Asking for what you want . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Are you the type of person who asks for what they want or do you take what you can get?

I understand not wanting to seem "greedy" but dangit, if I want something, I've learned that you have to ask for it . . . I've learned this in my working/professional life . . . I'm wondering how much this applies in relationships as well?

Example, there is a concert coming up that you'd like to go to . . . do you drop hints for your boo to take you or do you just say, "Hey, Big MC is coming to town - do you wanna go?"
I ask. I have to. I learned the hard way that not only can DH not read my mind, he's not the best on picking up on subtle hints, either. :lol:

So, yes, I ask. It's easier, for one thing. :lol:

And if it's something I would rather only have to ask once, I phrase the question that way, too.....