Apologizing for Mistakes


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get some opinions on this topic ladies:

If your relationship ended because of things that you might have done or said (no matter how big or small they might have been), do you apologize for them? Or do you try to justify them?

Do you find it easier or harder to get over it if it was your fault?

I would apologize, as much as possible for me.... but only for those things that I honestly knew I needed to apologize about. In my current long-term relationship, I had to do this but I justified them at the same time because I felt the way I react to things he had done was correct.
If your relationship ended because of things that you might have done or said (no matter how big or small they might have been), do you apologize for them? Or do you try to justify them?
My last relationship ended because of both of us. I was overtly wrong but the deep underlying relationship issues had as much to do with him as they did with me. Initially, I was nonchalant and then I felt guilty, so I apologized, and then when he did not apologize and wanted to sit on a high horse, I felt sorry that I apologized. Now, many months later, I think I owed him an apology for the particular thing I did to end the relationship but that I should have made it clear that I was not absolving him of overall guilt. I am happy I apologized because it gave me closure, but I'm still irritated that he's out there somewhere thinking his shyt don't stink. :rolleyes:

Do you find it easier or harder to get over it if it was your fault?

How quickly I get over a relationship depends entirely on how much I loved the person not on who was at fault when it ended. I got over my last relationship quickly and am so happy it is over despite the fact that he was basically good for me and kind to me. However, I still mourn my relationship with my first love even though he was terrifying and I ran from him like the devil was after me. I was deeply in love with my first love while I loved my last ex for loving me, and that was what made the difference in how quickly I got over each one.
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I believe in apologizing when I'm wrong. To my kids, husband, friends, even to find closure in past realtionships. For me, it's all apart of the healing process.
I can't say I ever had a relationship end because of something I said. That might be an excuse for any number of things. But I have apologized many times. :grin: I think that being able to apologize when you are wrong shows your vulnerability and that can bring you closer to the person in question. The relationship may never be the same, but you have cleared the air.
I wanted to get some opinions on this topic ladies:

If your relationship ended because of things that you might have done or said (no matter how big or small they might have been), do you apologize for them? Or do you try to justify them?

Do you find it easier or harder to get over it if it was your fault?


I always apologize for my part in things. I cannot rest peacefully knowing I have fallen short or wronged someone in some way and then never apologized for it. Apologizing and forgiving are two things I work hard to do regardless...even though I know we are moving on, they both need to be done. They are non-negotiable for me.
I just had to apologize to my ex lastnight. I knew that he hurt me very badly but I was shocked when he called me up crying telling me how I had hurt him in the past too. Things I did not think about when it happened that he remembered cuz it really bothered him. We had poor communication skills...things could have been different if we had been open right from the time stuff happened so grudges wouldn't have been held.
Thanks ladies for your responses. I recently have had to apologize to my ex for the wrongs that I committed during our relationship.

It was hard to face the fact that I did do alot of stuff that I wish that I could take back. But at the time I felt that I was justified for my actions.

Makes me wonder why it had to come to this for me to see these things. But I guess this is all part of the learning process
I wanted to get some opinions on this topic ladies:

If your relationship ended because of things that you might have done or said (no matter how big or small they might have been), do you apologize for them? Or do you try to justify them?

Do you find it easier or harder to get over it if it was your fault?


lol well i'm funny

If i know i did something bad, i usually blame the other person anyway

then if we deicded to cool it off - and i'm horny, feeling bad etc, i will apologise with the most sweetest phone call, text ever lol

i aint too proud to beg when i evntually realise i did wrong.