Encouraging/positive hair stories

I never was one for braiding my-own hair but,once i started...The compliments rolled in/about the stlye and how nice it looked on me..even in professional settings..Some people said twist/braids would never work in that kind of environment/to there surprise it's working...Go Me! Happy Hair Growing!
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i watched a few YT videos Saturday morning while i was sitting under the dryer. i was able to do a nice pin up style from a roller set. my coworkers kept telling me how pretty i looked and that i looked like i was getting married! lol hopefully, i can master some more updo styles that can semi protect my hair and not cause damage.

i am happy that i am getting my hair on a healthy track on my own. it will be a big accomplishment for me to get my hair to healthy BSL. i think it will give me the confidence to go back to Cosmetology school to get my license for hair.
shortdub78 we NEED more stylists that know how to grow healthy hair!!!
This is a nice thread, thnx OP

Mine is a lil corny:look: After we moved to a state with hard water, I suffered a major set back. I was depressed and I was going to give up on my hair journey. DH sat me down and said, how can you give up? You have to take care of your hair regardless, you've been doing such a great job of it! Get on your hairboard and ask the ladies to help you, I mean that's what it's there for right?:look: Welp, I got the help I needed and I'm back on track:yep:
Firstborn2 dh sounds sooooo cute not corny at all,lol
Congrats!! Learning to do your own cornrows is hard, Awesome work @PinkPeony @Your Cheeziness

Get ready for them to start with the questions if they haven't already :yep: You may be able to lead some of them out of darkness :lachen:

That's a major milestone. Most of my hairspirations rarely length check, they're consistent and practice healty techniques. It works!

:blush::grin:I would have been too thrilled that chick chased me down in the parking lot to ask about my hair. Get it girl!

My story is short. I LIKE MY HAIR!!:yep: the end. :lachen:

More info: I recently BCed (and many of you may be sick of hearing about it:lol:) but I thought I wouldn't like. TBH I didn't care because I was ready to be natural and I was prepared to just "go with it" until my hair grew on me. Well, no need... I liked my hair at first snip!

kittenz hello girl,i know how you feel I just bc'd thinking I'd have troubles getting along with my hair but I like it(love once I will figure it out lol)

Wow this thread has taken off love all the stories
Nonie I never get enough hearing your story it's like a LHCF fairytale lol
bigbrowneyez your hair is def. long can't wait for the pics!
Aggie I haven't seen you in a minute,love the new do!!
Charla your story is soo cute and yes I love the support/knowledge that can be found online
, do you have a yt channel?

KumakoXsd that is HUGE, look how far your hair has come healthwise and how much you learned, trust me I was there once.The biggest change for me happened at the very beginning of my hair journey when I realized I could have healthy hair and that I could take care of it and manage it on my OWN

I'll be back ladies!
@KumakoXsd that is HUGE, look how far your hair has come healthwise and how much you learned, trust me I was there once.The biggest change for me happened at the very beginning of my hair journey when I realized I could have healthy hair and that I could take care of it and manage it on my OWN

I'll be back ladies!
Thank you so much. In the beginning I didn't understand it and I didn't realise that even going wrong was a learning experience I could build upon. I'm slowly making progress and I'm still learning. I went from knowing nothing about my hair, to knowing almost everything about it. I went from not taking care of it, to taking care of it every single day. I've come a long way and thank you so much for your encouragement, I really needed to read this!
:hiya2:Hi everybody! I had another boost of encouragement yesterday. I share a lot of my hair goals and ideas with my mom and she just humors me most of the time. She's not too sold and still believes some of the old school principles but I've been showing her pictures and she's slowing coming around. She's never discouraged me or been negative but I can tell when she's not too convinced. For example when I show her pictures I basically have to look for darker skinned women with "typical" black hair to impress her, anyone else and she'll comment on how light they are or say they have "growing hair". Well yesterday, I was in the car with my 4 day old hair in a puff and she saw some curlies and got excited. Her comment: "Look at those curls, your hair is going to be down your back!!! Who would have thought I had a white girl." LOL :lol: I love my mommie!!
I think one of the most flattering things that's happened on my hair journey are the people that I've inspired to go natural (including my mother, who wore a curl for decades, a few cousins and some friends). It really has been a positive experience. :yep:

I've also probably been most surprised at how men sometimes react to my hair. My hair was never really long before going natural and with shrinkage you can't really tell what length my hair is. But the few times a year that I do straighten my hair, the reaction never fails to surprise me. I have men do triple takes, yell out of cars that they love my hair, and ask if they can run their fingers through it. :blush: I'm not sure how all the long, straight haired ladies handle it. :lol: I'm not sure I could take that kind of attention day to day.

But I've even gotten a lot of love for my curls. I had one guy seriously tell me that me that he adored my natural hair and that it was the epitome of what a woman's hair should be. :blush3:

The ladies of LHCF, and people who have posted on my fotki, have also been really kind and encouraging. :) Which was especially helpful on the two different occasions where I had big set-backs from stylists turning a trim into a major hair cut (I think I've learned my lesson on that front).
Two years ago, APL and beyond hair seemed mythical to me. I don't consider all the time I spend on my hair to be vain at all. It's a testament too how I can set a goal for myself and stick to it.

Now that my hair is "long", people listen to my advice and take it into consideration.
My sister who is texlaxed said "What did you do to your hair? It looks like you meant to do it." :lachen: That was a major complement from her who has decided to never go natural. I am finally getting the hang of my twistouts.:grin: