There is no way in hell I would have cut that hair out of my head. Even if I did end up with what she had. I would have WORKED with that as long as it took. She shouldn't have begun such a project on a work night like that. When you are tired, you cut corners and slip up and mess something up. She could have saved this as a weekend project and then took her time, took breaks, worked with it and gotten that out.

ITA. I have had many frustrating moments trying to work with my hair late at night. I know for me, I don't have the patience to do my hair when I'm tired. It's better to just wait. I like her YT videos, even though all that flat ironing was in the way. I hope she overcomes this setback quickly!
I didn't watch the video, but that sucks that she had a setback. I'm surprised she didn't do any research about weave takedown prior to doing it since she's so knowledgeable about hair.

Well, now she and everyone else knows to detangle, detangle, detangle.
Oh God I am at 5:50 on her Youtube video and I almost fell back when I saw how much hair fell out. Ateeya if you're reading this I send you a big hug! That's just awful!

OK I'm off to watching again.
What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, as long as she learns from it. It will grow back with good practices, but I know that must be hard for her to hear right now.

A very big respect for her for putting up the vid in the first place.
I deal with enough drama with women at work and I wont participate in it here...On that note, I feel really bad for Ateeya and I hope her hair grows back quickly. We should be here to spread information and provide help to each other and leave all the cattiness behind.
I didn't watch the video, but that sucks that she had a setback. I'm surprised she didn't do any research about weave takedown prior to doing it since she's so knowledgeable about hair.

Well, now she and everyone else knows to detangle, detangle, detangle.

Unfortunately, I don't recall hearing her say anything about detangling.:sad: Maybe she'll make another video explaining that. I'm sure she has alot of STANS out there that take her word as GOSPEL TRUTH. If she's still not giving out correct advice, some people still won't know the key factor (detangle).
Maybe if she would have purchased a good deep conditioner with a lot of slip, sat under a heating cap or hood dryer for around an hour, and then detangled the matted hair it might have come loose. I would have worked at it each day, gently trying to detangle it and just wigged it up in the in between time. But what's done is done. I'm sure her hair will be back to its original healthiness in no time. I wonder what kind of shower comb she uses for detangling? The conair and jilbere shower combs make detangling really easy :yep:.
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Although I do not practice Ateeya's regime in any shape or form, I can not believe some of the very mean things that have been said!

Remember what your mama said...

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" (at least I hope she said that)

I would NEVER wallow in someone's misery. I only wish the best for her.

I may need to take a break from this board :nono:

It's disgusting but I expect nothing less from some people on here. Luckily, the majority of the the people board are not like that. I find it even more disturbing since she chose to share something so personal on youtube.
I do my own sew-ins and my tip to add to all the good info up above is...

If u do glue in ur hair (or pieces in the front as I always do), when its time to take out, PLEASE USE HAIR BOND REMOVER. Its good stuff. Put it on where its glued and rub in. Wait about 3 mins and the weave just slips out. I never lose hair NOW that I use this.
I deal with enough drama with women at work and I wont participate in it here...On that note, I feel really bad for Ateeya and I hope her hair grows back quickly. We should be here to spread information and provide help to each other and leave all the cattiness behind.

Thank you.This thread was intended to inform, not bash someone.I knew it wouldn't be long before someone came in and said "where's her swang now".Being sarcastic, I thanked the threads that caused the discussion to take a nosedive and later unthanked them because it just proves that some of us can't discuss anything without arguing. If there are people who have suffered from a setback they would probably be afraid to come and ask for help based on some of these comments.
I wanted to body just felt funny watching the video. I like Ateya so it hurts for me to see that. I know when I had a set back I wasn't as calm as her lol You would of thought I had a family member die the way I was rolling on the floor crying like a baby.

However I have reeeeaaallly thick har and my new growth is thicker...So sometimes when I wear my wash and go's for a couple of days my hair starts to tangle. I think maybe she could have worked with some of those tangles....but then again when you are just that disgusted you don't even want to deal with it. I understand.

ETA: Oh and a big ol' B.Scott *****.boo.bye to some parts of this thread. Tis all!
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i am sad this happened to her but i so thankful that she was brave and caring enough to share her story so others may be educated. more over, i am thankful for Ediese to taking the time to bring this to our attention and give us additional advice.

say what you will, but Ms. Ateyaaa just helped out thousands with this one vid

(and her new growth progress is CLEAR evidence that her hair grows so I know she will be back in due time :yep: )
Thanks to Ediese for posting this and making everyone aware of the weave care tips. I went back and noticed some of the things people were talking about that were considered mean. It's an open discussion and people are going to have a difference of opinion so if you don't like just skip over it, it is not worth cyber arguing..LOL

Back to the topic...

I loved Ateya's hair regardless of how reckless her hair tips were considered. I don't do everything that reccommended either if I know it won't work on my hair so I do what's best for me. However, I do feel that with her having so many subscribers and people that look to her for general hair care's important for her to research what she's advising first before jumping out there with half of the information.

When I first joined here and several other hair boards, I didn't advise anything because I didn't know squat about hair care. I've read up, researched, experimented, pj'd, and everything else and now that I'm successfully transitioning smoothly this time...I feel better about answering questions about certain things. This would have definitely helped in this situation. In all, I still love her vids and hope she nurses her hair back to good health!
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This tip should be followed after braids also.

Yup :yep:! I used to always end up with knots of matted hair after taking out my braids because I didn't detangle properly. This one time, one whole sided of my hair turned into a matted mess! I was tired :rolleyes: so I did an Ateeya and pulled my hair back in a pony tail and washed it the next morning. LESSON LEARNED!

I came up with this procedure after that horrific experience and haven't had any problems since!
Unfortunately, I don't recall hearing her say anything about detangling.:sad: Maybe she'll make another video explaining that. I'm sure she has alot of STANS out there that take her word as GOSPEL TRUTH. If she's still not giving out correct advice, some people still won't know the key factor (detangle).

Yup, that's going to be a problem. I really hope she says something about detangling soon because since so many people do everything she says/does they are still going to find themselves with matted/tangled hair if they don't take time to detangle when taking out braids/weaves.

Her video is helpful because it lets people know that anyone can have a setback but ultimately it may do more harm than good since the detangling step is skipped over.
I will have to view the video later, but thanks for the advise!!!

I plan to wear weaves again to "possibly" transition:look: because I know how to care for the hair now...

This is OT- but where do I find the cream of nature in the green bottle? I am wearing a straight weave?
I will have to view the video later, but thanks for the advise!!!

I plan to wear weaves again to "possibly" transition:look: because I know how to care for the hair now...

This is OT- but where do I find the cream of nature in the green bottle? I am wearing a straight weave?

I got mine from one of those Asian beauty supply stores.
Well that's just sad. I don't care what her hair practices are, I sure do hate that she lost all that hair.

I agree that is was very brave/selfless of her to show what happened and to warn others.
I'm really sorry to hear that. I suffered major setbacks so I know how it feels.

I'm sure her hair will grow back healthy and strong.
I feel bad for her, I think she was trying to reference to detangling without actually saying the word when she said to put conditioner in your hair and use your fingers to go downward (I can't remember cus youtube is acting silly and won't let me go back and check). Nevertheless I think she learned a valuable lesson and she's really brave to come out and show everyone her pics and damage.

And if you read the box to the right she mentions detangling conditioners and websites to get them.
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