Are single women 30 and over more likely to end up with a younger man???


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the other day about my future. I'm 32 , single with no prospects. Could it be that single women who are 30 years old and over are more likely to end up with a younger man?

I'm starting to wonder that the odds are leaning towards that. It seems men that are within their 30s are mostly in a serious relationship, engaged, married with kids or divorced with kids. So what does that leave to single women in their 30s. Younger men mid 20s who are not hung up about divorce or past kids etc.

Could this be it? Is this what might end up happening to most of us?
My BF is 8 months older than me. He's 36 and I'm 35. I personally preferred NOT to date guys who were too much younger. When I was 30 I dated a guy who was 25 and that last a quick month.
I was wondering the other day about my future. I'm 32 , single with no prospects. Could it be that single women who are 30 years old and over are more likely to end up with a younger man?

I'm starting to wonder that the odds are leaning towards that. It seems men that are within their 30s are mostly in a serious relationship, engaged, married with kids or divorced with kids. So what does that leave to single women in their 30s. Younger men mid 20s who are not hung up about divorce or past kids etc.

Could this be it? Is this what might end up happening to most of us?

Hmm, I don't know about that... well at least in my case, the youngest I've met who are serious about settling down are about 27. (I'm 31). However, I would have NO problem dating a man 4-5 years younger than me if he was serious... younger men are hot! :lick:

I still think that there is a decent-sized pool of men in their early 30s who are single and available and who are good candidates for marriage though. They just might be a little harder to find because they're not necessarily on the social scene, but they're out there.
I'm 33 and I realized that I'm open to dating younger men. I will date someone that is maximum 10 years younger than me. I came to the realization that age (after 21) is nothing but a number. It's the maturity, the intelligence, etc of the guy that matters most to me. It's the compatiabilty of him and myself.

Plus I realized, that men are immature no matter how OLD or how YOUNG they are. I think it's best to judge it on a guy by guy preference.

I tried a younger man (casual and, 12 years younger) and found whilst we had a good connection, he had communication problems i.e. promising we'll meet up and I don't hear from him for a few months then, call me with a lame excuse.

He knows better to ring me now.:hammer:

Lemme look for a no so older guy with no kids AND haven't got any emotional/special needs problems.