are you good about waiting to try new products you purchase?


Well-Known Member

i ordered some stuff from the other day and was hoping it'd arrive tomorrow because today isn't a hair doing day, but tomorrow is. but of course, it comes today.

now im sitting here ITCHING to try the products, but trying to be strong and wait until tomorrow.

are you good about waiting to try new products? or do you have to try them RIGHT away when you get them?

i usually have a hard time waiting. im so impatient.

as for the products i got, i got loreal evercream cleansing conditioner (dont like the smell...unplesantly perfume-y to me...but hopefully it works well with my hair) and i also go shea moisture purification masque, which ive heard a lot of good things about.
Usually I can wait.:lol:

Let me know about the SM Purification Masque. I've had that in my stash a while and have never tried it.
I'm good at waiting when it's a free product....not so much when I paid for it though. I try them right away if I spent money.

I have some Jessicurl products on my desk right now that I may try this week. I've had them for nearly one year from when I was a hair model at a natural hair show (swag bag).

Jessicurl Cleansing Cream, Too Shea conditioner, Confident Coils styling solution and Deep Conditioning Treatment.
dang...i guess it's just my impulsive personality LOL.

i went ahead and tried the loreal cleansing conditioner. will hold off on the purification masque. that's more of a weekend thing.
the only time you will see an unopened product in my house is if it's an extra of another product i already have cracked open. : P

I bought a few masques conditioners & shampoo by shea moisture

..... I can wait until next week....
I agree,if its not open in my house it because I GOT THE OTHER open and at a (2 FOR 1 SALE)! I open everything....just like Christmas

if I don't like it, I find a way to use it.
wigs shampoo,
bubble bath,
cleaners..... gotta make room for the new stuff.......
I can wait. I like to finish one thing before I start something else. I also cannot store away something I have used, I either finish it, give it away, sell it or throw it out.
LOL! cute thread.

my hair is straightened now, but I'm side eyeing these coco and cream products now... can't wait to try em this weekend... but thinking of washing my hair now that I've read this thread LOL
Daaaang Lamaria, I needs a stash like dat! You stockin' for the next millennium! lol kidding but that is nice, what's your plan for purchasing and usage? My SO would complain all day, so obviously you found one that is as committed as you!

Please tell me your secret on holding out! I must try my products immediately, unless it interferes with my regimen. I could never build a stash like that.
I'm pretty good about it. Waiting helps me get to a point where I have as many consistencies as possible this way I can really assess how well the product did. Or I'll wait until I have enough of my old product for 2 - 3 morse uses and I split my hair down the middle and compare the products side by side.
I can only wait till the next wash day for a proper try out

In the meantime though ..... f its a cleansing product I will try on my bangs, and most anything else I'll try a bit on a twist or two :giggle:
I usually get super excited to try a new product. Sometimes I can't wait to get home and try it out. If I like a new product, especially a conditioner - I almost can't contain myself :lachen:.
i'm the opposite...i dont always buy new products right away. a lot of things i buy have been out for ages, but once i get my hands on in the shower using them almost right away.

my family's always like "you JUST bought it...couldnt wait?!?!"
I guess I am. I typically use the same things, so I assign numbers to the styling products and pick a number on I use the product that's assigned to the selected number. Sometimes, I write the names of the styling products on pieces of paper, put it in a bag, and shake up the bag. Then I use whichever product I randomly pick.

If I have a new product, I'm always excited when it gets picked.

I know that this probably sounds quirky, but it's my way of keeping things interesting.
I'm not good at waiting either. Now I have about 4 stylers, 4 shampoos, and 7 conditioners opened, but on the positive side I do have about 5 unopened (and calling my name). lol. I'm trying to stick with my plan on using up all the open containers b/f opening more.
I'm good at waiting when it's a free product....not so much when I paid for it though. I try them right away if I spent money.

I have some Jessicurl products on my desk right now that I may try this week. I've had them for nearly one year from when I was a hair model at a natural hair show (swag bag).

Jessicurl Cleansing Cream, Too Shea conditioner, Confident Coils styling solution and Deep Conditioning Treatment.

I purchased the sample size of the cleanser and the too Shea for my daughter's 3c hair and I must say, it was an epic fail.
I really only buy what I need, so I tend to use them as soon as I have them. I'm still coming up with staple products, but I rarely buy "new" new items.
i dont really buy too many stylers. i dont use stylers like gels, pomades, curl creams...or really even regular moisturizers or leave-ins.

i do buy a lot of different conditioners because i love conditioner haha...and i like to rotate them. i also use a lot of conditioners as leave-ins/moisturizers as well.
Daaaang Lamaria, I needs a stash like dat! You stockin' for the next millennium! lol kidding but that is nice, what's your plan for purchasing and usage? My SO would complain all day, so obviously you found one that is as committed as you!

Please tell me your secret on holding out! I must try my products immediately, unless it interferes with my regimen. I could never build a stash like that.

I actually hate opening products out of order that is why I try not to buy to many natural products they expire way to fast for my taste, I like finishing one product then moving on to the next but it usually takes me a month to finish something and by that time I've bought 3 more in its place. I love DCs definitely my favorite things to buy and leave ins come in 2nd