At what length have you enjoyed your hair the most?

most favorite length/s

  • SL and shorter

    Votes: 14 15.4%
  • APL

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • BSL

    Votes: 28 30.8%
  • MBL

    Votes: 18 19.8%
  • WL

    Votes: 16 17.6%
  • HL and longer

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Ladies, at what length have you enjoyed your hair the most and why?

I would have to say, my favorite length was APL. Overall, it was easier to manage.
My current length is great grazing bsl. It's long enough to wear various styles I can't wait to handle even longer lengths
I think i will enjoy when I will be able to style my own air :( it's one of my resolutions to 2012, learn how to do cornrows, flat twists, etc etc.

besides that i think at full APL/Bsl i will be enjoy. i can't do some updos I want even if i am APL.
I think I enjoyed my hair more when it was shorter...easier to wash, didn't worry about SSKs...none of that stuff was a bother.. :ohwell:
I will enjoy my hair when its WL and/or beyond!
I think I'm so focused on getting there, I can't even really fully enjoy the lengths I get to. :-/
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I enjoy my hair at all lengths! I'm being more 'adventurous' at BSL than APL. But I did a lot of funky styles at SL.
I think I will enjoy my hair once it's MBL and beyond.

I LOVE LOVE any and ALL updos. But unfortunately, I can't do most of them because my hair isn't long enough.
Hip length,but I'm going to enjoy it more at full classic length...

Happy Hair Growing!
I voted WL but its really some where between MBL and WL

At that length it was still easy for me to maintain, flat iron, put up or do what ever. Plus it was nice and full with blunt ends. Once I pass WL my ends start getting sparse and I get the urge to cut which = no progress...

Still some where hovering above HL right now and I dont see any progress happening til I get back to the states
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I voted APL, but I guess it has to do with hair health too. When I was relaxed, I hated SL and Loved when I got to APL. Now that I'm natural, I'm loving SL just as much as or even more than my relaxed APL, just b/c my hair is much softer, thicker, and easier to maintain. I've never been longer than APL though...
Each time I reached a new milestone like first successful pincurl/successful flatiron/reaching Sl...

Lengthwise however it was FULL Apl front, BSB/BSL back.
Even though my hair didn't feel long I felt it was not *short * either.

I can't wait to be back and go beyond this time
APL...Definitely! It was full and thick and very easy for me to manage. I got to BSL and I couldn't handle it anymore. Now I have a twa and working my way back to full APL - mildly texlaxed and not fully relaxed this time around.
To all the ladies who have beautiful bsl and longer lengths and are saying u can't really enjoy it....umm....give it to me...I'll def enjoy it 4u lol!

Anyway, my hair is only apl and i enjoy it when I'm not PSing...SL was nice 2 tho but I'm so looking forward to Bsb and beyond :)
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If I'm honest, it's APL--which is probably why I always let it grow to APL without bothering it, and then become increasingly more likely to start trimming willy-nilly, keeping it around APL.
It's long enough to feel "longish" to me, but fairly easy to take care of. When it's approaching BSL it starts to feel like more work, and shoulder length looks good down but my ponytails/buns don't look as nice.

Nevertheless, I've promised myself I'm going to let it grow out this year :lol: The longest it has been is MBL but I didn't really enjoy that because of the knots :nono: I haven't put forth real effort to get to MBL again as a straightened natural. I'm just shooting for BSL for now and we'll see how that goes...
I would say when I had my TWA. It was colored, easy to wash and style. Also, that was before my OCD kicked in and my obsession b/c getting to WL. I'm not enjoying it now b/c I've only worn it out once in the last yr that I can recall, twice at most. Now, I will enjoy it again at full WL when my focus will be on maintaining not growing.
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i enjoyed my twa. i loved the way it felt, how easy it was to choose how i defined my curls. especially loved coloring it. never knew what a bad hair day was.

right now, figuring out styling and maintaining moisture make it less fun.
I must say I've enjoyed every length I've had, except one. Will get to that in a minute.

When my hair was chin length I enjoyed the ease of doing it.

When it was shoulder length, it was awesome because I could still easily style it yet it had a more feminine flair than my chin length.

When it was waist length, it was lots of fun and of course my hair attracted attention (both wanted and unwanted) but it was still a lot of fun.

Now the only length I didn't enjoy was close cropped. This was a result of a stylist putting a very strong relaxer in my hair and of course my hair fell out~~~Not a happy camper! It was the most depressing thing EVER!. I hated the way I looked and at the time, the close cropped look for women wasn't in. 10 years later I would have been okay.