are 'White Men' reeeeeeaally getting it?


New Member

As I mentioned over in the WBTCSGI thread, I'm shocked(not appalled, mind you, my dh is of the 'persuasion') because I've only personally known 5 black women that admitted to dating/sleeping with white men. I'm including marriage in the 'sleeping with' for those who don't do sex outside of marriage.
I'm just wondering how much is online trash-talking and celebrity-awe.

Say there's an attractive non-celeb WM, will you really git down(sex/marry whichever)? Fer real now.

Have you been with men from different backgrounds? If yes, any comparisons/insights/observations? i want dirt. well as much as possible w/o breaking forum rules...:angeldevi

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

~nosy kayla
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Now I have never gotten down with a white boy before but the thought has crossed my mind. But he has to be (if this makes sense) a black boy type white boy for him to even get noticed like that. :look:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

yes, my bf is white. so obviously a white boy is getting it :lol: he's the only bf i've had so i cant compare it to being with a black boy.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

sky_blu said:
Now I have never gotten down with a white boy before but the thought has crossed my mind. But he has to be (if this makes sense) a black boy type white boy for him to even get noticed like that. :look:

I know what you mean. My crush is like that. He's really built with nice muscles and broad shoulders. By the way, I have gotten down with a white guy and all I can say is its hot...seeing your skin together and whatnot. But in the end, men are men.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Well, I am married to a "white boy", so the answer is yes for me. I have dated men of different backgrounds and my issues are always related to culture instead of race. I don't care what race someone is as long as I feel comfortable culturally with that person. That happens most often with white men. This is, in part, due to religion and tradition...and the other details of my own background. There is also the simple issue of who approaches me. That was, of course, a large factor in determining who I would end up dating.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

i like white boys in real life too :lol: I have never actually dated one though. My first serious BF was half white/half black and my second serious BF was Bengali. So i'm open to all sorts of people. My motto: HOT is HOT!! doesnt matter where you're from or what race you are.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I love me some whitemeat :lol: You said you want dirt (within forum rules) hmmm how can I put it? Wellll, the small myth is so not true!!! Whoever said the brown next to white skin is erotic was right on point. And I know I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but thier feet are a turn-on (if you hae a foot fetish like me). I love men w/nice feet... and for the most part... ok, I'ma say it... a brother's feet well.... :ohwell: Y'all know what most brother's feet be lookin' like :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

My beloved is white. He is also a prince among men.

I've seen men of all colours without clothes on (in my present job in surgery), and no, the myth is not true. :p

Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Caramela said:
And I know I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but thier feet are a turn-on (if you hae a foot fetish like me). I love men w/nice feet... and for the most part... ok, I'ma say it... a brother's feet well.... :ohwell: Y'all know what most brother's feet be lookin' like :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

My funny, handsome, white boyfriend is gettin' it...and good. ;)
I've dated guys of all just takes someone with that chemistry and a wicked sense of humor, to make me want to stick around.
This guy is the love of my life...and I ain't going nowhere. :love: :love:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

another cosign on the skin contrast fun! that ish rox!:lol:

I'm also like felicia in not being able to compare. I did 'see' a brown one once but the encounter didn't go beyond that. I wasn't impressed at all but I can't say that Oscar Meyer can represent all men of african descent. that's one reason why i'm diggin for dirt. like have I missed something?

OTOH, i've seen and known a few 'white' ones(back in my freer days:cool: ) and they were uh... quite substantial except for one 'short short'. can you believe he actually apologized for it?<shakes head> last i heard he was still single too.:perplexed
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Four of the six men I have dated and been sexually involved with were Caucasian. I tried dating a black man and well, it was not working. I tried dating another one and that did not work out either. One was Caribbean the other AA and I honestly don't see a difference. The two I have dated were NEVER willing to have "sushi" night but demanded I served them all the can you ask to receive and not give in return??:confused: They were also very cheap and one considered going to Subway having a romantic dinner:look: :look::look: :ohwell:

Comparatively, all my white counterparts wanted and begged for "sushi" all the damn time. Spending on me was never an issue and neither was traveling and having vacations away. With the black men I dated they never took the time to ask what I wanted and only demanded that I cooked for them, and served them in the bedroom. Though I am willing to give black men another chance, I think my preference are still with white men..given my experience you see why, right?:lol:

And as someone said, don't believe the hype...white men can definitely get down!:grin: :grin: :grin:
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Caramela said:
I love me some whitemeat :lol: You said you want dirt (within forum rules) hmmm how can I put it? Wellll, the small myth is so not true!!! Whoever said the brown next to white skin is erotic was right on point. And I know I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but thier feet are a turn-on (if you hae a foot fetish like me). I love men w/nice feet... and for the most part... ok, I'ma say it... a brother's feet well.... :ohwell: Y'all know what most brother's feet be lookin' like :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

:grin: :grin: :grin:

i'd say my fetish is scent. even when i used to go to concerts in HS and end up in the crush there was something crazymaking about the way some of them smell. no wet-dog bizness either. hard to describe but it's just this warm natural smell. they don't all have it though. one guy i dated always smelled too sweet, it made me ill.. and my ex husband had very little discernible body odor at all but sometimes a sour-ish thing going. gag. :barf: sometimes he smelled a bit like my mother.

***but back to the yummies:

maybe it's that they tend to wear less fragrance/deo? that's the one part of the MMc on Oprah interview that caught my attention. i couldn't tell if she really thought he smelled great or was just agreeing to be nice.

i mean, what was she gonna say.".no Matt, stink!"?:grin:

**Anyway, when we were dating(and still when we're apart) i'd keep DH's worn t-shirts.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Parvathi said:
The two I have dated were NEVER willing to have "sushi" night but demanded I served them all the can you ask to receive and not give in return??:confused:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

sky_blu said:
Now I have never gotten down with a white boy before but the thought has crossed my mind. But he has to be (if this makes sense) a black boy type white boy for him to even get noticed like that. :look:

i think i mean like guys who are 'white' physically only, but most of their culture, demeanor, etc. is 'black'? i dated a white jewish guy(BTW, huge but unimaginative w/ his) from brooklyn kinda like that. it was interesting while it lasted(different worlds) but i was too 'white' for him and vice versa. LOL!:grin:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Caramela said:
I love me some whitemeat :lol: You said you want dirt (within forum rules) hmmm how can I put it? Wellll, the small myth is so not true!!! Whoever said the brown next to white skin is erotic was right on point. And I know I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but thier feet are a turn-on (if you hae a foot fetish like me). I love men w/nice feet... and for the most part... ok, I'ma say it... a brother's feet well.... :ohwell: Y'all know what most brother's feet be lookin' like :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

lol at the feet! My hubby of 15 yrs is white and he has the softest most well formed feet I've ever seen, lol! I don't understand how even the soles of his feet are super baby soft! I love playing footsie with him :lol:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Parvathi said:
Four of the six men I have dated and been sexually involved with were Caucasian. I tried dating a black man and well, it was not working. I tried dating another one and that did not work out either. One was Caribbean the other AA and I honestly don't see a difference. The two I have dated were NEVER willing to have "sushi" night but demanded I served them all the can you ask to receive and not give in return??:confused: They were also very cheap and one considered going to Subway having a romantic dinner:look: :look::look: :ohwell:

Comparatively, all my white counterparts wanted and begged for "sushi" all the damn time. Spending on me was never an issue and neither was traveling and having vacations away. With the black men I dated they never took the time to ask what I wanted and only demanded that I cooked for them, and served them in the bedroom. Though I am willing to give black men another chance, I think my preference are still with white men..given my experience you see why, right?:lol:

And as someone said, don't believe the hype...white men can definitely get down!:grin: :grin: :grin:

i hear u...:lol:

see i've heard about this inequity from friends so much!

funny enough the one guy that didn't do sushi(well there were a few half-hearted swipes) was the aforementioned negrified white jewish guy. WTHs up w/ that?!:ohwell:
wait, this is crazy, i'm remebering somthin'

one of my friends dated a guy from our HS who was 'black' but just his body. his musical tastes, demeanor etc were so-called 'white' and we talked years later and she said he was an Iron Chef at sushi. it still makes me laugh at the thought of it cause he was sort of a nerd but it figures.

is sushi-eating cultural?
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I also liked the way by skin felt against my white guys skin. Maybe its in my head but I feel like my skin is warm and his is cool so when you put the two together the heat just travels. I know corny, but I don't know how else to describe it.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Cichelle said:
Well, I am married to a "white boy", so the answer is yes for me. I have dated men of different backgrounds and my issues are always related to culture instead of race. I don't care what race someone is as long as I feel comfortable culturally with that person. That happens most often with white men. This is, in part, due to religion and tradition...and the other details of my own background. There is also the simple issue of who approaches me. That was, of course, a large factor in determining who I would end up dating.

same here! :yep:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I'm gonna keep this brief...

Yes, the size myth is a just a myth. :lol:
Black, White, Puerto Rican , Mexican, Phillipino, Persian... all delicious :lick: ... but some are better than others (not race dependent). :look:

First kiss - white boy
First love - white boy
Lost virginity - white boy
Formerly engaged to a white boy

White boys can be hot, but I must say that the Persian tore my :censored: out the frame!! :eek:

Men are men. Some are wonderful in everyday life and in bed... and some are not. However, I can honestly say that I had less overall drama from those who were not Black. I try to judge people individually and I will date a man of any race as long as he is right for me.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
is sushi-eating cultural?

Not that I can tell. I've only been with BLACK men and I have had more than my fair share of "sushi nights".

And to answer the original poster's question I like handsome, funny, intelligent guys no matter the race.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

sunnyjohn said:
My beloved is white. He is also a prince among men.

I've seen men of all colours without clothes on (in my present job in surgery), and no, the myth is not true. :p


:grin: :grin: :grin: so, the verdict is in!
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

HairPhoenix said:
I'm gonna keep this brief...

Yes, the size myth is a just a myth. :lol:
Black, White, Puerto Rican , Mexican, Phillipino, Persian... all delicious :lick: ... but some are better than others (not race dependent). :look:

First kiss - white boy
First love - white boy
Lost virginity - white boy
Formerly engaged to a white boy

White boys can be hot, but I must say that the Persian tore my :censored: out the frame!! :eek:

Men are men. Some are wonderful in everyday life and in bed... and some are not. However, I can honestly say that I had less overall drama from those who were not Black. I try to judge people individually and I will date a man of any race as long as he is right for me.

:lachen: :lachen: how so? can u give more detail w/o getting me banned for starting this mess? i'm dying to know...
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I've dated white guys. I hung out with a black guy once. I say "hung out" instead of dated because he didn't ask me out, he asked me over his place and we sat in his living room and watched TV on our "date". That's certainly not due to him being black, because I've met a couple of white guys like that, too. I'm done with those types of guys, though.

I never slept with a black guy, so I can't compare, but I always thought the myth wasn't true.

Parvathi, speaking of sushi, the last guy I dated just loved it, like it was a Happy Meal or a Dairy Queen sundae.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

MeccaMedinah said:
Not that I can tell. I've only been with BLACK men and I have had more than my fair share of "sushi nights".

And to answer the original poster's question I like handsome, funny, intelligent guys no matter the race.

thank goodness! phew!:grin: too bad it's not a first date-appropriate question
cuz, i sho would've asked if i could.:grin:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Can someone please tell me what sushi is? I'm confused =).
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

WomanlyCharm said:
My funny, handsome, white boyfriend is gettin' it...and good. ;)
I've dated guys of all just takes someone with that chemistry and a wicked sense of humor, to make me want to stick around.
This guy is the love of my life...and I ain't going nowhere. :love: :love:

High 5 and a bump w/ 3 snaps on that one!!