Are you friend's with your SO's female friends?

I know most of them. (all of them know me as "The Queen" :lachen:) I wouldn't say I'm friends with them though.

Just wanted to mention that typing in all caps in internet-speak is the equivalent of yelling. FYI :)
What female friends? :look:

I generally don't believe in that. Most of the time, one friend or the other wants something different and crosses the line or tries to.

If DH had a true friend from childhood or something, I would want to be friends with her. But no, I generally don't believe in that.
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no, i'm not! he shouldnt have female "friends" but thats life and it is what it is but i dont trust women in the sense of them being around my man and smiling in my face. they're too sneaky. like, they'll smile in your face and then be f-ing your man. no no no:nono:!! i dont even want to meet them. i prefer to know of them and about them but mixing and mingling, i'm not for it
he doesnt have any female friends except co workers (he works with ALL women) but he does not see them outside of work. if he did have female friends i don't know if i would be friends with them or not...
I think you should meet them and get to know them on some level. Not necessarily be their new bff. I had a guy tell me that he didn't 'mix friends' as in I would not be meeting all of his friends because we wouldn't mesh well together :nono:. That was code for...I'm a malewhore and my "female friends" are women that I also boink.
really, his friends that are female are few. and even those friends dont live in the same state as us. he'll catch up on the phone with them every now and then and they know about me and ask how he and I are doing. So I'm not really friends with them because I've never met them. Even so, I dont have issue with female friends as long as their the kind of friends he talks to once or twice a year, ya know?
I really don't approve of female friends. I've had a few incidents with my SO that caused me to be wary of any female that he introduces to me that isn't related to him in some way. At this point in our relationship there is no need for NEW friends of the opposite sex. I won't be making any new male friends, and will not be accepting any new female friends of his. I'm all the friend that he needs.
While I am his bff, I know of his female friends. I really would like him to understand why I don't want him to have them. If a female is such a friend of his, why didn't they come to our engagement party or wedding? Why aren't they DYING to meet me? DH had an incident where one of his 'friends' called him in the middle of the night because she was 'in trouble'. He didn't leave work or anything. He let her know that unless she is me, his sis, or mom...then she needs to dial 911. She was upset but has no choice but to understand.
My husband doesn't have any female friends, but associates that he has to deal with from time to time. To me friends are personal and intimate, and I don't want him to be that way with no one other than me. When we're at odds with each other, I don't want to think that he's off somewhere confiding in a female telling her all our/my business. That's just a recipe for a disastrous marriage.
No, we're not friends, but I deal with them when I see them and if I pick up his cellie when they call.

But there's one that I just can't stand. This chick is not polite or respectful enough to say hello, she just asks for him. She's gotten better over the years, but I can't stand her.

When I first met her she was being too friendly with him, and I was "too pregnant" to whoop her butt. She knew I was there at the party, and she walked passed me with her hand in his back pocket :wallbash:. That was 3 years ago, but I still haven't let it go.

BTW, I flipped on DH about that at that time; eventhough we weren't married at the time, but we were still together. :nono:
No, we're not friends, but I deal with them when I see them and if I pick up his cellie when they call.

But there's one that I just can't stand. This chick is not polite or respectful enough to say hello, she just asks for him. She's gotten better over the years, but I can't stand her.

When I first met her she was being too friendly with him, and I was "too pregnant" to whoop her butt. She knew I was there at the party, and she walked passed me with her hand in his back pocket :wallbash:. That was 3 years ago, but I still haven't let it go.

BTW, I flipped on DH about that at that time; eventhough we weren't married at the time, but we were still together. :nono:

No disrespect for your marriage, but that friend would have to go, my husband could never have a friend male/female that I thought was disrespectful to me.
No disrespect for your marriage, but that friend would have to go, my husband could never have a friend male/female that I thought was disrespectful to me.

I hear ya, that's how I felt at the time, but I don't see her as a threat anymore. In fact, she hardly calls him anymore. He's either at work or with us; so he never sees her. I know the woman is married now; she wasn't at the time, so maybe that's what's keeping her busy. But if she kept up her old ways, then, yes, she would be an issue. I no longer see her as an issue. :nono:
While I am his bff, I know of his female friends. I really would like him to understand why I don't want him to have them. If a female is such a friend of his, why didn't they come to our engagement party or wedding? Why aren't they DYING to meet me? DH had an incident where one of his 'friends' called him in the middle of the night because she was 'in trouble'. He didn't leave work or anything. He let her know that unless she is me, his sis, or mom...then she needs to dial 911. She was upset but has no choice but to understand.

My exact sentiments.
I hear ya, that's how I felt at the time, but I don't see her as a threat anymore. In fact, she hardly calls him anymore. He's either at work or with us; so he never sees her. I know the woman is married now; she wasn't at the time, so maybe that's what's keeping her busy. But if she kept up her old ways, then, yes, she would be an issue. I no longer see her as an issue. :nono:

I'm happy to hear that, it sounds as though she could be a trouble maker.
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My bf trips whenever i ask him about the many female #'s he has in his phone. He doesn't think it's necessary for me to know his female friends. He even keeps intouxh with his ex's and sees it as no big deal when i ask about them or want to know them.
No, we're not friends, but I deal with them when I see them and if I pick up his cellie when they call.

But there's one that I just can't stand. This chick is not polite or respectful enough to say hello, she just asks for him. She's gotten better over the years, but I can't stand her.

When I first met her she was being too friendly with him, and I was "too pregnant" to whoop her butt. She knew I was there at the party, and she walked passed me with her hand in his back pocket :wallbash:. That was 3 years ago, but I still haven't let it go.

BTW, I flipped on DH about that at that time; eventhough we weren't married at the time, but we were still together. :nono:

I would have flipped too. I'm glad that chick is no longer around to be a problem.

No disrespect for your marriage, but that friend would have to go, my husband could never have a friend male/female that I thought was disrespectful to me.

You beat me to it. ITA.

My bf trips whenever i ask him about the many female #'s he has in his phone. He doesn't think it's necessary for me to know his female friends. He even keeps intouxh with his ex's and sees it as no big deal when i ask about them or want to know them.

This would really bother me too. There is no need to keep in touch with ex's like that. I just don't understand. Your bf makes things seem worse than they could be by being so secretive.

My SO pulled something similar on me twice. We went to an amusement park with a good friend of his and his girlfriend. Somewhere in the middle of the double date, I felt like the girlfriend was giving off bad vibes towards me. I brushed it off thinking that I was tripping cuz it was the first time the chick and I had met. Fast foward a few months later, my SO tells me that him and the chick used to date (after she broke up with his friend, and then went back to the friend later). I personally don't believe in close associations with exes and was PISSED to say the least that he would have me around some chick he used to date WITHOUT telling me. I was hott!!! So from then on....I don't wanna meet any chicks that aren't a cousin or a sister. He tried to explain it by saying they were all still friends. ugh.