DC is truly what you make of it and who you associate yourself with. It's one of those cities where you have to know people in order to enjoy your time.
I've never dated anyone that was actually from DC, because (no offense to the natives) I don't like the way the men look. From the dreads with the dirty scalp, the ill fitted jeans, the New balance sneakers, driving lincoln cars with hub cabs, the accents, i'm just turned off! Not to mention the 1 in 3 statistics (HIV)
However, the men that aren't from DC are completely different IMO. And yes, they have major attitude! Successful; educated, great career/job, in shape, well dressed, traveled and articulate they feel as someone mentioned earlier, they are entitled. They all care about their happy hours and the gym.
My life in DC is so dull, that's why I escape home (New York) monthly. Maybe, I'm not putting myself in the right circles- scratch that, I'm not putting myself in the right circles, but when I was out and about, I just couldn't get with the Vibe here.
You def. need a car in DC or some friends that drive, unless you live directly on the metro lines. And trust, I can't express this enough where you live makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE. I've ran across men, fine dudes, my IBM (ideal black man) that won't date me because of where I live...Once I was in Kramerbooks in Dupont, just to relax and get away from my apt and this fine brother walked in it must have been around 2am anyway, he asked if he could sit down, i agreed and we had good convo. As soon as I told him where i lived, he gave me the GTFOH face and he was completely turned off. Then he had the nerve to ask why I lived where I lived...I politely told him, because I PAY MY RENT, And it's what I can afford. He looked at me as if I said I had AIDS, and was like, "yeah, I don't go in that area, sorry, it was nice talking to you, but this won't go anywhere."
Another time, I was with some friends from college and we were at a club in Adams Morgan, mixed crowd and this white dude was really feeling me, he brought we a couple of drinks and offered to give me a ride home, I told him, I would catch a cab, but I appreciated the offer, and he was like, "are you afraid of taking me to your house" and I told him, not at all, I just didn't feel comfortable cuz we didn't know each other and he asked what part of the city i lived in and I told him, he was like, Oh that's the ghetto, do cabs even go there?
I say all of this to say, make friends before you come here, have a car and be prepared to have a LDR or be single.