Are you addicted to washing your hair? (co washing included!)

Are you addicted to washing your hair?

  • Yes, and I LOVE IT!!! :grin:

    Votes: 246 66.1%
  • Yes, it's annoying, but I can't stop! :perplexed

    Votes: 55 14.8%
  • No, but I was. I'm over it now :yep:

    Votes: 44 11.8%
  • No, I have better things to do :rolleyes:

    Votes: 27 7.3%

  • Total voters


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I am so freakin addicted to washing my hair!!! When I rollerset or flatiron, by the next day, I'm deep conditioning it. I really start to miss my wet bun when my hair's down, so I gotta wash it

When I get in the shower, I HAVE to co wash. The only way I can avoid co washing is to not take showers :look:

I just co washed this morning and I wanna wash it again. I'm itching to wash it

I'm sitting here planning everything out for when I wash tomorrow. I can't wait to get up in the morning and feel that warm water on my scalp :drool:

So who's with me? Who can't stop co/washing their hair?
You and me both girl! If I take 2 showers that day, I cowash twice that day! I remember when picking which condish to use was harder than my classes at school .. now I just use one til it runs out..
I wash AND Co-wash daily and my hair LURVES it.

Been doing it for years and never have trouble with breakage, splits, or retention whether natural, bone-straight, texlaxed, "colored", or anything in between. :grin:

I <3 water on my scalp!
You and me both girl! If I take 2 showers that day, I cowash twice that day! I remember when picking which condish to use was harder than my classes at school .. now I just use one til it runs out..

Damn shame! :lachen: :lachen:

I'm starting to use up my stash too. It's so hard to not go out and get new products, because almost everything I have right now is just "okay" I want better stuff! :ohwell:
This is a cute thread! I'm definitely addicted; I'm always looking forward to it, planning for it, and since I usually do it in the morning, the night before, I'm like a little kid on Christmas Eve ~ all dreaming about how I'm going to open up my presents (Conditioner!):lachen: and wash my hair.:grin:

Hi everyone. My name is Tara ... and I'm addicted to washing my hair.

(and the crowd says, "Hi, Tara!")

But ummmm yeah ... I have a problem. :look: I co-washed this morning, but I feel like I have build-up. So .... errrrrr uhhhhhh ... I'm 'bout to clarify.

Yeah ... gotta problem.
*raises hands in shame*

yes, yes, yes, i am ADDICTED to washing my hair. i don't do it daily, yet, but i do it at least 4-5 times a week. i co-wash daily.
I was, but I've gotten lazy. I don't like the bathroom in this dorm so having to go in there and wash my hair is always a nuisance. When I move back into my dorm for the school year life should be back to normal.
I was, but I've gotten lazy. I don't like the bathroom in this dorm so having to go in there and wash my hair is always a nuisance. When I move back into my dorm for the school year life should be back to normal.

i feel ya...i've gotten lazy too. i used to cowash all the time but i've slacked up big time. i do still love to wash my hair though.
i looooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee co washing:lick:. but i flat ironed my hair yesterday and it looks amazing. i never thought to use salerm on my wet hair before i blow dry and flat iron but i did and my hair looks so shinny and its sot.
anyway, i was co washing everyday until yesterday. i plan on keeping my hair straight until i recieve my shescentit order and then i will deep condition with the banana brulee conditioner. cant wait.

Hi everyone. My name is Tara ... and I'm addicted to washing my hair.

(and the crowd says, "Hi, Tara!")

But ummmm yeah ... I have a problem. :look: I co-washed this morning, but I feel like I have build-up. So .... errrrrr uhhhhhh ... I'm 'bout to clarify.

Yeah ... gotta problem.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I have a lot of buildup too..... I think that's an excuse my brain makes up, so I can have another reason to wash my hair :look:

Current excuses to wash hair so often:
-I have too much buildup
-My hair feels oily
-My hair feels dry
-That girl had her hands all up in my hair. Ain't no tellin where her hands done been :look:
-I'm bored
-When that breeze passed by, I saw a few dirt particles. Now my hair's dirty
-I think I passed through a room where someone smoked. My hair stinks now. Gotta wash it
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i looooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee co washing:lick:. but i flat ironed my hair yesterday and it looks amazing. i never thought to use salerm on my wet hair before i blow dry and flat iron but i did and my hair looks so shinny and its sot.
anyway, i was co washing everyday until yesterday. i plan on keeping my hair straight until i recieve my shescentit order and then i will deep condition with the banana brulee conditioner. cant wait.

Sounds like a plan! :grin:
Yeppers....I CO wash every night, but I love doing it. Last week, I was going to just rinse one night, but I just couldn't do it. I wound up CO washing. I wash on Saturday and sometimes Wednesday if my hair is feeling gunky.
YES!! I always want to cowash my hair when I get in the shower and as a result I can't leave styles in for long because they get frizzy. So I put in kinky twists to try to stop, but I think it curbed the urge for maybe a day lol
Yes, it is annoying, but I can't stop.

I think that I am addicted to the washing part. I love my shampoo and conditioner and the way they smell and feel in my hand and hair. Sometimes I even squirt a little of one in my hand while I am in the shower on non-wash days just to smell it and feel it in my hands (yep I do this and I would only admit this to you guys :lol:).

I just HATE what it takes to do my hair afterwards. It is such a time investment and I have so many other things I would rather be be doing.

That is why I went back to getting my hair braided. I was procrastinating about making the appointment because I knew I would miss my shampoo days, but I knew I needed a break. Even between braids, I soooo look forward to shampooing and deep conditioning it because I know all I have to do it let it dry because I am going back to get it braided a few days later - no relaxer, heat, extra time needed - but I still get to wash my hair. :yep: :love:

Hi everyone. My name is Tara ... and I'm addicted to washing my hair.

(and the crowd says, "Hi, Tara!")

But ummmm yeah ... I have a problem. :look: I co-washed this morning, but I feel like I have build-up. So .... errrrrr uhhhhhh ... I'm 'bout to clarify.

Yeah ... gotta problem.


That's what I voted. Why lie? :look::lol:Washing my hair is like a chore to me.
>>>Phoenixx gasps and points<<<
I had to amp myself up 3 hours before I actually washed.:perplexed
>>>Phoenixx clutches her pearls and swoons<<<
What the devil is this blasphemy, you speak?


I :heart: cowashes.
>>stares dreamily into space ans sighs while petting hair<<
I don't know when my love affair with my hair began.
I wash every single freakin day. I stopped cowashing for 2 1/2 weeks (laziness) and my hair suffered. I don't know why I let the laziness take hold of me....because Lord knows my behind is moisture deficient.
I've learned my lesson.
I love the feeling of water on my scalp, so yeah, I'm probably addicted.
But I flat-ironed today so I won't be co-washing for a week.
I love cowashing.. it is the only way I can prep my hair for styling. At my current length, it's perfect! At first I was trying to build a new regimen where I could cowash less often, but now after seeing this thread, I see I am NOT alone! :grin::lachen: So back to daily cowashing it is!

.....until I notice some problems or setbacks related to it.:sekret:
Yes, I was even thinking about it in church today... I know, my bad!

Also, there have been times while I'm browsing thru this site in the early wee hours of the morning that the posts give me the urge to wash my hair, and so, there I find myself at 2 a.m. washing my hair!
Damn shame! :lachen: :lachen:

I'm starting to use up my stash too. It's so hard to not go out and get new products, because almost everything I have right now is just "okay" I want better stuff! :ohwell:

This is too funny! I thought I was the only one. I luvs me some water on my scalp too!:lachen: I just baggied my whole head on Friday overnite w/Aphogee 2 Min. Reconstructor and rinsed it out on Saturday. The results are in my siggy. I'm so addicted that I'm cowashing right now! I got me some Organix Coconut Milk Split End Mender and Organix Coconut Oil Self Heating. I'm in heaven! :grin: Ain't no shame in my game!!
I used to daily co-wash but it seems that now my hair is longer it's too much work after I wash it and detangling is such a problem for me.:wallbash: