Are biased about where/who you get your hair advice from.


Active Member
Hey everyone,
So it turns out that i've been living under a rock and had no idea that once you cross that line into the permed/relaxed/texlaxed territory you are not allowed- well 'not' is a bit hash, let's put it this way,a lot of People asume that if your hair is under this 'condition' then you can't possibly use the same products or routine you used when you were natural. With this premise my question is, If someone's hair apears to be in a healthy state will you take advice from them regardless of if their hair has been chemically treated or not? I'm asking this out of pure curiosity. I don't know how to create a poll yet, sorry.
Healthy hair is healthy hair. And if it's clear they've been doing something right I'm all ears. I may not do what they do word for word but I'm still listening.
I only listen to older women with longer healthy hair. I know its sexist and ageist but whatever. I take it all with a grain of salt because my mother had healthy hip length hair all my life and totally screwed up mine so you can't really ever know for sure.
I'm definitely biased! I ONLY take hair advice from ppl whose hair is healthy. I absolutely hate it when ppl with nippy, chewed up hair chime in with their hair "knowledge" :lol:

Now as far as their hair being relaxed, natural, long or short that doesnt matter to me. Only the condition of their hair is important.
No, I'll take advice from naturals, texlaxed, or relaxed heads who have healthy, long hair and have been on their hair journey for some years.
I'm natural and I have taken tips from people who are relaxed and telaxed. I look at their results and how healthy their hair is. I have a Indian coworker who educated me on how to use henna and amla. She also gave me some Vatika oil. As long as their hair is healthy , I don't mind the advise .

I also remember your video when you and your mom were talking about amla and how it benefits the hair.
I'll listen to the advice from naturals-bone straight relaxed heads. I'll even take the advice of someone with type 1 or type 2 hair. But, only if their hair looks good & appears healthy. Hair is hair. & even though certain styling techniques & moisture needs are different, you can still learn something new.

Of course I wouldn't listen to them if what they are saying sounds off to me. Like if they put slug juice on their scalp or something. But if it sounds practical, I will mostly likely take their advice into consideration.
:yep: I would take advice from any natural, texlaxed, or relaxed sista on this board. I'm less likely to take advice from a non-LHCFer. :look:
I'm always up for ideas and suggestions! My goal is to see healty hair on all Black women regardless of relaxed or natural. As long as a sistah isn't telling me about my hair and they hair looks chewed up like a dogs toy, I'm down! (And normally that is who is telling me about my hair...SMH)
I'll listen to the advice from naturals-bone straight relaxed heads. I'll even take the advice of someone with type 1 or type 2 hair. But, only if their hair looks good & appears healthy. Hair is hair. & even though certain styling techniques & moisture needs are different, you can still learn something new.

Of course I wouldn't listen to them if what they are saying sounds off to me. Like if they put slug juice on their scalp or something. But if it sounds practical, I will mostly likely take their advice into consideration.

Your siggy is HE-Larry-US!
i take general advice from anyone with white hair...well i take general advice from anyone with "ethnic" hair. when it comes down to advice on product, how to style and such i usually look for ppl with healthy, long relaxed hair. i feel like the advice will be more specific towards my hair type.
As long as their hair looks healthy I'm all ears. And if their hair is jacked up, I'm still all ears so I know what NOT to do :look:
I'll listen to anyone on this board who I believe has healthy hair. The same with people outside of this board.
Just like I wouldn't take ask for career advice from someone who works in McDonald's or I wouldn't ask for medical advice from a baker, I won't take hair advice from anyone who's hair isn't what I want mine to be or doesn't have the same challenges that I have.

By challenges I mean that since I'm relaxed, my challenges are going to be different from those who don't use relaxers. I also suppose that women with different textures might have different challenges too but as long as their hair is healthy and close to my hair texture, I might be inclined to take advice from them too.
I'll consider all advice given from all people so long as their hair is (a) in a condition I admire. (b) the advice seems likely to work for my hair type.

If they hair is jacked up or the advice is just impossible to be workable for my hair then I ignore them. For example if someone is recommending I wash my hair everyday with shampoo and their hair isn't remotely textured I'm going to be skeptical.

I'm more likely to product recommendations from women who have curly or kinky hair. IME, they are often working with similar challenges with regard to dryness and/or tangles. Raving about a moisturizing conditioner when you have wavy or straight hair might have me note the product on my "check out" list, but I'm not necessarily going to be in a rush to buy it.
I'm biased to an extent. I'm willing to listen to and appreciate advice from anyone relaxed, texlaxed, natural when it comes to healthy ways of helping my hair. If they are giving advice, I need for their hair to not only be healthy, but to have some length to it. If it's long AND healthy, I feel you've been doing something right and I'm more inclined to listen.

Oh, and when it comes to product recommendations, I usually listen to though who have more coarse hair than mine. If it works for a 4b, then it'll work for me! That's kind of my way of thinking.
I am absolutely biased about where I get hair advice! However, it has nothing to do with whether they are relaxed, natural, texlaxed, etc. It's ALL about the HEALTH/CONDITION of their hair! :yep:
Whats good for the geese isn't always good for the gander, what works for the apple won't qualify the Banana. Yet, when it comes to hair, you just don't know sometimes until you try.

We could have the same hair type and products work totally different. I listen to everyone, the good, bad and chewed up. LOL

All for knowledge and learning. What works and what doesn't. We all make this board go round. :)

Thanks Ladies!
If you have healthy hair I will take advice from you. Now I may tweek it to fit my hair's needs and my lifestyle, but I will take heed to the basis of what was said. I now have healthy hair practices that came from relaxed ladies, natural ladies, and even some white ladies too. I'm greedy, I want ALL the knowledge I can get!
I listen to everyone's advice...but I only apply the advice of those who have something to be desired...To me it's not all about length,texture or even health. It's me saying I like what I see.
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I take advice from people who have longer healthier hair than me and who are natural and who have a texture and density similar to mine. I have given myself too much heartache trying to follow the advice of people whose hair does not behave like mine does. In the end this means that I don't take advice from too many people anymore, but that's cool.
Alot of things that worked for my relaxed hair don't work for my natural hair. But I know my hair well enough to know whether something will work for me or not. So if someone gave me advice I would have a pretty good idea whether it would work for me or not.

I listen to advice that sounds good to me and that I think will work for me doesn't matter whether the person giving the advice is relaxed or natural.