Ateeya Has Suffered a Major Setback! Tips of How to Avoid!!!

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I don't detangle before washing, and that's intentional. If you read Cathy Howse book (she has plenty of followers on this site) she recommends a detangling and wash process specific for those coming out of braids or twits. It involves smoothing your hair back in one directions to keep the cuticle smooth as you wash and condition. I just took out a weave this way. I slept in the conditioner and detangled in the morning in the shower with my fingers and olive oil. I didn't lose any hair and retained length. The key is PATIENCE. Just detangling the morning after with fingers took me an hour. It took me an hour to remove the weave the night before. I pre pooed, shampoed, and did a protein treatment before the conditioner. I was VERY gentle with my hair.
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^^ How long did you wear your weave? I'm happy that worked for you, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone else.
Since she wears relaxers on a regular basis, it may be have been difficult for her to really 'know' her natural hair......or even what it looked like.

It took time for me to know how my natural hair - and how it responded to detangling techniques. I did not know what my natural hair looked like for 20 years... Until it grew out.
I don't detangle before washing, and that's intentional. If you read Cathy hughes book (she has plenty of followers on this site) she recommends a detangling and wash process specific for those coming out of braids or twits. It involves smoothing your hair back in one directions to keep the cuticle smooth as you wash and condition. I just took out a weave this way. I slept in the conditioner and detangled in the morning in the shower with my fingers and olive oil. I didn't lose any hair and retained length. The key is PATIENCE. Just detangling the morning after with fingers took me an hour. It took me an hour to remove the weave the night before. I pre pooed, shampoed, and did a protein treatment before the conditioner. I was VERY gentle with my hair.

This is key to removing any extension hair.
I cannot believe how much hair she lost!!! I know that's a lesson learned!! Her next video should be how to properly detangle before shampooing when removing a sew-in wig. I feel bad for her. Her ratings will go way down..., and so will her credibility.:nono: On second thought, she needs to stop making videos about hair care, and hair loss until she can get her own hair care together!!
IMO, I think it's more about detangling than how to wash/condition the hair. I wore sew-ins back to back all of last year (I took down my last install in February) and I took them down myself by cutting the thread close to the end of the track then using my fingers, I unravel the thread from the track and my hair. I did this so that I didn't have pieces of thread left in my hair(if I was snip snipping at the thread). I then detangled and wash my hair like I normally would, which included rubbing my hair in whichever motion.

I don't follow everything that she does but before I started my HHJ I was mostly on youtube so I saw her videos. She basically jumped start my interest in trying other products, first of which was Aphogee. I then went out searching for more information on hair care, I'm always doing that, and found the boards. She might not do some of the things talked about on here but she got me on track as far as the protein treatments. So with her initial exposure and now the intense knowledge I've gather here, I'm on the right track. I really do feel for her.

ETA: It took me about 2 hours to get everything out and detangle my hair.
Aww... I like Ateyaaa, I feel bad for her, losing so much hair... :nono:
I've never worn a weave, but I think that she's brave for showing her setback to the world, I would have mentioned it in my next video about the wig I was wearing to cover up the lost hair...

And I think that she did a good job explaining what she knew went wrong. It seems like she's getting bashed for not mentioning detangling, but it seems like she would have had the same setback even if she detangled because she didn't wash her hair appropriately. And it's not her responsibitily to make sure everyone detangles after taking out their weaves.

I'm glad that she is brave and confident enough to show this to the world.

I hate that this seems to be a "bash Ateyaa" thread when she never said anything in her videos were related to "healthy hair" practices, she was just doing what worked for her. Everyone doesn't have the same hair goals as members of LHCF. A lot of people want that Ateyaaa "swang." And there's nothing wrong with that. She's not saying that her regimine will grow your hair to your ankles or anything like that.
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I'm a sew in hater because of a bad experience I had in 95. The string ripped through a section of my hair like a razor. (I only had the sew in for 2 days).

I feel for Ateya but even with the problem she created from rubbing her hair when she washed, I don't believe she had to cut out that matted patch. I've actually seen worse and helped someone pick out worse matting than that. I wish she had waited and gone to her stylist or someone for help, The setback may not have been so bad.
^^ How long did you wear your weave? I'm happy that worked for you, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone else.

5 weeks

I left a very little bit out front to cover the track. Think of how half wigs (not part wigs) work. That's how my weave was. It was a sew in. I like detangling clean hair with a lot of slip. After reading other posts, I realize something important. I did not wash in circular motions, that tangles the hair more. It's strange how emphatic people are about detangling before washing. In any other case I agree, except when the hair has been braided. And I learned that from the book I mentioned earlier that has been repped hard on this site.

I'm only repeating myself because I used to do a full comb out before washing and lost more hair that way. But, I never lost as much hair as Ateeya did. So I completely understand people not wanting to find out if after-shampooing detangling works for them.
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And it's not her responsibitily to make sure everyone detangles after taking out their weaves.


I think I do see it as her responsibility to mention the importance of detangling.

When you have a huge following like Ateya does and you know that people do things just because you do them, it's important you're putting out the right information. Of course, it's up to the individual to do their own research but I still think Ateya should at least mention it because people follow her example.
I never took Ateya's hair care section as a "This is what YOU should do" advice page. I always perceived it to be more of a documentary of what she's doing, what she likes, what she doesn't like, what works for her, what doesn't work for her.

I just rewatched the video (that sew-in did look good :drunk: ) In my opinion it seems she was trying to describe that she should of detangled before when she mentioned sectioning and running the fingers through...but in all honesty it looked like she couldn't find the words to express how she felt. :( On top of the fact it was already 3am and she still had to go to work in the morning.

She seems to be so real to me, so I'm not surprised she put this video out. Brave...especially when there are people who couldn't wait to tell her "I told you so"
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I love Tee Tee and I feel bad for her. I thought she was making some good progress.

Some of you ladies reallly need to stop getting your panties in a bunch. No one said anything mean about the girl. So she has no swang, big deal. That's not mean. Some of you are just looking for drama. Keep it moving.
I love Tee Tee and I feel bad for her. I thought she was making some good progress.

Some of you ladies reallly need to stop getting your panties in a bunch. No one said anything mean about the girl. So she has no swang, big deal. That's not mean. Some of you are just looking for drama. Keep it moving.

A voice of reason...Thank you.
I really don't like to detangle my hair before I wash. :nono: I feel like the hair being dry makes everything worse. I prefer to DC on dry hair.

Alot of the time I will loosely detangle (fingercomb) put into large sections. Saturate in Deep Conditioner, and let it sit for hours if not overnight. When I took down my weaves I liberally sprayed everything with detangler and braid spray to soften the braids. I could easilly remove a lot of shed hair with just my fingers and I knew the rest would slip out with the DC.

Then I detangle my hair section by section in the shower as I rinse, and add more conditioner if I need more to get through a section.
All I can say is WOW!!! Oh man I held my hair as I watched it!

I haven't read all the comments here yet, but I don't understand how washing her hair in a circular motion could have caused the damage. Wouldn't it have been how the sew-in was installed? The second she took it off the first thing that I was thinking was how damaged it looked. Hey what do I know.

My Hair always looks super dry and damaged right out of extensions - sew-in or otherwise. But once you deep treat, smooth the cuticle, and remove the shed hair you can really see what you're working with. :yep:
I knew she was going to have a problem as soon as I heard her say she was going to put conditioner on and she didn't say one word about detangling!
Yep, I knew it too, I was like I hope she gonna detangle that. I feel bad she had to lose that much hair though.
After watching the vid.... I am shocked that she did not know that washing in sections is the best way to avoid these problems. I have been washing in sections for 7 years.
Wow. Sad....
brave woman! I haven't seen the vid but I hope that she doesn't suffer too much of a set back from what has happened.
I've been there with braids when I didn't know better. I feel her pain.

I been there with braids too, thankfully I didn't cut. I reevaluated my tools and took out a writing pen, bobby pin, metal nail file (my fav) anything that had a tip on it that looked like it would slip inbetween those knots.
Thanks Ediese for your weaves 101 information! It was very informative and I definitely agree with everything that you said. This happened to me with braids a while ago. I had braids and didn't detangle first...what a huge mistake. My hair was sooooooooooooooo matted and it was no way I was able to detangle so I had to cut many areas out close to my scalp. It was a nightmare!!!! I really feel bad for ateeya! I don't really agree with all of her hair care practices but she is so full of energy and she is BRAVE to put that video up knowing that she may be the center of much ridicule and criticism. My words to Ateeya "Don't be too discouraged. Most of us experience setbacks at one time or another. It's only hair and it will definitely grow back"
Poor thing, too bad this happened to her. It looks like she was just so tired she got impatient and cut that matted hair out. I think that had she been more patient, she didn't have to cut. She is a gorgeous girl, she really could do without all the weaves and wigs, but hey that's just my opinion... and learn. She has such a positive attitude, she will bounce back. And kudos to her for posting that on Youtube. Ateyaaa keeps it all the way real, and it was nice of her to share with others so they can avoid the same mistakes.

I had a weave done for a hair show once, I thought I was cute as all get out and kept it in for about a month after the show, but I hated the fact that I couldn't properly wash my scalp and I felt it required more maintenance than my real hair. Weaves aren't for me, and her video just reinforced the fact that I will never put one in this head again.
After watching the vid.... I am shocked that she did not know that washing in sections is the best way to avoid these problems. I have been washing in sections for 7 years.
Wow. Sad....

You are correct. She should have used her finger to detangle. The matted area she should have take apart gently.

For the badly matted area to take the hair out one strand at a time. That right there would have saved her hair from having to be cut.. I know she will recover.
Did Ateeya say she was going to relax her hair only a few days later? I'm not sure when she did the vid, but that doesn't sound very wise after such a trauma surely...
Did Ateeya say she was going to relax her hair only a few days later? I'm not sure when she did the vid, but that doesn't sound very wise after such a trauma surely...

She did. She said she was gonna call her stylist later in the week to make an appointment.

Now how long are you really supposed to wait AFTER taking out braids/sewin to get a relaxer?
She did. She said she was gonna call her stylist later in the week to make an appointment.

Now how long are you really supposed to wait AFTER taking out braids/sewin to get a relaxer?

I personally would wait at least two weeks, but then I'm no expert on weaves. :perplexed
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