Well, that's the Jewish belief. And, I'm uncomfortable with the suggestion that people without the belief of a carrot at the end of the Rope of Life can't be moral. What about all the Christians that just think they need to be saved - actions don't matter? What about all the Muslims who blow themselves (and others) up because they think it'll give them a fast pass to Jannah? What about people who believe in predestination? And you didn't mention Buddhists? Are they unworthy too?
Belief in heaven is not usually directly connected with ones actions. I am an atheist and I don't hold my tongue about how I feel. But I'm also the one giving people rides from school, stopping to let a stranded motorist use my cell phone, helping lost tourists, and volunteering my time in the mental health community - because it's a bytch to be alone in a hospital. I don't believe I will get any supernatural rewards for any of that. I do them because I want to live in a world where people do similar actions. If you want something to happen, you have to start it, you know? Maybe someone will be inspired to pay it forward.
Most people who perform good actions are not thinking of eternal rewards. I'm willing to bet my lefthand on that. Truly. They are just good people who feel compelled to be good for goodness sake. Quite frankly, I find the religious community to be no more helpful or kind than the atheist community. I have lots of issues with atheists, but our morality is not one of those things. Someone on one of my atheist sites had surgery and she had a 3 page thread of people checking up on her and asking if she needed anything. That says volumes right there.