Are you Girlfriend/Wife Material?

Are You Girlfriend/Wife Material?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 88 71.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • No, but I'm working on getting there!

    Votes: 13 10.6%
  • Hmm, undecided!

    Votes: 13 10.6%

  • Total voters
No. I used to be both, but somewhere along the line I can (truthfully) say that I lost myself.
I am now back to learning more about myself at this new stage in my life.

I can't give to anyone else if I don't have enough for myself first.

It took A LONG time to realize that. Better late than never, huh? :yep:
Wow..throwing myself under the bus here..but I guess I'm the second person to say NO at least to being Wife material. I should let it be know that I an NOT a party girl or live a "wild" life....not even close. However, I think it is the simple things that don't make me qualified, I wouldn't feel like cooking every night for aa man, yes of course for my child, but (to me at least) different obligation,feeling the pressure to maintain a certain way or look about myself..I love doing drastic changes to my look. Or even having to "answer" or "check-in" with a man about where I am or what I am doing.
I don't know... I just never felt like I would make a good wife. Nothing to do with self-esteem, just self observation.
I know I can not give a resounding YES, because I am working on the best me at the time... the best me that I want to be, and I am not there as far as I am concerned, but aint nobody telling me I am not fine wine... Lol...
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Girlfriend material? Sure.
Wife material? Working on it. I'm still very selfish at times, stubborn and lack patience. And at times I can be intolerant.

Same here. For this reason I dont think Id make a good girlfriend either at the moment.
No. Not right now. I don't want to do anything for a man. I don't even know why my current BF has put up with me for the past year. I've been married and divorced, and not interested in anything long term right now, so i don't even try. That may change in the future, but right now, i'm happy in "selfish" mode. However, everyone tells me i'll be married again in no time, and that i'm a great catch.
I said yes. I have never liked dating. It seemed so careless, casual, and frivolous. I have always known I was wife material. The thing was me being wife material and trying to date. Oh well. Next week, as I am getting married then, I will be official wife material. :grin:

Congratulations in advance!! :)
I said yes. I have never liked dating. It seemed so careless, casual, and frivolous. I have always known I was wife material. The thing was me being wife material and trying to date. Oh well. Next week, as I am getting married then, I will be official wife material. :grin:

This is all me.

I have been told many times that I am wife material and I know it, too :yep:

It keeps getting better and better as someone else said...
I am wife material but frankly, I don't care anymore. I'm sick of being 'wife material' but never the wife .......patience does have an end and it's called wasting time. Right now, I'm just focused on being the best 'me' and the best Christian I can be......
I say yes to both, but in reality, I don't believe in the idea of girlfriend or wife "material."

Women got married as teenagers back in the day and I seriously doubt that those girls were any kind of wife material. They didn't get married because some man considered them "wife material," they got married because that's just what you did. And then through the MARRIAGE, that girl/woman learned what it meant to be a wife, and that boy/man learned what it meant to be a husband.

You can't really know how to be a wife unless you are one. And even when you are one, you're still learning every day.

So I'm not even concerned about proving as a single woman whether or not I'm wife material... because I want to be married, that makes me wife material for someone.
Wow..throwing myself under the bus here..but I guess I'm the second person to say NO at least to being Wife material. I should let it be know that I an NOT a party girl or live a "wild" life....not even close. However, I think it is the simple things that don't make me qualified, I wouldn't feel like cooking every night for aa man, yes of course for my child, but (to me at least) different obligation,feeling the pressure to maintain a certain way or look about myself..I love doing drastic changes to my look. Or even having to "answer" or "check-in" with a man about where I am or what I am doing.
I don't know... I just never felt like I would make a good wife. Nothing to do with self-esteem, just self observation.

These are some of my same issues as well. I've been single for so long that it would take some major adjusting to the whole marriage thing, being that I'm a 31 year old woman who has been doing her own thing for a long time. Judging by my current prospects (or lack thereof), it doesn't look like I'll have be worrying about that anytime soon. :lol:
I know that I am girlfriend material however I am not wife material. I disclose that based on the knowledge that I am aware that I dont like long term commitment and I have a major trust issue. I view a relationship bf/gf differently than a marriage. I like diversity and dont wanna be committed to LIFE to one individual. Just my opinion ladies:drunk:
I used to focus on being "wife material". Then I realized something, the man for me will be drawn to me inspite of everyone else. I am wife material because I am a great godly woman first. The man in my life could have his picking but for whatever reason (only I know) he choose to pursue me. At first I was shocked then I thought, hell he's lucky that I was even available.
No!! I'm too selfish to be with anyone. I choose to indulge in self. Do I want to get married? I'm too old. So no, I don't think that I could adjust my lifestyle for a man.
It depends on what the guy's looking for. My lifestyle goes against all the traditional norms. I'm very independant and will never be submissive. If a guy is looking for a pretty doormat that will cook and clean, then he's not the one for me. If he's looking for an equal that's successful, nurturing, mentally stimulating, and adventurous then I'm definitely wifey material.

Even though I'm not traditional wifey material, I've had several marriage proposals. Only one of them was from a guy that was an ideal match. Our relationship fell apart because we were young and immature. Sometimes I worry that I missed out on my one chance at love. :(