are you good about waiting to try new products you purchase?

lamaria211 said:
I actually hate opening products out of order that is why I try not to buy to many natural products they expire way to fast for my taste, I like finishing one product then moving on to the next but it usually takes me a month to finish something and by that time I've bought 3 more in its place. I love DCs definitely my favorite things to buy and leave ins come in 2nd

I steer away from natural products as well, just bc I don't buy into that trend too much. But I do really like aubrey organics and sulfate free products. You have such a big stash I'm wondering what types of products you buy? Why and when you buy?
I buy a lot of products when they're on sale, not really out of necessity, I know that's a problem.
I've seen you're hair, it's gorgeous, but it seems you like to try different products. It takes me like three months to completely finish any product, but I want to know for sure I'm giving up allllll these other products definitely.
Lol, I am like a child on Christmas when it comes to my products. I have to rip em open, and start playing immediately! If I love it, I'll buy more of it for the stash. If I hate it, I'll see if it works in my boys hair...and if not, into the trash it goes! I'm just about past a lot of the experimentation stage, so right now I just keep the stash well stocked.
I love getting new products and can't hold myself back from trying them, even if it's not wash day. I justify it by reminding myself that I don't just apply products to freshly washed hair and I have to see if the new product plays well with others. :look:
I steer away from natural products as well, just bc I don't buy into that trend too much. But I do really like aubrey organics and sulfate free products. You have such a big stash I'm wondering what types of products you buy? Why and when you buy?
I buy a lot of products when they're on sale, not really out of necessity, I know that's a problem.
I've seen you're hair, it's gorgeous, but it seems you like to try different products. It takes me like three months to completely finish any product, but I want to know for sure I'm giving up allllll these other products definitely.

Honestly I do tons of research on products before I buy them now. Earlier in my hhj I used to buy just to buy but now every thing I purchase I get it for a reason to help out my hair in some way (and that's y my hair usually likes what I buy) either its a protein product for strength, a moisture product for softness or a ceramide product for elasticity. I've been doing a lot of reading up on ceramides and lipids for the hair which prompted my splurge on Redken Extreme and Inphenom products:) I had no reconstructors so I bought 3 Kerastase Resistance Masque force, CJ Repair Me, and Giovanni's Nutrafix.
I cannot wait.

I'm in love with trying new conditioners, especially if the packaging is pretty. :look:

I'm like a kid on Christmas eve, eyeballing the gift underneath the tree at about 4:00 a.m.

I'll get a must-use-today coupon from Ulta or somewhere and that turns into a hair shopping escapade that very same day. Then, whatever day it is now becomes a wash day...just so I can try the new thing.

My husband thinks I have issues and I agree. :drunk:
I'm trying to be good. I went out and got some raved about products anticipating to straighten my hair this week, but it got all hot again so I'm gonna wait. Not even 15 minutes after I got back from Target I opened the tops to smell them.
I'm not a PJ. I buy a product when I'm out of the old one (or close to). I usually buy within a day or 2 of NEEDING to use it... So the answer is no. I don't consider waiting a day really waiting...considering how long some of these ladies have stuff in their stash! :O

BTW: SM Purification Masque is the BEST of the line...
I'm not good at waiting either. Now I have about 4 stylers, 4 shampoos, and 7 conditioners opened, but on the positive side I do have about 5 unopened (and calling my name). lol. I'm trying to stick with my plan on using up all the open containers b/f opening more.


This was a bad habit I was so glad I 'broke.:yep:'

It took a while tho'. :look:

Now I limit the amount of like-products I have open at the same time.
I'm not in to waiting. Now, if I just washed and purchased the product same day or next day, I may give it a few days but it really depends on my excitement level about the product. I don't care about opening up stuff; it's not like the products have twist tops or sealed screw caps. For all I know, someone took a peek at my product before I bought it. (I'm guilty of this).
Revived the thread because I thought about this.

I'm excited about my new conditioner, but it's not wash day lol.
I only experience a bit of impatience prior to purchase, e.g., I want this product; I need to buy this product, hurry up and get it before the sale ends, etc. However, once the item has been bought, I will patiently wait for an extended period time for it to be delivered, and an eternity before sampling it.