APL by Dec 2010!!!

Scheduled my appointment for the 17th, we'll see then if I'm there or not. I've been shedding a LOT lately, so I'm a bit worried. BUT!! Regardless of the outcome, I know my hair is 23 billion times more healthier than it was this time last year!

I still can't believe it's been a whole year! I have learned so much! Not to mention bought so much as well! ;) Keep growing, ladies! And I hope to see you all in BSL/MBL 2011!
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Ladies, I don't think I am going to make it by the end of the year. I have like 2 inches to go so oh well. I am in nubian twists so I can't show the little bit of progress I did get anyways. To the ladies that made it Congrats to you. To the ladies still trying to make we will make it next year!
I'm really unsure of my length right now haha, my hair's been in braids for the past couple of months.
i think i might do a length check at the end of december to satisfy my curiosity.

just wanted to send some positive vibes to ijanei.
you will be apl next year, i'm sure of it!
^^^ I protective styled like crazy. I rarely wore my hair out and I rarely used heat. I stayed in braids and phony ponies for the most part.
I am SL trying to get to APL. How did you ladies get over the SL hump?

I wore my hair in low mani styles once I became full SL and started stretching. Once my hair got longer (like 2" below SL) I started bunning only and went heat free. The stretches were easier when I bunned because I would only comb my hair once/wk and made it to APL without driving myself insane. You just have to leave your hair alone. (or that's what worked for me)
^I am cowashing daily and putting it right back in a bun every morning. I am trying to stay motivated but today I saw some great hair out in these streets. It made me miss my little old hair.
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^I am cowashing daily and putting it right back in a bun every morning. I am trying to stay motivated but today I saw some great hair out in these streets. It made me wish my little old hair.

Oooo I wish I could CW daily :sad: because I LOVE IT! It's just a bit too much manipulation for my fragile strands...I'd wash my hair right down the drain :ohwell:
okay, ladies...i'm about to flatiron and length check. i'm positive i'm not APL, because that couldn't be possible :rofl: but we'll see just how far away i am...
Oooo I wish I could CW daily :sad: because I LOVE IT! It's just a bit too much manipulation for my fragile strands...I'd wash my hair right down the drain :ohwell:

I think my hair likes it. I live in Florida and its not as cold yet although this week is a bit chilly. Since I go from garage to garage its okay.

I have heard of other women cowashing daily. I detangle in the shower and I may get 1 or 2 hairs in my Denman. When I flat iron in January I will be able to see if I have done any damage. I hope not. :ohwell:
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I think I might make it...at least in the back -_-

My hair is responding more to keeping it in single braids with my OWN hair vs twists...:)
Getting nervous! The big final flatironing is only six days away, but I'm afraid that this is the time that my hairdresser goes from a "perfect duster" stylist to a scissor happy one. I know I'm going to need a tiny trim to even up the ends, and I know she's the best and only one for the job, but you always hear about those horror stories, you know?
I feel like a freakin idiot. I should have listened to everyone when you all said dont chop off those ends. Looking back at the pics, they were not really that bad. Dammit. But now everything is evened out and will update in 2wks with pics.
Is everyone okay? @chast @grow
I feel like a freakin idiot. I should have listened to everyone when you all said dont chop off those ends. Looking back at the pics, they were not really that bad. Dammit. But now everything is evened out and will update in 2wks with pics.
Is everyone okay? @chast @grow

I'm doing well! I just bought my first wig (half) and I am in love! It's called Yasmine by Outre. It was originally a wavy MBL wig but I cut it to APL and it will definitely help get me through my next stretch which will prob be 6 months (I'm going to try to stretch all the way through the first half of the HYH challenge)...I can't wait!!!

Where the heck is grow? :missing:
December 2009: The beginning of the journey!

This year went by amazingly fast, I can't believe it! I tied up my flat iron, dumped my hair extensions, and said a final goodbye to my overpriced underinformed BSS. Basically for 2010 I wore my hair in an ugly bun, only flat ironing (and then later rollersetting) on special occasions. I hate the way I look with my hair pulled back, but I figured that if PSing really did work, then it would totally be worth it.

Well, today was the day! When I sat down and took my hair out of its bun, my flat-ironist asked me if I was wearing a weave! :grin: <- that was me grinning my *** off, couldn't help it!

After a TINY trim to get rid of the straggly ends, this is the result:


Woohoo!! Just barely made it! The weird thing is that I've worn most of my weaves at this length, but now that it's my own hair it still feels short! :look:

See you at BSL 2011!
Ok, I did not make it. I was having and still having some breakage for the last 3 months. I am a little past SL now. If all goes well and I am able to stop the breakage I should be between BSL and MBL come December 2011.
Okay, so I will be taking my braids out after Christmas and will flat iron my hair for length check. I don't think I will make it but it will be nice to see how my hair has faired under the wigs for the last several months. XXing fingers!!