Are You An Effortless Grower or Someone Who Has To Work For Growth?

Does Your Hair Grow Effortlessly or Does It Take Work?

  • YES: My hair will grow and I can retain length regardless of what I do to it!

    Votes: 71 14.6%
  • NO: I must maintain a strict regimen but I'm willing to do that to reach my goals!

    Votes: 165 34.0%
  • Neither Yes nor No: I have a regimen, but even if I don't stick to it 100%, my hair will grow

    Votes: 235 48.4%
  • Other: Please explain...

    Votes: 27 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My hair grows effortlessly....It has always grown fast...My problem was retaining length...So I have to stay on a routine to retain the length I gain..
I just realized I was a slow grower:perplexed. I always thought I grew the average .5 inch/month, but it turns out I only grow .25 inch/month :sad:. I don't have an issue with retention I just wish my hair grew faster.
we are all effortless growers, as long as we're breathing. but some of us are slow to retain the hair growth.
My problem is retaining! I dont know what I did as a kid but i had extremely long hair..DOWN MY BACK! Now I stumped! I grow up im not going anywhere!
Gotta work harder!
My hair grows in really awkwardly :ohwell:

The 1A/3C parts of my hair grow pretty regularly i.e. about 1/2-3/4 of an inch every month. However, the 4a parts of my hair grow about a 1/4 of an inch every month :wallbash:. I'm almost a month post (4 more days) and I have about 1/2 in the front and 1/4 on the bottom :perplexed
Effortless. I always see growth, the problem is how much.
If I'm eating regularly, drinking water, and taking my vitamins and silica supplements I will see a lot of growth. :yep:
Although, I don't usually eat a lot or everyday, drinking water for me is a chore at times, and I forget about my supplements (plus you have to take supplements with food. :ohwell:) Due to this, my growth is very limited and the rate is SLOW. :sad:
I'm an effortless grower. My hair also grows fast. I rarely protective style but, when I do I notice that it helps retain length tremendously. I'd say that I have to work harder on avoiding split ends to retain length.
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i'm a struggling hair farmer. my hair grows about 1/4" to 1/2" a month. While wearing weaves, it didn't matter, my beautician was damaging my hair and wouldn't let me look at my hair after the take-down.

she used to just take it down, keep my back toward the mirror, then turn me around after relaxing my hair, then putting on the net, then sewing the weave in.

after a major setback, it was all shaved off 2008. That's when i learned i am slow grower, AND 4B/C.

This year, i've incorporated chlorella, MSM, biotin, eye of newt - the works. My hair is healthier, yes, but i'm still a slow grower.
I voted neither yes nor no. I can get between APL and BSL effortlessly and my hair will look pretty healthy. However, I have to put in some effort to achieve healthy BSL or longer hair.
For me I would say that my hair grows with minimal effort. Since I do not use direct heat, trim my hair every three months or so, texlax my hair ever six months, moisturize my hair everyday, and wash my hair at least once a week it is easy. I learned the less I do to my hair the better and I retain my length. But my hair does not grow super fast just the regular rate of about 1/2 inch a month.
n the middle

Because my hair will break off QUICKLY-and it doesnt take that much, I have to manipulate less, and use less heat than alot of people I notice do on here as routine for healthy hair.

And I need to be consistant and thorough with deepconditoning, but especially moisturizing. And alot of products dont even moisturize or conditon my hair good.

So when it all boils down, I have a simple regimen that I need to stick to. But it took a while to figure that out-and figure out which products my hair likes-that was my trial and error phase so at first I would I have picked I have to work hard, and sometimes I still may try and do what I see other people on here doing because I think "it must equal healthy hair or all hair is the same"

My regimen is usually like
*Shampoo/Deepcondtion 1x a week (Can do every 2 weeks, or 2-3x a week, but after a while my hair may start to get dryer, or break alittle from over manipualtion)
*Protective styles, moisturize daily
*Treatments/trims every 2 months or so
I am an effortless grower but I must BABY my ENDS like crazy to retain growth....I get 1/2 inch to an inch/month no problems....I have a long back so it doesn't look like much....But I just took a picture the other day (4/22) and I have a little more than an inch growth past when my signature pic was taken in Feb. I have noticed a lot of shedding however...I just noticed that my shorter front layers are getting longer too....I've only recently been documenting growth in pics as of January of this year....
my hair always grows (quickly) but plateaus around bsl...trying to get over that hump by sticking to a regimen
I voted no because I have to work hard for my hair to grow at a reasonable rate, including being adamant about taking my vitamins daily, low manipualtion styles, deep conditioning in a timely fashion, ie, at least once every 7-10 days if my hair is not in braids.

If my hair is in braids, I can go as long as 2 to 2.5 weeks without washing and DCing to maintain the braids. My ends need to be moisturized and sealed regularly and baggying has helped in this arena to some extent. Yeah, I really have to work at it!
Well, if I was an effortless grower, I probably wouldn't be here! :lachen: Yup, I have to work hard to retain all the hair I grow.
I have to work. I have fine hair and I fine that no to low manipulation works best also I when I need a lil extra stimulation I apply Lenzi's request to my scalp.
Never been past shoulder length my entire life. Grew up getting old school press and curls.

I think my hair grows at an average to above average rate. So I assume my problem is retention. Hopefully that will change now that I am transitioning:yep:
I'm an effortless, average grower (normally 0.5 inch per month).....but my problem is retention, specifically breakage from my ends. :ohwell:

this has been confirmed now that im natural and able ro retain more easily than when i was relaxed
Neither yes or no. Since I learned I need moisture more than anything else for retention, I make sure I moisturise (moreso now because of the challenges) and the length seems to take care of itself. Don't really have much of a regimen anymore.
I'm not an effortless grower. I have to wear low manipulation styles bc direct heat damages my cuticle and breaks my hair. I don't have to PS 24-7 in order to grow (maybe 2x per week and the rest is low mani), but I may have to start in order to get to WL.
I'm an effortless grower until neck length - which isn't saying much, I know - I can fry and dye it all day long but it will at least reach neck length. With that said, I have never made it to shoulder length or past .... I'm at neck length now - on my HHJ - so I guess time will tell.
Effortless grower and retainer. I used to put relaxer on the whole hair strand for about 45 minutes, and I still made it to APL. My ends where :ohwell:, but I was APL nonetheless.:look: This is when I wasn't taking care of my hair. I never slept on silk, I never moisturized, did a protein treatment, I slathered Pink oil, used heat daily, and almost never washed my hair.:blush::nono: Ew, I know, but I though my hair would revert.:lachen::rolleyes:

Now if this is what my relaxed hair could take, I'm eager to know what my natural hair can take. :spinning:
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well when my hair was relaxed i was told it grew pretty fast,
i thought that i was just afraid to be nappy so at 4 weeks
id be BEGGING for a perm because my NG would be brutally
obvious ... im 5 days into this cut. in few weeks ill see if it
grows or not
I think my hair likes a simple routine and products.if I cowash more than twice a week my hair will break and become quite dry.
I spritz everyday with my own concotion and DC once a week and my growth rate seems pretty good.I d say I grow an inch a month.
I voted neither. My hair has always grown, but I have to work to retain. I had WL hair as a kid/teen, then never got past full SL after 14 because of no moisturizing or ps'ing. My hair would get cut or trimmed to nl and be back to SL within a few months, but APL was nonexistent. Now I know what I was doing wrong and my hair should start retaining.