Nioxin - Beyond Follicle Booster


Well-Known Member
Greetings to all -- I went to a stylist earlier this week and asked her for suggestions concerning my thin edges and slightly thinning crown - told her that I was using Nioxin Follicle Booster on the edges (original, not the Sally's bootleg). She said that it's important (critical) to also use the shampoo and conditioner. I had never paid the other products any mind and never even noticed that they have so many different "systems" - i.e., 2 - 7(?). :perplexed I did a little research on here and, from what I've seen, it's a random mixed bag - reviews are all over the place.

QUESTION: has anyone had great results with one Nioxin system versus the other? Also, do you have any other suggestions for this type of product? -- something that presumably blocks DHT but is short of the financial and long-term commitment of Rogaine. (Got my castor oil, rosemary, basil, ghee, etc. mixtures on lock and use them regularly - they've been great for overall growth but they are not thickening my hairline fast enough for me.) I'm self texturized but probably more natural than not -- i.e., I still have to dodge the weather in order to prevent frizz/reversion. Cause of thinning is a mixture of hormones, stress and weave/traction.