Are you dating your dad???


New Member
No you freak! Not like that!:lachen:
I just had a funny realization while replying to another thread...
I'm dating my father.....
My boyfriend's personality is soo similar to my dad's and I find my relationship with him progressing in a similar fashion to my parents! I can't decide if thats a good or bad thing...
Anybody else "dating their dad"?? Good or bad thing?? Why?
There are always similarities between my father and the men I choose to date. Most of them are good such as being entreprenurial, family oriented, kind hearted, and a provider. Some are bad also, depending on where I am in my life. These have been things like not being a strong communicator and being a homebody, both of which are traits of my father. I think it's only natural to be attracted to attributes of your father, just like men tend to pick people who are similar to their mother. However it sometimes can keep dysfunction flowing through a bloodline because no one ever decides/desires to break the mold and choose a different type of mate. Its good and it's bad I guess:ohwell: I know I love my Daddy unconditionally though, through the good and the bad, and I would guess that I would need to love my husband the same it's good that I have the practice now.:)
My mom always go on and on about how my SO reminds her of my dad. They both are tall, quiet, and sweet people. I know my dad, but I don't know him that well so I can't say if she is correct or not.

But I have read numerous studies on how we date people that are like prominent male figures on our lives and men date women like his mother (hence the reason why a lot of women don't get along with MIL-too much alike:lol: ). My SO even calls me "grandma" since he says me and his grandmother are so much alike. Everything I do it's "you act like my grandma." She helped raise him, so I guess his grandmother qualifies under this rule.
i've always heard that you either date somebody like your father or his exact opposite. nothing in the middle. don't know if that's true or not.
caribeandiva said:
i've always heard that you either date somebody like your father or his exact opposite. nothing in the middle. don't know if that's true or not.

I've heard that too. As for me, I only date the exact opposite of my dad. I don't want anything like him!
I've learned women also date and marry men who are just like their mothers. Men many times do the same with women who are just like their fathers. It's usually one or the other parent and it's because there are unresolved issues with that parent(s) that we work out in our relationships with our spouses or BFs.

There are also attributes we love about our parents that we see in and are attracted to in our spouses or BFs.
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I'm not dating anyone at the moment, but there were so many similarities between my dad and my ex that it was crazy (which had nothing to do with us breaking up, btw, thought I'd mention that :lol:).

I love my daddy, but we do have our issues. The theory that Isis mentioned about working out unresolved issues definitely comes to mind here.
well. my honey is few inches taller than me and white. my daddy? uh uh. big ol tall black guy.:lol: Opposite as far as looks, yes. Demeanor, not so much.

Knew the exact moment SO and dad clicked. SO told a dirty joke, my father nearly fell out his chair laughing. This was on the their first date even!

When my father was in Afganistan and Iraq, SO sent him "mouthwash". (code word for Jack Daniels) Now him and my dad are just tight as ever.

SO swore up and down my mother hated him. (she dosen't) She does see a lot of my father in him.


I've always dated my errrm dad *cough* sperm donor *cough*

And strangely.........

They always leave.......

I wonder why.....LOLOLOL!!!!!
Arcadian said:
well. my honey is few inches taller than me and white. my daddy? uh uh. big ol tall black guy.:lol: Opposite as far as looks, yes. Demeanor, not so much.
My bf is Colombian, has long long curly hair, ears pierced, indulges in Wacky Tabaccy, is liberal and pagan
My dad is a very conservative old school Haitian....nuff said..
It's just their passion about their oppinions, and their strong characters, their thick accents, demeanor etc. that is soooo alike!! It's weird
lipyt said:
No you freak! Not like that!:lachen:
I just had a funny realization while replying to another thread...
I'm dating my father.....
My boyfriend's personality is soo similar to my dad's and I find my relationship with him progressing in a similar fashion to my parents! I can't decide if thats a good or bad thing...
Anybody else "dating their dad"?? Good or bad thing?? Why?

I have :lol: I find that I'm drawn to guys who are like my dad.
Isis said:
I've learned women also date and marry men who are just like their mothers. Men many times do the same with women who are just like their fathers. It's usually one or the other parent and it's because there are unresolved issues with that parent(s) that we work out in our relationships with our spouses or BFs.

There are also attributes we love about our parents that we see in and are attracted to in our spouses or BFs.
That must have been one of those Froydian thingys I fell asleep at during Psych class in college:lol: But I definately think its true!
I pray everyday that I could marry someone just like my DADDY! he is the greatest, soo intelligent, so ambititious, hardworking, family-oriented, laidback and kind!! I never seem to date people like my daddy, maybe because i have no unresolved issues wih him?? i dunno!
I find that to be true in most cases. My cousin only dates men that dog her like her father dogs her mother, just an example.

I made a effort to not date men like my father because at that time I only saw the worst in him. Now I find that he's a wonderful person and wish I had married a man with some of his ways.

He and Dh are very close so DH's developing some of his wonderful ways.
if i did date ment like my father they would all be in jail...though some folks do have jail rlp's. I cant get wit it :nono:
I think I date the opposite cause I like the warm affectionate kind but they are also aloof which is like my dad.

They say that unconsciously I date people like my dad looking for acceptance. That's where the aloof type come in. My dad never showed me affection so I guess I look for guys like him without knowing it and look for that affection in them. I just realized this recently.:ohwell:
If I dated men like my Father, I would be in jail. My Father is extremely selfish, self-centered, and cheap when it comes to buying stuff for other people. I find that I am like him in that I am selfish and slightly self-centered, but I am only cheap when it comes to buying stuff for myself.
My current BF IMO is not like my Father.
In some ways, yes!
I tend to like short guys - my father was very short :lol:
I have dated "emotionally unavailable" guys, just like my father.
I haven't always, but my current SO is like my father in many ways. I absolutely ADORE my father, and I've never felt that any man could compare to him because he's so close to perfection. I discovered that my much of my unexplained attraction to my SO was b/c of the intangible qualities he shared with my father. They're both generous, analytical, ambitious, dedicated, funny, protective, and loving. :D
I can't say since my father never really was in my life.However my SO is a mix of my mother's personality(she raised me) and my dear late grandfathers who was the prominent men in my life.:)
This is weird. Last night my boyfriend came over and this old song on AI came on. He grabs me up from the chair and starts slow dancing with me. And he has absolutely NO rhythm!!! It reminded me SOOO much of my dad. Made me nostalgic. :)
lipyt said:
No you freak! Not like that!:lachen:
I just had a funny realization while replying to another thread...
I'm dating my father.....
My boyfriend's personality is soo similar to my dad's and I find my relationship with him progressing in a similar fashion to my parents! I can't decide if thats a good or bad thing...
Anybody else "dating their dad"?? Good or bad thing?? Why?

My mother and I joke about it all the time. It's SCARY how similar they are.