
New Member
ok, now i know before this board, i didn't really think about ingredients and stuff that i put in my hair. it was pretty much WHATEVER. But ever since then, it has been a different world.

Last night, I went to a party, mind you, I haven't put anything like GEL in my hair for about four years, but since im natural, I couldn't just straighten it in an hour, so I wore a slicked back ponytail. Well, I needed something to hold my hair down since i had to wet it so it would slick back,and my friend brought out her gel. YIKES! It was garnier fructis, and it had ALCOHOL, after much begging and pleading with her for something else, she finally convinced me to use it. I couldn't even do it myself, she had to put it in for me. I was cringing and everything because I was so scared it would break my hair off. The whole time she was laughing and even called her friend to tell her that I was so picky about the stuff I put on my hair and that it was ridiculous. Yes it did work, very well actually, but as soon as I arrived home at about 2 am i ran to the shower and scrubbed it out. I was so scared, of course it came out fine.

Have any of u had this problem? What has the LHCF boards done for you? Are you overprotective?
Wow girl, that's a bit shouldn't be so scurred of everything!:lol: I do know how you feel tho, I try to stay away from drying alcohols etc but sometimes when I'm in a rut and I must use it then I gotta do what I gots to do!:look: Then I immediately wash out the unhealthy things from my hair, my logic is if it's something you don't do too often don't worry about it just wash and move on...I feel that I know enough about hair care to take care of myself when I slip up!;)
yeah yesterday, I had to suffer the "I can't believe it looks" from both a black and white stylist after I told them that I don't grease my scalp. I don't because it makes my head itch. I put products on my hair and not my scalp. I only put hair grease on my ends and that is only when it is extremely humid outside. The last thing I put on my scalp was some pomada de azufre and I only do that once a week.
Not that protective but the board has made me aware of reading labels and being more aware of what is working for my hair.
*** tip keep a small bottle like 4oz. of aloe gel in your purse at all times. I've got a HAIR emegerency kit in my purse with about 6 key items. Never leave home without out one! :grin:
luckymonkey1307 said:
ok, now i know before this board, i didn't really think about ingredients and stuff that i put in my hair. it was pretty much WHATEVER. But ever since then, it has been a different world.

Last night, I went to a party, mind you, I haven't put anything like GEL in my hair for about four years, but since im natural, I couldn't just straighten it in an hour, so I wore a slicked back ponytail. Well, I needed something to hold my hair down since i had to wet it so it would slick back,and my friend brought out her gel. YIKES! It was garnier fructis, and it had ALCOHOL, after much begging and pleading with her for something else, she finally convinced me to use it. I couldn't even do it myself, she had to put it in for me. I was cringing and everything because I was so scared it would break my hair off. The whole time she was laughing and even called her friend to tell her that I was so picky about the stuff I put on my hair and that it was ridiculous. Yes it did work, very well actually, but as soon as I arrived home at about 2 am i ran to the shower and scrubbed it out. I was so scared, of course it came out fine.

Have any of u had this problem? What has the LHCF boards done for you? Are you overprotective?

I definitely have this problem. It impairs my ability to be able to go to the shop and actually enjoy somebody else doing the work b/c I'm like, Where is she goin with that brush? Not to my head! or Why is that iron THAT hot? We don't need that much heat.
LHCF has done a ton for me. Much of what I see here I knew before I got here, but I've still learned some THE best tricks of the trade from these phenomenal ladies.
I am very overprotective...especially the closer I get to my goal. I'm going to a really nice Italian dinner tonight, and I thought about getting a blowout, but nope. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know that I'll be where I need to be in about 6 weeks so I'm just doin a dried wash & go, and I'll be wavy & sexy. :lol:
Nothing wrong with being a lil overprotective. Most of my friends think I'm WAY too protective with my each her own. :look:
Divine Inspiration said:
I definitely have this problem. It impairs my ability to be able to go to the shop and actually enjoy somebody else doing the work b/c I'm like, Where is she goin with that brush? Not to my head! or Why is that iron THAT hot? We don't need that much heat.
LHCF has done a ton for me. Much of what I see here I knew before I got here, but I've still learned some THE best tricks of the trade from these phenomenal ladies.
I am very overprotective...especially the closer I get to my goal. I'm going to a really nice Italian dinner tonight, and I thought about getting a blowout, but nope. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know that I'll be where I need to be in about 6 weeks so I'm just doin a dried wash & go, and I'll be wavy & sexy. :lol:
Nothing wrong with being a lil overprotective. Most of my friends think I'm WAY too protective with my each her own. :look:

I totally relate, sometimes I demand that they let me read the product ingredients before they put it on my hair. I am just paranoid that some of the products out there are out simply to make your hair fall out so that they can sell you something to "grow it":look:
karezone said:
I totally relate, sometimes I demand that they let me read the product ingredients before they put it on my hair. I am just paranoid that some of the products out there are out simply to make your hair fall out so that they can sell you something to "grow it":look:

OKAY?!?! I'm like, Why are you flat ironing my hair with something that contains SD Alcohol???? WHY??!??!?! :mad:
I really think that oftentimes stylists get caught up in using their chair as an assembly line and just randomly slappin whatever's there on everybody's head. This is NOT ok...and this whole "I'm just gonna wash her hair with whatever's at the shampoo bowl" business will have me ready to fight. :mad:
I totally understand!! When the lady did my flat twist and she put some oil in it, I grabbed the bottle and read the ingredients. The worse part was when she was detangling from the root down!!!! WTH!! Lastly she sprayed Razac hair spray in some areas and I could feel it tingling on my scalp (alcohol). I vowed to learn how to do my flat twists so I don't have to go through that again. Its also why I wont go back to my Orlando stylist. She doesn't handle my hair like LHCF said she should :-)
we are going off on anti-stylist rants. I know they teach them healthy hair care in some beauty schools, but they just get out and act a fool and actually expect you to pay and tip!
if we dont look after our hair no one else will. people always have something to say about you when you're looking after your hair/health. screw em. i'll be as protective as i want. its my damn hair.
that's right! You have to worry about your own hair b/c a lot of stylist have made it evident that they are just chasing paper.
It's not being ovber protective, it's just being protective. :)

We should care about how our hair is handled and what products go into it.

I gave my self a touchup today and I used about 5 different towels so that none of the relaxer was transfered back into my hair. I soaked my instruments in water+neutralizing poo. I asked repeatedly about if I had any pink suds :lol:

On a regular day I do't put ANYTHING in my hair that is bad for it. If I'm going somewhere I take at least some of my products with me. I don't even lie down on the couch without a scarf or bonnet. People that I allow to play in my hair must forst get a playing in hair class :lol: cuz people are not going to be frizzing my hair up or breaking it off :nono:

It's good that I'm so protective, cuz my hair is longer and healthier than it has been for my whole life.
i agree with being overprotective. Its the only way to be, if you want to keep your hair health and length. Sometimes my head feels like glass, i cant remember anytime this year without laying down without a scarf, even those intimate times, cos those can cause the worst damage, if you know what i mean... :grin:
i am so glad to hear that i am not the only one who is very protective, i agree, if i am not, then no one else will be, and shoot, it is my hair, let me do what i want to do with it!
I'm overprotective in the way that I cannot lean back in the bus or the subway with the ponytail behind me :eek: -- my ends!! I put the ponytail in front of me instead so I always keep my ends protected...preferably inside my jacket/coat/sweater. When it comes to products, I use the same things day in and day out so I don't worry about it. And I don't go to salons so I don't have to worry about other people handling my hair - yes, that's mega-overprotective! :grin: