At what length have you enjoyed your hair the most?

most favorite length/s

  • SL and shorter

    Votes: 14 15.4%
  • APL

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • BSL

    Votes: 28 30.8%
  • MBL

    Votes: 18 19.8%
  • WL

    Votes: 16 17.6%
  • HL and longer

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will enjoy my hair te most I believe when it's at BSL. Right now I'm at APL, and my overall goal is a blunt BSL, hopefully by August his year.

Right now I'm enjoying my APL hair! But I must admit, since I "rediscovered" bantu knots, protctive styles are on and popping! Hopefully this will make it happen!
I like the length that my hair is at now (full APL)... it feels long, looks long, easy to hide styles that didn't go quite right and still look decent...

But then again I don't crave super long lengths... BSL/MBL should be fine for me...
MarriageMaterial said:
I think I will enjoy my hair once it's MBL and beyond.

I LOVE LOVE any and ALL updos. But unfortunately, I can't do most of them because my hair isn't long enough.

You need to enjoy your hair now. Don t wait for MBL to start.
It's a tie between APL and MBL. APL because it looked really thick and even, I think I got the most compliments on LHCF with my hair that length so believe it or not it gave me more confidence in my length and expecting progress. MBL - my current length - because I get the most looks/stares/compliments in real life about my hair so it's making me especially anxious to return to WL but without the damaged V. So anxious that I actually remember to take my vitamins so my hair can grow to its utmost potential. I'm also looking forward to hairstyles I can try out to change things up a bit.
I miss my TWA a lot. I loved the ease of taking care of it and I looked FAB! You couldn't tell me nothin'! I' m APL now and, dont get me wrong, I enjoy it. But my twa was ,y favorite
I want to chop it off back to that length but I've got goals to reach first. Then I'll chop it all off, donate it and start again.
I honestly could not choose a length because I have enjoyed almost all the different stages of my hair. I never had a TWA since I started out at SL. I am really enjoying it now as it is inching towards BSL but BAABBBY when I hit MBL+ I will be whipping my hair back and forth all ovah the place.:reddancer:
BSL has pretty much always been my goal whenever I was trying to grow my hair. Anything past that (which my hair has gotten to) proves to be too much to manage. APL always makes me wish it was BSL, although it is easier to manage than BSL. However, I did (and do) love the quickness of SL to Chin-length hair. I'm chin length (unstretched) and was chin-length relaxed at one point. It's so great to be done with washing and styling in an hour, start to finish. Never happens much past SL. I will miss it, as I try to reach my goal.
I will enjoy my hair when its WL and/or beyond!
I think I'm so focused on getting there, I can't even really fully enjoy the lengths I get to. :-/

I had to quote this, this is me to the t!!!!! I big chopped last saturday and now my hair is sl, my hair was between bsl and mbl before i bc'd but because it wasn't waist length i jus didn't show it the love it deserved!

Sad but true!
I think I've enjoyed my hair at every stage, TWA to now. I just enjoy watching my hair get bigger and hang lower as the months go by.

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When I got to APL, you could tell me nothing! I think I straighten 5 or 6 times after I reached APL. It was long but my hair didn't get caught in things which was nice.

I am still growning my hair out now, I'm just grazing MBL again. But my braidout is APL and now you can't tell me nothing again! I like my length at APL in my current style, but I'm still growing it out, it would be nice to have a braidout at BSB, but I would have to be a HL for that I bet.
I enjoyed my twa but I love watching my hair grow and can't wait to see where it winds up. Once I get rid of this heat damage I think I'll be able to enjoy it again. The longest it ever was relaxed was apl and I loved how full and long (to me!) my ponytails looked so I'm looking the most forward to hitting apl or bsl.
Loving my current length...between BSL and MBL....however, watch yo boo when I get to WL!! I'ma be big pimpin' over here!!!
I'm enjoying my current length of MBL but I'm ready to experience full waist-length. I feel the most liberated and free when I have my hair in mini braids because thats really the only time I genuinely have wash n go hair with no worries of knots tangles or setbacks.. So that applies for any length.

Sometimes I wish I had experienced the TWA stage but its all good.

I need a break from worrying about my hair so now I'm debating between crochets or mini braids......

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I think it started to really enjoy my hair once the front was past my chin and I got rid of my awkward post-BC hairdo. MBL had me so happy because I never thought I'd get there. I'm WL now and I enjoy the versatility.

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