APHOGEE HAIR DISASTER (long but pls listen)

How sad this happened to her.

I've been very fortunate that I haven't sustained any damage using the hard core aphogee treatment. I've used it 3 times in the last 4 months and my hair loves it. It's made my strands a lot stronger and I don't have the little hairs all over the place when I comb anymore.

I used it recently before my relaxer and I like to think it improved my hair. I have fine hair so I think I need protein in my life. I never use the moisturizer they recommend I think it's garbage, I just rinse and apply my deep conditioner and leave in for 45 minutes. Aphogee is inexpensive and gets the job done for me.
I've used the hardcore Aphogee treament twice now, and both times it got the job done. My hair felt so strong afterwards and I felt it was good preparation for my relaxer.

I think I'll just continue to use the milder aphogee in alternate weeks now, which seems to be working for me. I will now only use the stronger version if I get breakage.
The same thing happened to me when I used the hard Aphogee. Most of my hair just completely matted over--no amount of rinsing fixed the problem. I used as much moisturizer as I could and just combed and combed and combed 'til all the knots were gone. It took days and I lost a significant amount of hair. That was my biggest setback since I BC'ed. I really thought it was because I was natural---I'm surprised this happened to a relaxed head. Big hugs and deep conditioning!
Oh my gosh, this is a blast from the past! 5 years later and I'm doing so much better-wow, i have been on this site a reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly long time! Lol!
i didnt read the post so i dont know if the other ladies told you this already or not but you should always follow up a protein dc wiith a moisturizing dc