Apartment horror stories....


Well-Known Member
When you first moved out of mom and dad's....

Well my sister (caribeandiva), a close family friend, and myself have decided to take the leap. We're finally getting our own place:trampolin!!!!!
I would love to get some advice from you ladies and if you'd like to share any stories of what happened when you first moved out of your parent's house. We're excited about decorating but I'm aware that some land lords don't approve of painting.:spank: What colors and decorations do you think would work well, in each room? (living room, dining room, bedrooms and bathrooms).
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:congrats:On moving out...I remember I got my first place at 18 years old..Decorations is really preference type of thing....My advice is... it is really hard for women to live together...respect each other space and personal items...Don't stick one person with all the housework....Sit down and make house rules..example: how much each person will put in on bills , food , etc..
How often you'll have company...At 22 years old I let my best friend at the time move-in with me...My house was a revolving door..I didn't have any peace or privacy...Of course it didn't work..She had to move..I thought I knew her so well but I didn't realize how messy and junky she was.. These are things we should have talked about before moving her in..

Getting your first place is exciting ....I wish you guys the best of luck!!
:congrats:On moving out...I remember I got my first place at 18 years old..Decorations is really preference type of thing....My advice is... it is really hard for women to live together...respect each other space and personal items...Don't stick one person with all the housework....Sit down and make house rules..example: how much each person will put in on bills , food , etc..
How often you'll have company...At 22 years old I let my best friend at the time move-in with me...My house was a revolving door..I didn't have any peace or privacy...Of course it didn't work..She had to move..I thought I knew her so well but I didn't realize how messy and junky she was.. These are things we should have talked about before moving her in..

Getting your first place is exciting ....I wish you guys the best of luck!!

That sounds like my situation right now lol. That's one of the main reasons we're moving. lol