Aquarius Men

Yes, mad fun, great conversationalists, empathetic, egotistical, sees the good in every situation, the people's champ, very sociable, good in bed and hella secretive and sneaky...
From my experience:

Emotional, friendly, makes you feel comfortable, committed, GREAT in bed

Not so good things from my experience:

Jealous, overprotective, trust issues and indecisive/inability to follow through from start to finish
^^^ Yes, ma'am to everything you added on. I was engaged to one, and sometimes date another. I think they are great for fun but wouldn't want to get into a serious relationship with one again.

If you can deal with all of that, they are not bad though...
My father is one....he's a great thinker, very logical, gets tired of friends easily, gets offended easily, very suspicious, fun to be around, tons of friends,everyone loves him.

Same applies to a guy I was just talking to who is an Aquarius also, except he was also bored easily, would switch up on me, and could care less what I had to say at times LOL
I dated an Aquarius. He was into music production, very smart when it comes to technology and computers, great conversationalist, funny, freaky as all get out. He was extremely good at reading people. He figured me out so quickly I was shocked. I thought he was a indecisive and didn't make good choices. Maybe too much of a people pleaser and a follower.

Overall, though it was pretty good while it lasted.
I was just going to start a thread about aquarius men, glad I did a search first.

I've never dated one but my close male friend is one and he seems so mysterious to me. I've known him almost a year and I feel like there's another side of him, thats a mystery i dunno..

so far he's laid back, generally a nice guy, looks out for other people, etc.
Dang, it's been a long time for me. From what I can remember:

Dude marched to the beat of his own drum. Always wanted to be "unconventional" or do something different or unexpected.

Off the chain sexual chemistry with Libra women. IMO. Them some freaks. :look: :lick:
LOl... i dated this Aquarius guy for a very short time, but here's what I got from him. Very intelligent, well-spoken, and well-read, funny, good people person, and he was sooooooo cute. OMG, he was such a cutie. Very analytical mind, honest, but also secretive. He seemed to be protective of his feelings. He was also pretty arrogant, which is one of the things that turned me off to him. We didn't work out... I just never felt things "click" with him.

But he was sooooooooooo cute!
Ive dated an Aquarius for three years(an ex) and im a Aquarius as well. There well spoken, educated, an fun person to be around, falls hard and also stubborn at time lol lol have high expectations, sociable /riendly, outspoken,leading i could go on and on
I've dated two Aquarius men and right off the bat I feel like I've known them forever, I fourth the great conversationalist and they will do most of the talking but they also listen, I'm a Libra by the way and our sexual chemistry is always off the chain and I always feel like I can be myself with them from the beyotch to the sweet little kitten and he embraces all of it. Very very fun to be around, great at showing affection, they are also arrogant and they are flirts but can remain faithful if you can keep his attention. Show him you won't take his crap and let him chase you a little bit and he'll always stick around. might have a hard time getting rid of him, as was the case with my two. They don't take rejection well at all.
I've dated two Aquarius men and right off the bat I feel like I've known them forever, I fourth the great conversationalist and they will do most of the talking but they also listen, I'm a Libra by the way and our sexual chemistry is always off the chain and I always feel like I can be myself with them from the beyotch to the sweet little kitten and he embraces all of it. Very very fun to be around, great at showing affection, they are also arrogant and they are flirts but can remain faithful if you can keep his attention. Show him you won't take his crap and let him chase you a little bit and he'll always stick around. might have a hard time getting rid of him, as was the case with my two. They don't take rejection well at all.

I remember feeling like this too with my Aquarius ex-bf. He was very accepting of me, flaws and all. And yes, he was very affectionate, complimented me and told me what he liked/how much he like me all the time. He was a sweetie pie. :yep: I miss him sometimes. :(
Yes, mad fun, great conversationalists, empathetic, egotistical, sees the good in every situation, the people's champ, very sociable, good in bed and hella secretive and sneaky...

From my experience:

Emotional, friendly, makes you feel comfortable, committed, GREAT in bed

Not so good things from my experience:

Jealous, overprotective, trust issues and indecisive/inability to follow through from start to finish
I can cosign to all of that

Aquarian guys are great.... I'm aquarian also so they understand me right off the bat. My ex is aquarian... we not together anymore but we still really cool. Didn't wok because we were too much alike and started getting aggravated with each other :lachen:
I've dated two Aquarius men and right off the bat I feel like I've known them forever, I fourth the great conversationalist and they will do most of the talking but they also listen, I'm a Libra by the way and our sexual chemistry is always off the chain and I always feel like I can be myself with them from the beyotch to the sweet little kitten and he embraces all of it. Very very fun to be around, great at showing affection, they are also arrogant and they are flirts but can remain faithful if you can keep his attention. Show him you won't take his crap and let him chase you a little bit and he'll always stick around. might have a hard time getting rid of him, as was the case with my two. They don't take rejection well at all.

I co-sign with the entire post. :yep: I'm a Libra too and my Aquarius was just like that. Especially @ the bolded.
My daughter is an Aquarius, she asks the most profound questions and is always in a daze, thinking off in left field somewhere. She's quiet but kids love to be around her.

From my experience with an Aquarius man, they have a gentle spirit. Aquarius men can be unattached but can make you feel like you're the only one he wants to be with at that very moment. They like to have a good time, when they want to do something they just do it.
Aquarius have good fashion sense and they may not talk much but they are always thinking of their next move (which gives you that unattached feeling).

They're loyal and good friends to have. The one I dated, is the one I always refer to as the one "I let get away" :wallbash: He will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, always.
I dated an Aquarius I loved that man to death!!!! But a leo and an aquarius aren't necessarily the best match. The sex was AMAZING!!! He was down to be my test buddy in alot of things. Our egos were just too big to be together. I wanted attention and he wanted to feel validated. He had an "if you don't ask you will get what you want policy" I was completely the opposite, I have to say what's on my mind. We fussed all the time I liked it he hated it. And we both were too stubborn to admit we were wrong. He's still my boy to this day. Even though I can't talk to him about who he's dating because i will get mad, I will always look at him as mine.
i'm an aquarius, and could definitely get down with all the aquarian men tendencies posted. we could be sneaky together! :sekret: :love: :sekret:
My daughter is an Aquarius, she asks the most profound questions and is always in a daze, thinking off in left field somewhere. She's quiet but kids love to be around her.

From my experience with an Aquarius man, they have a gentle spirit. Aquarius men can be unattached but can make you feel like you're the only one he wants to be with at that very moment. They like to have a good time, when they want to do something they just do it.
Aquarius have good fashion sense and they may not talk much but they are always thinking of their next move (which gives you that unattached feeling).

They're loyal and good friends to have. The one I dated, is the one I always refer to as the one "I let get away" :wallbash: He will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, always.

OMG. I remember feeling like this too with my Aquarian ex-boyfriend. I was head over heels in love with him because of this too. :love:

I have never felt so wanted, so desired, so special than in the arms of my Aquarian. Even after we broke up and there were long periods of time that we didn't see each other, we would come back together and it would feel just like old times. I remember once, after not seeing him for awhile, he casually mentioned something that I liked - and i was astonished that he even remembered because it had been so long ago.

This was a really deep love affair for me. It's been 10 years and I haven't been in love like that since.
Dating one now for the past year. He truly has all characteristics added in this thread.:yep: This has been one of the best relationships that I've had in a loooooong time. I think it's because even though we are the same age...he has old school values.:yep: He knows how to make a woman feel like a lady.
OMG. I remember feeling like this too with my Aquarian ex-boyfriend. I was head over heels in love with him because of this too. :love:

I have never felt so wanted, so desired, so special than in the arms of my Aquarian. Even after we broke up and there were long periods of time that we didn't see each other, we would come back together and it would feel just like old times. I remember once, after not seeing him for awhile, he casually mentioned something that I liked - and i was astonished that he even remembered because it had been so long ago.

This was a really deep love affair for me. It's been 10 years and I haven't been in love like that since.

Oh Lord!!! That's what I'm fearing with my Aquarian. No love has been as intense since him. But Aquarians are not all that good but he knew how to make me forget his faults, temporarily, I'm a leo I don't let sh** slide like that easily, and since he's an aquarius he didn't like to be reminded about what he did wrong nor did he want to humble himself and jump through hoops for me because he f'd up and lost my trust.
Oh Lord!!! That's what I'm fearing with my Aquarian. No love has been as intense since him. But Aquarians are not all that good but he knew how to make me forget his faults, temporarily, I'm a leo I don't let sh** slide like that easily, and since he's an aquarius he didn't like to be reminded about what he did wrong nor did he want to humble himself and jump through hoops for me because he f'd up and lost my trust.

wow, that is me to a T!!! i HATE it when people remind me of how i messed up... and even more so when they expect me to go out of my way to get their favor back. it's like... ok, everyone messes up! i don't rub it in your face, don't rub it in mine!!!

i like this thread. even though it's about men, a lot of my traits are popping up. astrology is fun :grin:
wow, that is me to a T!!! i HATE it when people remind me of how i messed up... and even more so when they expect me to go out of my way to get their favor back. it's like... ok, everyone messes up! i don't rub it in your face, don't rub it in mine!!!

i like this thread. even though it's about men, a lot of my traits are popping up. astrology is fun :grin:

:lachen::lachen: I know I don't like to be reminded of my mistakes either. Leos and Aquarius really shouldn't be together. It was fun, but our ego and our pride got in the way of us working through our problems. He wanted me to jump through hoops for him and I wanted the same thing. And since we were both to stubborn to bend it just ended. :sad:
I've never dated one, but I get along w/ all Aquarians. They're just so cool! :yep:
There was this one dude back in high school that I remember; he was just so random :lol: I am too though, so I like that. Again, I'm a Virgo, but I think my Ascendent or something is in Aquarius.
Oh Lord!!! That's what I'm fearing with my Aquarian. No love has been as intense since him. But Aquarians are not all that good but he knew how to make me forget his faults, temporarily, I'm a leo I don't let sh** slide like that easily, and since he's an aquarius he didn't like to be reminded about what he did wrong nor did he want to humble himself and jump through hoops for me because he f'd up and lost my trust.

I think Leos and Aquarians are opposite signs. From what I've heard, this means bomb sexual attraction, but completely and wholly incompatible in making a long-term relationship work. :nono: