As your hair grows longer, do you


Well-Known Member
notice that you are less obsessed with it? I just noticed today that I left home w/o "doing" my hair this morning (though I meant to fluff it a little due to one sided bed head).

Now when my hair was shorter, it was very important to "be fly e'ry day" when it came to my hair (which probably contributed a lot to little retention.) I couldn't wait for it to grow so it I could do stuff with it, but now I notice as my hair has grown longer that I'm less obsessed with it simply looking good. I can wear a lot more protective styles for more consecutive days, which is probably contributing to the increase in length. So the most notorius long hairs mostly likely do very little with their hair......I FINALLY GET IT!

What do you notice about your hair habits as your hair reaches new lengths?
The longer it's gotten I don't really worry about it being "long" anymore.

I've never been one to do my hair so that hasn't changed that much. But I do find that I can go months now without doing anything to it.
notice that you are less obsessed with it? I just noticed today that I left home w/o "doing" my hair this morning (though I meant to fluff it a little due to one sided bed head).

Now when my hair was shorter, it was very important to "be fly e'ry day" when it came to my hair (which probably contributed a lot to little retention.) I couldn't wait for it to grow so it I could do stuff with it, but now I notice as my hair has grown longer that I'm less obsessed with it simply looking good. I can wear a lot more protective styles for more consecutive days, which is probably contributing to the increase in length. So the most notorius long hairs mostly likely do very little with their hair......I FINALLY GET IT!

What do you notice about your hair habits as your hair reaches new lengths?

Absolutely. I don't measure as often as I used to, now I only do it at the first of the month (and sometimes I forget to). I also play with it a lot less. It goes up in a bun, it stays up, and I don't worry about it as much as I used to.
yea, i've notices that too. My hair isnt really that long ,but i think the longer hair it is, the better it looks in simple 2 seconds styles like ponytails and french twist. So, you can get away with not doing it. Then after a while doing your hair becomes something you do when you feel like it, not a mandatory thing.

Also, I think when/if i reach waist length, i probably wear it in ponytails most of the time and maybe even cut it off after a few years.
My hair is not long, i just found a balance ... and i notice more grow now than when i started and i was like doing my hair every day.
Me too. I find that when the bottom layer of my hair hit APL ( which I was so obsessed with getting earlier this year) I had such an anti-climax. Not really obsessed with length much after that. But seeing more BSL+ hair on here's got me motivated to hit my goal of near WL next year. I think I 'll have an even BIGGER "Now what?" moment then.
It's easier for it to look "done" when it's long. A ponytail is a "style" if your hair is long, now if that ponytail is only 2 inches not so much.
Me too. I find that when the bottom layer of my hair hit APL ( which I was so obsessed with getting earlier this year) I had such an anti-climax. Not really obsessed with length much after that. But seeing more BSL+ hair on here's got me motivated to hit my goal of near WL next year. I think I 'll have an even BIGGER "Now what?" moment then.

I'm wondering the same thing. I guess as my hair gets thicker, it looks like a style even when it's not.
Like today, I have my hair in about 12 two strand twists that I clipped up using three different sized small to medium claw clips last night b/c I was too lazy to twist them so they'd stay and to keep them from unraveling. I woke up, went to the gym and MEANT to fix the "bed head" I had on the left sde of my head, but when I went to the restroom just now at work, I noticed I hadn't done A THING to my head, but it still looked cute.:giggle:
I agree wholeheartedly with this. As it gets longer, less the need for the 'pulled-to-its-tightest' ponytail or the mandatory bumping of the ends.

I have noticed too that the longer haired girls have a certain "leave it alone" attitude, which is easier as it gets longer. I'll quote Sylver2 here:

"I don't care about the back..." ' long as the front is "tight''-....low manipulation, low manipulation, low manipulation..." and surprise the back of her hair is literally down her back.

Great post.
yep.. im not even mid back (or half back as my SO says), and I dont wash and condition nearly as often as I used to. Every 2 weeks vs. twice a week, and my hair is still doing just fine!
I also find that as I grow longer, I blow dry/flat iron a lot less. When it was shorter than nape, I did after every single wash. I had to, otherwise it'd be all over the place. Now I can just damp bun and that controls my curls a bit. And straightening my hair now takes forever, so I'm glad that I don't have to bother.
I'm TRYING to be patient to get to where you "Half back" (that was cute) ladies are, but it seems easier as time goes on.
well my hair seems to be growing pretty fats so its not growth im obsessed with. its thickness i want. im still obsessed with keeping up my moisture protein balance but not gorwth. i will be excited when my hair is big and huge though. i cant wait to be able to shake my head and have my kinks fall into place lol.
Yup. I washed last week (for thanksgiving) and tried to flat iron for the 1st time in ages. I got 1/4 way through and said screw it! Left it big and then pinned it up at the end of the life. It's been in a bun since then - except for yesterday when I put it in a hair zing for an interview.
Yes and no. I am not as obsessed about how to grow it, but I am obsessed about what to do with it. When it is straight - at home it's cool out, but in public - there are "long hair problems". Getting caught in buttons, zippers, under armpits, tossing hair, moving it out of the way, ect. I don't like wearing it down when I am out, although I would really like to. So, I am getting obssessed with hair accessories.
My hair isn't long, mostly bottom of the neck but I can put it in a little bun now. Relaxed or natural, I have always been "style" lazy. I will cleanse, condition, and give my hair treatments but caring about a particular style, not so much. I think the longer hair gets, the more style lazy you can be.
Yes and no. I am not as obsessed about how to grow it, but I am obsessed about what to do with it. When it is straight - at home it's cool out, but in public - there are "long hair problems". Getting caught in buttons, zippers, under armpits, tossing hair, moving it out of the way, ect. I don't like wearing it down when I am out, although I would really like to. So, I am getting obssessed with hair accessories.

That's part of the reason why I bun. I figure there's no point in growing it long only to have it chewed up by zippers! :wallbash:
I would say that how obsessed I get about this hair thing comes and goes in cycles. I was probably the most obsessed when my hair was in the awkward stage at the beginning of APL. For the past few weeks, I haven't been too concerned about my hair.

Now that I can do a good sized bun, a low puff/low bun and I can create full easy twistouts I'm pretty much set. My goal is WL but all I've really wanted was hair that didn't mean 24/7 puffs if I wanted my hair done within 20 mins. It sounds odd but I've really just wanted to be able to do a bun if I wanted but it's taken so long to reach this point. I'm at the stage where I feel I will be on auto-pilot to my goal very soon and that involves not being obsessed.
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funny. I left without doing my hair this morning too! It's in a bun. I'll do it when I get home before I go out. But, I am not as obsessed as I used to be. :)
My hair must not be long enough! Because currently I am obsessed.... so much so that I am choosing to confine it to PS so I dont mess with it
I've always taken the "low manipulation" approach with my hair...I just didn't think it was necessary to invest loads of time and money to have healthy hair that retains length.

Now, that my hair is longer, it can look good with even less styling effort...
I've always been lazy when it comes to styling my hair. Well not so much lazy as not very good at it.

This past summer my friend told me that when my hair hit a certain length I would stop "doing it"...I denied this up and down.

She was right. I'm good for washing it, letting it air dry, and heading out to class (frizz ball and all)
I don't know about it getting longer, I'm at SL, but as I get further into my transition I have more of a hands off approach.

I'm experimenting with dlewis's method of wash bun for 3 days, co wash, bun for 3 days, etc. I'm a lazy stylist anyhow so as long as I look right for work, I'm content.
The minute I was able to make a pig tail I was content LOL! At the beginning of my hair journey I noticed that the folks with long hair keep it ultra that has always been my goal.