Anyone use Rogaine? Need help/advice!!


New Member
What I thought looked like a thinning hairline might actually be a receding hairline. I've been using a combination of Surge and Nioxin on my hairline - some parts of the hair looks like it's getting longer, but it seems like the thinning part is 'moving back.'

My hair is relaxed and relatively healthy. It's just my hairline that's giving me trouble. Does anyone here use Rogaine? If so, do you have relaxed hair?

Help a sista out!

I have never used rogaine before, but my mother has. I think that you should be cautious, because what they don't tell you is that you have to use it FOREVER to continue to see your hair growing. I think there is some type of hormone in it that helps with hairgrowth. I don't remember my moms hair getting longer but I do remember that after she stopped using it her hair stopped growing .I think that the Surge and Nioxin should be good to use actually I was thinking about combining those also. Are you not seeing results, or are you just tired of waiting like I am. I have a thinning spot on my right side and have been taking care of it for months and I see a little progress and I mean a LITTLE. It's so frustrating somebody PLEASE help us.LOL
I have never used it, but I think you should think about it and search for more info before considering it. The main ingredient in Rogaine is Minoxodil which is used medically for certain heart conditions so investigate all potential side effects. Also those people that uses Rogaine has to use it continuously because when you stop you will loss the growth. And some people reported an increase in hair loss in the beginning of use. So just think long and hard before you start using Rogaine.

Try other options like what you're doing and also stop all tension you may be putting in that area suchas braiding and pulling the hair back. You may also want to increase your protein intake. Massage Vit. E to the thinning area some LHCF'ers have stated that this worked for them. Also consider the products you are using in that area (Surge & Nioxin) which may cause driness and causing breakage.

My hair is thin also especially in the crown area, but it is getting better. It has taken almost 2 years of TLC of that area for me and others to notice that it is getting thicker. Anyway, continue with what is working for you and have some patience, it will get better
I've used it for a hereditary thin hairline. My hair grew like crazy! The negative thing was that it grows hair everywhere it touches. If you spray it in your hair, particles might land on your face or your ears and hair starts sprouting up everywhere. My eyebrows were super thick and I had a mustache, UGH!. I felt like a ChiaPet. It is true that once the hair grows you have to continue using Rogaine to maintain the growth. However, when your hair grows in to the desired consistency, then just touch up those areas a couple of times a week to make sure you don't lose it. Just incorporate Rogaine as something in your usual hair care system. It's affordable now, like $24.99 a bottle, but well worth every penny. I recommend it.

I'm probably getting impatient. I think I will continue to use the Surge and Nioxin throughout the summer - if I don't see some (even a little) improvemet by then, I will definitely think about the Rogaine. I'm a little worried about the side effects though.

Thanks for the advice,
Thanks for the advice Hotchocolate. I must say, it sounds like Rogaine might be helpful, but the side effects may not be worth it. I've been using the Surge and Nioxin for about four weeks now (I know that may not be long enough) and I might be a little impatient. If you say it took you two years to see some improvement, I guess I can afford to be that patient.



Is your hair relaxed? If so, did you notice the Rogaine changing the texture?
