Are you a hair snob?


Well-Known Member
My hubby called me a hair snob because he says the only type of hair I complain about is anything not natural. What he means by that is this - I straightened my natural hair and am down here in Boca Raton, Fl chilling. Well it starts raining on our way out the hotel so I run back in to get a scarf to cover my hair and I say "see I would not have to do this if my hair weren't straightened". So he looks at me and said "you never say anything bad about natural hair but you complain when you straighten and color it".

Does that really make me a snob? I do not think someone who relaxes is lesser than someone who doesn't. It's all good to me but he thinks I am one. Would anyone consider themselves a hair snob? If so, why?
CurleeDST said:
My hubby called me a hair snob because he says the only type of hair I complain about is anything not natural. What he means by that is this - I straightened my natural hair and am down here in Boca Raton, Fl chilling. Well it starts raining on our way out the hotel so I run back in to get a scarf to cover my hair and I say "see I would not have to do this if my hair weren't straightened". So he looks at me and said "you never say anything bad about natural hair but you complain when you straighten and color it".

Does that really make me a snob? I do not think someone who relaxes is lesser than someone who doesn't. It's all good to me but he thinks I am one. Would anyone consider themselves a hair snob? If so, why?

I don't think that makes you a hair snob. You just know what you like and you don't like the nonsense of havin to avoid frizz from rain...sounds normal to me.
I know some chicks that turn their noses up at me b/c I do my own hair. As if I'm too broke or not sophisticated enough to go to the salon. However, my hair is longer and healthier than theirs so I let them say what they will. I've saved soooooooo much money by not going to a salon and lettin somebody chop my hair off & brush my wet hair so I think the $900+ dollars I've saved make me smarter than them.
I would consider myself a hair snob when it comes to products but that's only b/c my hair doesn't like drugstore products. When I try them, my hair never comes out the way it's supposed to, so I just gave them up. I figure with the money I'm saving not going to the salon, I can afford to spend on professional products. :look:
You know what I totally agree with you re: hair care products. I am a product snob too b/c I won't use Suave, or any of the cheaper drugstore products because history has proven they do absolutely NOTHING for my hair. My hair responds better to better quality products. My hair would respond to Pantene marginally though.

I know folks rave about Suave but I absolutely abhor their products but I could be hating b/c since my hair doesn't respond to it I have to purchase costlier products and do not realize the savings or results like everyone else. Who knows. LOL!
Whew, I'm happy that my hair respnds excellently to suave and V05. Suave milk and honey conditiones my hair better than nexxus humectress and keracare humecto. I don't know what I'd do if it didn't!

Anyways... you're not a hair snob. You just can see the pros and cons of straight hair and you probably see them with natural hair too.

Like natural hair doesn't frizz up in the rain and look crazy, but with straight hair you can see more shine/length.


Duh... how can you be a hair snob if YOU STRAIGHTENED YOUR OWN HAIR?

A hair snob would not do it.

Ur hubby is... funny.
I wouldn't call your above comment hair snob-ish...but if you say things like "UGH, her hair looks all broken off BECAUSE it's relaxed, or "My hair looks so much fuller and healthier than all relaxed women", or "eww her hair is obviously relaxed and obviously atrocious", or comments like that...I would say that is snobby
LOL yes my hubby is very funny. He claims I never say anything bad when I wear my hair naturally kinky/curly nor do I complain about any condition when I wear my hair like that vs. when I straighten it I complain about the environment and how I now have to adjust - etc.

You know my hair HATES Nexxus products too. Humectress - ick since college back in hair hates it while everyone else's hair loves it.

NYCQT16 said:
I wouldn't call your above comment hair snob-ish...but if you say things like "UGH, her hair looks all broken off BECAUSE it's relaxed, or "My hair looks so much fuller and healthier than all relaxed women", or "eww her hair is obviously relaxed and obviously atrocious", or comments like that...I would say that is snobby
CurleeDST said:
My hubby called me a hair snob because he says the only type of hair I complain about is anything not natural. What he means by that is this - I straightened my natural hair and am down here in Boca Raton, Fl chilling. Well it starts raining on our way out the hotel so I run back in to get a scarf to cover my hair and I say "see I would not have to do this if my hair weren't straightened". So he looks at me and said "you never say anything bad about natural hair but you complain when you straighten and color it".

I don’t think you’re being a hair snob, I think you’re just stating how much more effort goes into maintaining a style that you otherwise don’t wear on the norm (this may or may not entirely be your case). I would complain too if 95% I don’t have to worry about rain with natural hair but the second I spend $$$ for a press & curl, out of the blue it starts pouring outside. Money doesn’t grow on trees!
I know that I take very good care of my hair--better than a lot of folks. I refuse to let people be rough with my hair and do God knows what to it. If that makes me a hair snob then so be it.
It may come off as snobish but it sounds like you are just re-affirming you're personal views about natural hair.