Are you a hair snob?

Are you a hair snob? Do you answer questions about your hair?

  • No, I freely give as I have freely received information.

    Votes: 215 66.6%
  • Not really, it depends on what they want to know.

    Votes: 95 29.4%
  • I wouldnt call it snobbery, but it's no one's business what I do.

    Votes: 13 4.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
I am curious. A few of come here with so-so hair and as the condition improves, people start asking questions. They want pretty hair, too. When someone ask you about your hair, what do you say?

Do you give vague responses like, "Thanks, no I don't anything special"

Do you give responses with great detail like, " I wash every day with conditioner. Yes conditioner. It does clean your hair. Then I oil every night with olive oil. Sure, you can buy it anywhere."

Something in between.

Or is it none of their business?

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I tell people what I do. Don't mind at all. A lady at work recently called me the conditioning queen because I recently shared some info with her.

But, I am not really doing anything extraordinary to my hair. I shampoo/deep condition and use oil on my hair (my leave in water based though). I still use heat once a week. I don't stretch relaxers. I haven't been using any growth enhancers. So when I tell people what I do they are like :look: No secret - nothing major.

But, obviously something is working because I have gotten a lot more comments about the health and growth of my hair.

I am always happy to share, though.
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.
I am curious. A few of come here with so-so hair and as the condition improves. People start asking questions. They want pretty hair, too. When someone ask you about your hair, what do you say.

Do you give vague responses like, "Thanks, no I don't anything special"

Do you give responses with great detail like, " I wash every day with conditioner. Yes conditioner. It does clean your hair. Then I oil every night with olive oil. Sure, you can buy it anywhere."

Something in between.

Or is it none of their business?

I think everybody deserves to have nice healthy hair especially black women so I'll tell anybody who asks me...but that does not happen often, unless it is family. I will go into detail because you have to take all the right steps to improve your hair depending on the condition it is in.
If someone genuinely asks i am happy to share. It actually makes me happy when someone takes notice so i just start flapping at the gums :lachen:
Most people really aren't all that interested.

Let the church say I used to run the full gamut and give all the info only for them to do nothing with it. Now I just refer to the website and if they come back for more (which never happens) I'll give more info. Its usually a waste of my time and irritating so I've changed my approach.
I agree with Honeydew--no huge secret, just diligence. However, I have slowed up on telling people about LHCF after my stinky mother and sister teased me about my internet hair friends.:look: Funny though, I keep hearing them say, "I should come over and let you do my hair." Anyway, when my hair is APL and beyond I'm sure I'll be disseminating much info.:yep:
I love sharing what I know, I want every black woman to know what i do. In fact, when I'm talking to a chick with messed up hair, I always wait and HOPE for the topic of hair to come up so I can give them advice :yep:
Girl it depends. Sometimes when people ask you what you do to your hair, they really don't want to know b/c when you try to tell them (about the shampooing, d/conditioning, oil rinses, etc.) they think you're lying and figure your hair just majestically appears like that each morning when you wake up.

A few times when I have tried to tell people in vague terms that the key is keeping my hair moisturized, ends sealed with oil, and no heat, they usually come back with a stupid response like "oh you just got good hair".
:wallbash:"Well if you think I got good hair, WTF did you just ask me what I do to my hair to keep it healthy and had me to go through all of this BS......and BTW, good hair is any hair that grows out of your head!!"

If it's someone that I think is asking for the genuine health of their own hair, I really don't mind going into detail b/c I think they are more likely to listen.
Man I wish I could hold seminars. I see so many tore up looking heads around here I WISH people would ask me questions, because I would freely give. :yep:
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

:yep: EXACTLY what she said... my sis is my guinea pig so she doesn't count!
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

Yeah, they really think there is some magic pill and don't believe all the diligence that goes into it.
I am curious. A few of come here with so-so hair and as the condition improves, people start asking questions. They want pretty hair, too. When someone ask you about your hair, what do you say?

Do you give vague responses like, "Thanks, no I don't anything special"

Do you give responses with great detail like, " I wash every day with conditioner. Yes conditioner. It does clean your hair. Then I oil every night with olive oil. Sure, you can buy it anywhere."

Something in between.

Or is it none of their business?

I voted I freely give information, but the bolded green response is something that I'm liable to say as well.

My friends know me as the person who stalks the hair forum. Some of them always ask me questions regarding hair care. But if someone asks me what did I do to grow my hair, I would probably say "I honestly do nothing."

I don't take care of my hair, as far as washing and deep conditioning as often as most of you. Although, I do co wash frequently. My regimen is really inconsistent. The only thing I do consistently is moisturize, sleep with a bonnet, and rarely use heat. So that would be nothing special. It's not like I have some secret growth formula.

We've had a conversation about this type of response. Some members felt as if saying nothing is misleading. To that, I say "nothing" (in this example) is relative, just as most things are, and if someone responds to you that way, ask diagnostic questions.
They majority of the people that I come in contact with when they ask about my hair and I start to tell them they go into this you need to be doing this and that bull and don't use this and that so I just try to avoid the hair subject all together cause only my sister on the board understand :spinning:
I tell sometimes what I do. certain peple I don't say anything too because they come up talking ingnorant in the first place. For example: if it is are u mixed type questions or basically saying I can't have hair like this because am black, then I say to myself what is the point of telling them what I do if they r already assuming.
Like some of the other ladies, I will tell someone what I do if they seem really interested.
It depends on 2 things:
1. My mood at the time the question is asked.
2. How the person approaches me, and what vibe I'm getting from them.
A few times when I have tried to tell people in vague terms that the key is keeping my hair moisturized, ends sealed with oil, and no heat, they usually come back with a stupid response like "oh you just got good hair".

I got the response for the first time yesterday!!!! :eek: I was so caught off guard!! I just smh, said 'Okay thankyou' and kept it movin.. :nono:

If someone asks me for hair advice, I'll give you all the info I have IF I think they are really interested. If they don't seem like they are truly interested, I'll just give a general answer like 'Limiting my heat, DCing each week, moistuizing each nite and mainly leaving it alone.' :yep:

But I have had 3 of my friends really ask for geniune help with their hair, so that made me feel good. :D I'll try to hook someone up with a regimen in a minute! :lachen:
It depends on 2 things:
1. My mood at the time the question is asked.
2. How the person approaches me, and what vibe I'm getting from them.

This is really me all day. #2 can supercede #1 even if I'm not in a good mood. In general, I don't get in a whole lot of personal discussions. Ideally, I'd like to share, but it seems that nobody really wants to hear more than a miraculous "monkey ball sweat" concoction. A lot of people are just rude and tacky, like interrupting a conversation, then the answer will be short and sweet, i.e. I just take care of it. Nobody really wants to hear, weekly deep conditioning, low manipulation, no direct heat/color, I try to just leave it alone.
I have tried to share many pointers with people I am close to. My mother don't want to hear about it, she just wants the products.She right now is running her mouth in her salon about how I used dominican products on her hair, and how she loved the results.
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

Yeah, this seems about right to me. Most folks REALLY don't want to know. Unfortunately, folks in the real world still live under the concept that Black women simply can't have WSL or tailbone length hair.
If somebody REALLY wants to know, then I would refer them to LHCF.
A short answer I give is that I started taking vitamins and eating heathier, which is oohh so true.
I can sort of feel when someone wants to REALLY know between just wanting to make a random comment on my hair growth.
FYI: I'm 2inches away from APL.
Considering where I came from (in terms of my hair) I'm not. Outside of people who know me well I've been asked twice. One of the ladies who asked was in a computer class I teach, the other was the receptionist at one of my client locations.

If people are genuinly interested, I tell them that its not an overnight process and it took me two years to get where I am now. For some thats two years too long.

My girlfriends think I'm crazy, they've asked and then their eyes start glazing over:lachen:Now I tell them don't ask unless you want me to answer.

I am not, BUT I don't do anything really special to my hair. I think most people think in order to get your hair in good condition you have to have this elaborate regimine.

I think less is more, at least for me. I always feel like I am not giving enough info, but truthfully I have no problem sharing information, it's just there is not that much to share.

I don't have certain days that I wash and condition my hair on, if I feel like cw-ing daily, I do, if not I don't. There are certain months I use an un-Godly amount of heat on my hair and others that I don't use any at all.

I just hope people don't automatically assume that someone is a hair snob because they don't have a lot of info to share.
Depend on who it is. My friend asked me what hair vitamins I was taking and I just told her biotin because she's the type that doesn't listen to advice. Her hair is long and she mentioned she wants it waist length. Yet, she continues to go to a scissor happy stylist that cuts off her progress. I tried to give her a tip and told her that her stylist was incorrect when she said that her hair wont grow unless it got trimmed. She said she knew that but yet continues to go to her. I guess if the person genuinely wants help, I'm happy to share.
I'm definitely not a hair snob. I try to give as much detail as I can when people ask me questions. I've gotten a lot of great advice in this forum too. As far as I'm concerned, sharing tips and advice is what it's all about!:yep:
I couldn't vote :sad: I wish I could share the wealth of knowledge I've gained here with other people, but unfortunately I am in a graduate program where most of my colleagues are either caucasian or asian, and frankly they don't need my help/advice :ohwell:... but I'd be happy to share if the opportunity presented itself :yep:
I don't mind telling people on here what I do. However, I don't have any pics up to show anyone my hair (go figure). But, IRL, people approach me all the time about my hair, especially when I wear it down. I dish details, they frown or look at me like I'm crazy, so I keep it moving. It's the same way with my family. I've gotten to the point now where I don't even bother. My words go unheard, but the same questions keep being asked over and over. So, I just say thank you and tell them to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid):grin:
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

ITA. I'm the same way. I don't go into much detail unless I see the person is really interested. Cuz like you said most people want instant gratification w/ no work.
I just give them the info that they want. I've even written lists of 4 or 5 good products for people to start with if they are really that interested. Generally you know the ones that are interested because they go get the paper and the pen. Like someone said the main things are just regular conditioning, protect, moisturise and seal. I was tempted the other day to tell this lady I'd just met that she should moisturise and protect her ends but I didn't know how to broach the subject; it was business so I had no reason whatsoever to be talking about hair and I was only with her for like 10 mins. The colour looked good but her ends were so dry and breaking badly:nono:. In the end, I didn't say anything...
I always share how deep conditioning really keeps my hair healthy and retaining growth (Finally, I understand that...thanks to LHCF!). Also, I will let the person know that I rollerset mostly. No hair snob here.
I play it by ear. Most people don't want to do the work involved in cultivating long hair they wanna know what's the magic product that's gonna do it for them.

If someone tells me a particular problem they're having and asks for suggestions, I divulge.