Are You An Effortless Grower or Someone Who Has To Work For Growth?

Does Your Hair Grow Effortlessly or Does It Take Work?

  • YES: My hair will grow and I can retain length regardless of what I do to it!

    Votes: 71 14.6%
  • NO: I must maintain a strict regimen but I'm willing to do that to reach my goals!

    Votes: 165 34.0%
  • Neither Yes nor No: I have a regimen, but even if I don't stick to it 100%, my hair will grow

    Votes: 235 48.4%
  • Other: Please explain...

    Votes: 27 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been searching and reading and posting (CRCT testing and I'm bored) and I have come to realize that there are some ladies on here whose hair would grow and thrive if they used vaseline, washed their hair every eight weeks, never wore protective styles and flat ironed everyday...Others have had to seriously work to get their hair to wear they want it to be...I think that I am somewhere in the middle...When I was a young girl, my hair was very long (like HL or longer-see lhcf album) with mimimal work. As a young adult, my hair maintained at SL to below SL, even though I was manipulating it daily (including at some points: relaxed, flat ironed, and colored)...However, in order for me to reach my goals, I realize now as an adult that Protective Styles and Low Manipulation Styles are essential (at least on some level for me)...That was the only way for me to get past SL to the current APL:yep::yep:

So, the question is: Where do you fall?
I'm an effortless, fast grower (usually :rolleyes:).....but I have to work my a$$ off to retain. :ohwell:
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:scratchch Well I could be at SL no matter what I did to my hair... and I did it all :nono: But I don't consider SL to be anything to be all happy about. :ohwell: I understand for some women even making to SL is hard but I've never been one of them.

Since getting serious with hair vits and protective styling my hair has run circles around what it used to do when I abused (and I DO mean abused) it.
My hair was probably as never as long as it is now, but I had to work for it! I haven't had a strict regimen the whole time and without the unnecessary trims along the way I probably would be longer by now. In short, it grows anyway, the the condition of it is what I gotta watch out for. Fine hair= easy damage for me.
I have to take my vits religiously! My medications are hell on my hair and without my MSM it sheds like crazy. I can grow my hair pretty well, but I can't keep it on my head without special treatment.
I'm an effortless grower and retainer(I think) as long as I don't abuse heat. My hair has always been long and I only washed during touchups or unless my mom forced me too. It wasn't until I stated thinking I was cute and flat ironing every 3 days (only using herbal oil as a leave in) that my hair started breaking off which is when I cut to the length in my siggy.....but I voted in between....just because my hair was growing long doesn't mean it was the healthiest. My hair feels better than ever now that I actually take care of it.
My hair was below SL while I was flat-ironing, hot curling, and relaxing root to tip every 4 weeks. :blush: Growth was never my issue - retention was. I have learned that there are certain things I cannot do to my hair if I want healthier, longer hair.
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I believe I'm an effortless grower b/c I always was able to grow my hair and majority of the time retain the length but the health of the hair wasn't always there. I never had a problem growing my hair past shoulder to apl but there was usually some breakage or damage to my hair. So now I'm trying to have healthy long hair which is what takes effort.
I'm an effortless fast grower naturally but I still like to 'work' for it with vits, diet, and aides. I don't know if I'd call it putting in effort to retain. Because putting no effort - sporting a sloppy bun for days and weeks, washing bi-weekly and leaving it alone causes fabulous retention. It's when and if I go to a careless stylist or try a bunch of different things is when I get issues.
I have to put in work and remain consistent to see results. I wish I were blessed with the ability to do nothing to my hair and still retain length...
I'd say I am an effortless grower. Not because I am blessed with WL or an inch a month.
It's just because I am too lazy to be bothered with my my hair routine lacks effort and the hair there.
Effortless grower....I've pretty much had long hair all my life. One factor could be because I rarely ever wear my hair down. So I've basically been protective styling all my life. The PS hasn't been because I'm trying to grow my hair, I just prefer ponytails and buns. I think another factor is genetics...Me, my mom and my sister can do almost anything to our hair, and it will still grow long. Before I went natural, I used to always have color on top of a relaxer and I flat-ironed/curled my hair at least 3 times a week, but it was still long. My hair wasn't as thick on the ends as I wanted it to be, but it didn't look bad at all. I'm just thankful I don't have to use a strict regimen w/ a whole bunch of steps in order to grow long, healthy hair. If that were the case I would probably have a twa.:nono:
"I must maintain a strict regimen but I'm willing to do that to reach my goals!" I choose this because I've found that my relaxed hair needs some attention unless I want it to break off faster than it is growing.
It really doesn't matter if I have a strict reggie or if I just go with the flow. My hair will grow and retain regardless. That is to say if I don't go overboard with the heat and the chemicals (I mean like everyday usage of heat & overprocessing constantly with chemicals). Overall, I can get away with a lot of stuff or soing nothing at all and still have my hair grow long.
I'd say I am an effortless grower. Not because I am blessed with WL or an inch a month.
It's just because I am too lazy to be bothered with my my hair routine lacks effort and the hair there.

Whoa! So in 18 months you grew your hair to waistlength? How long was your hair after the big chop?

The natural part of my hair has grown from the scalp to shoulder length in 10 months...:yep:
I would say effortless grower. I am not at my longest right now, never had a retention issue either. BUT I am at my happiest. I never had so much fun with my hair. I like blackdiamond1 love wearing my hair in buns, doobies and ponys always have. Not because of anything but me being well lazy.
I am an average grower, 1/2 to 3/4 in some areas but I have to work hard at retaining. I think I've finally begun to retain what I grow, so I shall see if I make my goal at the end of this year.
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I would say effortless, but having the discpline to retain is a challenge for me. I've gotten much better, but had thought nothing of flat ironing on the regular, highlights/dyes and a lot of other bad stuff. I also LOVE a sharp bob and am really itching to get it cut for the summer.

Lastly, I'm not big on protective styling:perplexed
I don't have any problems with growth. I basically came to LHCF to learn how to treat me and my daughters hair. My problem was too much heat and hair dye. Since I left that alone, I've thrived. My daughter, another story. Her hair is very fragile and I have to be extra gentle with her fine strands.
slow grower, genetics against me, fine delicate strands, 4b

...yeah, lol

But not going to give up :)
So, I am the only one who has to maintain a strict regimen and still hope and pray for growth. 3" - 4" of hair growth a year is sad.
I'm an effortless grower, although I voted "in between".

My hair has always been long (APL-MBL) although (before LHCF) I used heat almost everyday, used the worst hair products and sometimes slept on my hair without even a COTTON scarf. My hair was still reataining.

The only difference is, NOW it's moisturized and soft.
My hair has never had any issues with growth, only retention but work seems to get harder after it reaches past NL and it's at that stage now. The only exception is that now I'm actually taking care of it so maybe this time around things won't be so hard.
I picked neither and I have a regimen and even if I don't stick to it 100% my hair will grow.

Before lhcf my hair easily grew to apl no matter what I did to it. But I wanted it longer so I had to start taking some care of it. I don't stick to my regimen all the time and I use heat whenever I feel like it and my hair is still on my head and growing. Hopefully it stays that way lol.
I'm pretty sure I'm an effortless grower. When I was relaxed and natural I grew to APL with no problem even though my hair was not the healthiest in either state. In the past year, I had the BKT and my hair grew from shoulder to BSL although I was using a blow drier and flatiron weekly on the highest heat setting, trimmed 3 inches of hair and wore my hair down daily.

Recently, I gave up the BKT, decided to cut my wash days to every 2 weeks which has reduced my blowdrier and flatiron useage to twice a month and now airdrying before I blowdry. Since doing that I can actually see difference in length from month to month (usually I can't see a difference in that amount of time) and my hair actually looks darker and more hydrated.