Dont let them pressure you into trimming or anything else. It's your hair, not theirs. Be firm and tell that ****/beetch that "no thank you, I don't want ____"

Let them measure how much they want to cut with their own hand, not scissors. Have them turn you towards the mirror and have them swipe their hand down towards the length they want to cut off. THEN they can proceed to actually cut it if it's ok.
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have a consultation with them. I remember I went to somebody new and before I let her do anything, I asked a lot of questions. She laughed at me but she answered all of them and said nobody has ever asked her questions before. She is really good, but I can't afford her right now.
JLove74 said:
if you don't like what's being done to your hair - SPEAK UP, right then and there.

ITA with this one. I have subjected my hair to sup optimal treatment because I did not have knowledge. But I had instincts and I didn't listen to them. So... If it doesn't feel right, they lack respect, they are distracted before or during a chemical process etc... just walk away... your hair will thank you.