Are you addicted to washing your hair? (co washing included!)

Are you addicted to washing your hair?

  • Yes, and I LOVE IT!!! :grin:

    Votes: 246 66.1%
  • Yes, it's annoying, but I can't stop! :perplexed

    Votes: 55 14.8%
  • No, but I was. I'm over it now :yep:

    Votes: 44 11.8%
  • No, I have better things to do :rolleyes:

    Votes: 27 7.3%

  • Total voters
Yes. :look:

I'm trying to tone it down some now that I'm not living alone anymore. If I can successfully make it till Wednesday without washing, I will feel great. :yep:
I too am an addict. I wash every day. Late last night I washed roller set and flat ironed this morning. Today I hit up Ulta and Trade secret, the only thing was on my mind "My hair is dying I used heat, I need to wash and condition". Im at Trade Secret the girl goes " Your hair looks so nice" I go "yeah thank" Im thinking, I need to wash. My hair is dirty, I need to wash my hair.

BTW .. all junkies... Biolage Hydratherapie conditioning balm is on sale for 13.00.. at trade secret.

See yall, jumping in the shower to ... yup:yay::woot::rocker: WAAAASHHHHH.
*raising hand*

I am becoming addicted as well. Glad to know that I'm not alone (and feeling relieved that I'm not damaging my hair) . . . .

I think of washing my hair as a chance to "start over." Like if I wore my hair curly two days in a row, I'll wash my hair to get the curls out and do a new style.

I'm dc-ing right now (putting it on overnight) to wash in the morning :)
With my new baby, I'm doing good if I can wash 1x every 2 weeks. I used to wash religiously every 2-3 days though, so I know where you're coming from.
I just cowashed for the 3 time in 2 days.

I love how it feels but im soo durn lazy it's pathetic. loool. I love to cowash my hair, but I hate how my friends all think I'm krazy.

I love it when my roomie leaves so I can cowash my hair LOL!

My friends think I'm krazed! Everytime they turn my computer on, it's on LHCF...yeah I think I'm sick. Because of it, I've been slacking on the cowashes. I think I'm finna up them again until December though. I want to be APL so bad. I'll feel better then, even though it seems APL is what SL used to be....still short to me :perplexed
i wash a lot because i exercise every day so it's hard to maintain fresh hair with all that sweating. Lol because when i work out, I WORK OUT haha.
Yes. :yep: I was happy to hear that a lot of people were washing their hair more than once a week. I always wanted to, but that it'll do more harm than good. Now I wash 2x a week. I use to be so anxious for wash day that I'll go buy new products to try almost every time.

I just hate the hrs i have to put it to style :mad: But this balances out the washing addiction.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I have a lot of buildup too..... I think that's an excuse my brain makes up, so I can have another reason to wash my hair :look:

Current excuses to wash hair so often:
-I have too much buildup
-My hair feels oily
-My hair feels dry
-That girl had her hands all up in my hair. Ain't no tellin where her hands done been :look:
-I'm bored
-When that breeze passed by, I saw a few dirt particles. Now my hair's dirty
-I think I passed through a room where someone smoked. My hair stinks now. Gotta wash it

I use the bolded too! I love washing my hair, and I have serious "hand in hair" disease too.

I need help.
I am absolutely addicted to cowashing. Everytime I see a new style or buy a new product I want to run home and cowash my hair (even if I cowashed it hours earlier). I generally cowash about 5-6 times a week. I am going to go back to my lace front because I think I have been manipulating my hair way too much with the constant co washing and setting on rollers or curlformers or bantu knots.
Yes, but my excuse is my hair style is a shrunken fro, so I have to wash it to style it...although lately I've been wearing a wig anyway :rolleyes:. I don't feel clean unless I wash it. I swear I even bathe so I can wash my nasty as that sounds. (I don't mean if I wasn't washing my hair I wouldn't bathe..I mean majority of the time, my motivation to go bathe is so I can wash my hair.. Just had to add that:blush:)
Love it! But I think my hair can only take about 2 cowashes a week. It doesn't like being messed with alot. :nono:

I'm going to try washing my hair once a week for the month of August and see how my hair responds.
I really enjoy washing my hair. I co-wash almost every other day or at least twice a week. The only time I don't do it is when my hair has been roller set or I have an actual hairstyle and I am not bunning. Like for example, I have twist across the front of my head and I already want to take them down and DC. I just got them done yesterday!:grin:

Yes, I know. It's a shame.:lachen:
Fellow addict checking in. It was so hard not to CW this morning (or yesterday) cuz I still gotta do pics, but it's getting done tonight. I'm always excited before getting in the shower and I don't feel completely clean unless my hair gets washed too! I always have excuses too...this guy at a motorcycle club event I went to this weekend had been eating chicken wangs then kissed the side of my head. Are ya kidding me?! Chicken grease?!:sad: I was like :blush: my hair is gonna get salmonella:rolleyes: and be all greasy in that ONE spot...
I believe I'm also addicted to washing my hair, I only have my hair down for two days, and then I can't take it anymore. It's so hot, I love the just washed feeling. I now wash my hair every 2-3 days. I would wash it more, but I do want to maintain some type of style.
Love it! But I think my hair can only take about 2 cowashes a week. It doesn't like being messed with alot. :nono:

I'm going to try washing my hair once a week for the month of August and see how my hair responds.

I thought this said wash once a month at first. I was gonna say, lemme know how that goes:ohwell::lachen:
I am T O T A L L Y over washing everyday. And I don't think my hair likes it that much. So now, I was once or twice a week. One is a cowash, and the other is a poo, condish, & deep. <--My hair loves that one.
:grin:Yes...I love washing... I guess I'm amazed because you would always hear that black people can't wash their hair everyday without it being a mess...well that is so not true. My hair is managed better when wet, since being natural. I love it. More so trying all the new products:lachen:
I am so freakin addicted to washing my hair!!! When I rollerset or flatiron, by the next day, I'm deep conditioning it. I really start to miss my wet bun when my hair's down, so I gotta wash it

When I get in the shower, I HAVE to co wash. The only way I can avoid co washing is to not take showers :look:

Wow I can relate to you! I can rollerset my hair and it can come out GORGEOUS... but I get that itch and a twitch in my eye telling me to co-wash LOL I haven't co-washed in 6 days and I'm driving myself batty. :lick:
If I have to have an addiction this is one I will gladly be proud to have!:yep:

Fellow daily co-washer checking in, I am a daily co-washer and I am proud of it!

Ain't no shame in my game with this one.

My thick crazy, loves to hold water hair likes it, so I like it.

It is thriving, it is growing and it is healthy. Will continue to do this until I change up my hair style to where I can't do this daily, or I reach my hair length, or goodness doesn't work for me anymore.

In the immmortal words of Tim Gunn on Project Runway.....

Carry on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I'm too addicted to cowashing daily. At times I look for a excuse to wet my hair.:grin:
I love washing and co-washing. I'm on my own personal no heat challenge this summer so I cw every night, rollerset and airdry. But when I relax in September I probably won't be cw'ing as often. Actually, I'm pretty sure of it.
I'm extra addicted...I co-wash every other day, sometimes every day! My hair loves it...And as far as the styling goes, I've figured out how to airdry my hair where the front looks like I've kinda put a flat iron on it and the back looks like I'm natural...I'm dealing with the two textures quite nicely!:grin: